Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

"Cede jobs"? That's a new and interesting fake news spin. I suppose Barry Hussein's vow which was made public to "wean the U.S. off it's dependence on oil" didn't cede energy jobs to China? The hysterical left doesn't seem to know which way to turn these days. Is cheap energy good or bad for America?

"I have no idea what that meant."
what does this mean?...GEEZ, is there anything self evident that liberals do not need explained to them?

"And, I know people who are "renting" their roof space like I said, and they are very happy with having lower energy charges."

Lower? why aren't they non-existent energy charges?

"Plus, your "shut off your electricity" is something you should explain."
First look up the word example, then understand that electricity is brought into your home through a metered gauge, on that meter is a shut off switch, if that switch is shut off there will be no 'nasty' electricity coming into your house thus performing the magic of "creating new watts" of electricity, your bill will reflect that and you will not have an electric bill for which I will take only 25% of your savings instead of the 50% you would be paying.

I also know people who have solar panels, all have them in the back of the house so they cannot be seen because if they were any uglier they would be considered art, but they also keep their "RELIABLE" source of energy turned on, one friend says that his monthly savings is about $12.00 a month and while he intends on keeping it he says he woud not do it again given the choice, and another friend has abandon it all together but has kept the solar panels on his roof because the removal is just to expensive..., all that text for something that really should not have needed explaining at all

"I have no idea what that meant."
what does this mean?...GEEZ, is there anything self evident that liberals do not need explained to them?

"And, I know people who are "renting" their roof space like I said, and they are very happy with having lower energy charges."

Lower? why aren't they non-existent energy charges?

"Plus, your "shut off your electricity" is something you should explain."
First look up the word example, then understand that electricity is brought into your home through a metered gauge, on that meter is a shut off switch, if that switch is shut off there will be no 'nasty' electricity coming into your house thus performing the magic of "creating new watts" of electricity, your bill will reflect that and you will not have an electric bill for which I will take only 25% of your savings instead of the 50% you would be paying.

I also know people who have solar panels, all have them in the back of the house so they cannot be seen because if they were any uglier they would be considered art, but they also keep their "RELIABLE" source of energy turned on, one friend says that his monthly savings is about $12.00 a month and while he intends on keeping it he says he woud not do it again given the choice, and another friend has abandon it all together but has kept the solar panels on his roof because the removal is just to expensive..., all that text for something that really should not have needed explaining at all
Wow. That's just more confusion!

But, I note your concern about how it works when one of these companies puts solar panels on your roof. The deal there is that they do ALL the work and supply ALL the parts and do ALL of the electrical connection stuff and then they get paid back by SHARING the benefit of lower energy costs with the homeowner.

Modern homes have stuff like clothes dryers and electric water heaters that use more power than can be generated by roof top solar collectors of today (or ever), so one can't be disconnected from the electricity grid entirely. Also, night time power would have to be stored in batteries - and that is expensive and not part of the deal. There ARE home sized batteries for sale today, but I don't know of any company that is going to give you one of those!!

Yes - not all homes qualify for this kind of deal. For example, here in Seattle we don't have that much rain, but we do have a lot of cloudy days. Also, some areas don't allow meters that can sell electricity back to the grid - a feature required for real benefit. For example, some houses are shaded by trees. And, as you point out, some people wouldn't like where the solar panels would need to be placed or how they look.

Solar panels are improving, though - both in efficiency/power production and in looks. If your solar panel WAS your roof (not just some attachment to your roof) it would probably look a lot better.

Your friend with the $12 savings is probably being constrained by one of the above problems. I wouldn't do it for $12, either.

"I have no idea what that meant."
what does this mean?...GEEZ, is there anything self evident that liberals do not need explained to them?

"And, I know people who are "renting" their roof space like I said, and they are very happy with having lower energy charges."

Lower? why aren't they non-existent energy charges?

"Plus, your "shut off your electricity" is something you should explain."
First look up the word example, then understand that electricity is brought into your home through a metered gauge, on that meter is a shut off switch, if that switch is shut off there will be no 'nasty' electricity coming into your house thus performing the magic of "creating new watts" of electricity, your bill will reflect that and you will not have an electric bill for which I will take only 25% of your savings instead of the 50% you would be paying.

I also know people who have solar panels, all have them in the back of the house so they cannot be seen because if they were any uglier they would be considered art, but they also keep their "RELIABLE" source of energy turned on, one friend says that his monthly savings is about $12.00 a month and while he intends on keeping it he says he woud not do it again given the choice, and another friend has abandon it all together but has kept the solar panels on his roof because the removal is just to expensive..., all that text for something that really should not have needed explaining at all
"Wow. That's just more confusion!"

Really? because it is as rudimentary as I am capable of

"But, I note your concern about how it works when one of these companies puts solar panels on your roof. The deal there is that they do ALL the work and supply ALL the parts and do ALL of the electrical connection stuff and then they get paid back by SHARING the benefit of lower energy costs with the homeowner."

Which goes to the point of my post, that it does not prove or explain it as a benefit...and as an "EXAMPLE" I offered to shut off your electric to your home in which case you would be saving 100% in electrical costs with no cost to you and I would only charge you 25% of that savings...does that sound good to you?

"Modern homes have stuff like clothes dryers and electric water heaters that use more power than can be generated by roof top solar collectors of today (or ever), so one can't be disconnected from the electricity grid entirely. Also, night time power would have to be stored in batteries - and that is expensive and not part of the deal. There ARE home sized batteries for sale today, but I don't know of any company that is going to give you one of those!!"

