Trump to grant blanket amnesty, give non-Americans special rights


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
The Donald is awesome. He claims the fourteenth doesn't pertain to children of undocumented people because said undocumented people aren't subject to U.S. Jurisdiction.

This is going to save us boatloads of money :)
...his hard line on immigration has driven rivals to match his biting anti-immigrant language and positions long considered extreme. It risks another general election cycle in which Hispanics view the party as unfriendly no matter who the nominee is, Republican strategists warned.

National Republican strategists warn that catering to the most hard-line voters on immigration in the nominating contest will hurt the party in the general election...
Well, that should make the left/dem creams their jeans and run right out and vote for him. don't beat each other up trying to get there first.
Other than diplomatic immunity, who is not under U.S. law while in the U.S.? Who can break U.S. laws while on American soil, and be exempt from consequences?
Maybe NAs, in certain cases.
but that isn't really important. What is important is that Trump and his supporters claim that undocumented Mexicans aren't under US jurisdiction. In other words, they are free to do as they please without penalty.

How cool is that?
Other than diplomatic immunity, who is not under U.S. law while in the U.S.? Who can break U.S. laws while on American soil, and be exempt from consequences?
Foreigners are exempt from many U.S. laws, like paying income taxes. Americans have to file a return no matter where in the world they are living. Foreigners don't.

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Other than diplomatic immunity, who is not under U.S. law while in the U.S.? Who can break U.S. laws while on American soil, and be exempt from consequences?
Foreigners are exempt from many U.S. laws, like paying income taxes. Americans have to file a return no matter where in the world they are living. Foreigners don't.

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That isn't the least bit true. If you work in the must file.
Other than diplomatic immunity, who is not under U.S. law while in the U.S.? Who can break U.S. laws while on American soil, and be exempt from consequences?
Foreigners are exempt from many U.S. laws, like paying income taxes. Americans have to file a return no matter where in the world they are living. Foreigners don't.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That isn't the least bit true. If you work in the must file.
Americans have to file US taxes even if they are overseas, and foreigners could work here for 6 months, return home,and then never file.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Other than diplomatic immunity, who is not under U.S. law while in the U.S.? Who can break U.S. laws while on American soil, and be exempt from consequences?
Foreigners are exempt from many U.S. laws, like paying income taxes. Americans have to file a return no matter where in the world they are living. Foreigners don't.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That isn't the least bit true. If you work in the must file.

bs, ravi.
but that isn't really important. What is important is that Trump and his supporters claim that undocumented Mexicans aren't under US jurisdiction. In other words, they are free to do as they please without penalty.

How cool is that?
They are here in violation of our laws therefore they are outside of our laws when they give birth. Therefore the anchor baby is out.
Other than diplomatic immunity, who is not under U.S. law while in the U.S.? Who can break U.S. laws while on American soil, and be exempt from consequences?
Foreigners are exempt from many U.S. laws, like paying income taxes. Americans have to file a return no matter where in the world they are living. Foreigners don't.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That isn't the least bit true. If you work in the must file.
Americans have to file US taxes even if they are overseas, and foreigners could work here for 6 months, return home,and then never file.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
They'd be breaking the law then. And the U.S. Has agreements with many nations regarding taxes. For instance I had to pay Canadian income tax while working there but didn't have to pay the IRS for that portion.

This is a red herring and has nothing to do with Trump's willingness to grant blanket amnesty just to take away citizen ship from American children.
Other than diplomatic immunity, who is not under U.S. law while in the U.S.? Who can break U.S. laws while on American soil, and be exempt from consequences?
Foreigners are exempt from many U.S. laws, like paying income taxes. Americans have to file a return no matter where in the world they are living. Foreigners don't.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That isn't the least bit true. If you work in the must file.

bs, ravi.
Taxation of Nonresident Aliens

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