OK, we got common ground here, basically these "new energies" are nothing more than mechanical subsidies, not replacements

"Yes - not all homes qualify for this kind of deal. For example, here in Seattle we don't have that much rain, but we do have a lot of cloudy days. Also, some areas don't allow meters that can sell electricity back to the grid - a feature required for real benefit. For example, some houses are shaded by trees. And, as you point out, some people wouldn't like where the solar panels would need to be placed or how they look.

Solar panels are improving, though - both in efficiency/power production and in looks. If your solar panel WAS your roof (not just some attachment to your roof) it would probably look a lot better."

this is what needs to be explained when advocating for renewable energy sources, they are just helpers like insulation, not replacements for the current standard

"Your friend with the $12 savings is probably being constrained by one of the above problems. I wouldn't do it for $12, either."
perhaps, but he was sold the idea in much the same way you first presented it here...but I do feel differently now about why you first posted this than I did prior to this post

Sorry about the way this was quoted, not sure what glitched on me
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.

No, sounds like you regressives should quit lying. What China does inside their borders is their business and costs us nothing.
It's worse than that. We can't keep giving up important market segments and expect to remain economic leaders.

Remember that we are the 5%. Those who have only 5% usually have to actually work to be the ones out in front.

5% of what? And exactly what market segment are we giving up? On a per capita basis we created more green energy jobs than China.
We are 5% of earth's population.

We we talk nationalism as a direction, we are cutting ourselves off the vast majority of the marketplace.

The US imports only 18% of China's exports. It's not like we have them in some sort of bind. When we sit by and watch the formation of a trans-pacific trade deal that doesn't include the USA (but includes Canada, Mexico, Australia, as well as Asia), we're giving up massive economic influence.

And, that translates to influence in national security, human rights, etc., as well as economics.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling. LMAO The turd known as TPP will be renegotiated to eliminate all the MMGW shit and fix a few other disparages by people who will protect our interest and not give away the farm like this regime did. Everything will be fine.
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.

Our private sector has been researching clean energy and eventually will come up with solutions. Meanwhile, you can move to China if you think commie countries are so fucking great.

Trump isn't abandoning anything.

The left was appeased when Obama pretended to fund green energy companies, like Solyndra, but billions were spent on what looked like a money laundering scheme. Solyndra produced nothing. Neither did the other fake companies.

All Dems have to do is talk pretty and their supporters swoon. Never mind that no results are seen. Just like with the global warming solutions. Money redistribution but not a measureable change in climate. But, as long as the lefties feel good.
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.

Our private sector has been researching clean energy and eventually will come up with solutions. Meanwhile, you can move to China if you think commie countries are so fucking great.

Trump isn't abandoning anything.

The left was appeased when Obama pretended to fund green energy companies, like Solyndra, but billions were spent on what looked like a money laundering scheme. Solyndra produced nothing. Neither did the other fake companies.

All Dems have to do is talk pretty and their supporters swoon. Never mind that no results are seen. Just like with the global warming solutions. Money redistribution but not a measureable change in climate. But, as long as the lefties feel good.
Clementine...wish that was my post...and signature...well done
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.

Hey Cooter, I see you were SPOT ON again, lololol!

Do you actually try to get everything bassackwards, or is it just a LEFTIST talent you have, hehehehehehehehehehehehe!

Credibility? You have ZERO, and ARE a phony-e-baloney! Congrats, I think you are the 1st to be proven totally unreliable on ANYTHING.

Time to get a new sock, cause this one is up in smoke; and not the kind of smoke that comes out of a peace pipe-)
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.

Hey Cooter, I see you were SPOT ON again, lololol!

Do you actually try to get everything bassackwards, or is it just a LEFTIST talent you have, hehehehehehehehehehehehe!

Credibility? You have ZERO, and ARE a phony-e-baloney! Congrats, I think you are the 1st to be proven totally unreliable on ANYTHING.

Time to get a new sock, cause this one is up in smoke; and not the kind of smoke that comes out of a peace pipe-)

How was he wrong? Did China not create the jobs? Did the US create a million new jobs in renewables?
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.

Good, let them piss their money away on idiotic bullshit that isn't economical fesable or effective. They more they spend on that kind of bulshit the better it is for us.
Beijing will create 13 million jobs by 2020, investing $360 billion in clean energy, while Trump vows to abandon the sector.


China is preparing to go big on the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades.

Beijing’s newest 5-year energy development plan invests a stunning 2.5 trillion yuan ($360 billion) in renewable generation by 2020. Of that, $144 billion will go to solar, about $100 billion to wind, $70 billion to hydropower, and the rest to sources like tidal and geothermal power.

The Chinese National Energy Administration said in a statement Thursdaythe resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”

China is already doing way better than the U.S. in this regard, and President-elect Trump’s commitment to opposing clean energy will not make things any better. As the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported last year, China already has over 40 percent of all jobs in renewables, globally, while the U.S. has under 10 percent (see chart above).

We know clean energy jobs are the only major new source of sustainable high-wage employment in the coming decades for several reasons.

More: Trump to cede millions of high-wage jobs to China

Why is Trump abandoning clean energy for dirty coal? Sounds like we should learn to speak Chinese.
This is news from the 80's lacky, you just changed it from "SOVIET UNION" to "CHINA".

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