Trump to IRS chief Crooked John Koskinen: "YOU'RE FIRED"

Don calling anyone else "crooked" is hilarious; Don is completely untethered to objective reality and quite fun to watch shat on himself daily.
Don calling anyone else "crooked" is hilarious; Don is completely untethered to objective reality and quite fun to watch shat on himself daily.

I gotta tell ya, jaded as I am about this corporate entity that we refer to as "government"? Trump has actually given me the tiniest smidgen of hope that he and the white hats just might be able to put on the brakes before it goes over the cliff. We are kindred souls in many ways but being that both the left and right establishment types are going after him leads me to believe that he has got a little somethin' somethin'.....having that disgusting Skull and Bones queer George W Bush taking potshots at him only further raised my hopes.
Don calling anyone else "crooked" is hilarious; Don is completely untethered to objective reality and quite fun to watch shat on himself daily.

I gotta tell ya, jaded as I am about this corporate entity that we refer to as "government"? Trump has actually given me the tiniest smidgen of hope that he and the white hats just might be able to put on the brakes before it goes over the cliff. We are kindred souls in many ways but being that both the left and right establishment types are going after him leads me to believe that he has got a little somethin' somethin'.....having that disgusting Skull and Bones queer George W Bush taking potshots at him only further raised my hopes.
OK Dale, you wait and see then. But the aristocracy bickering amongst themselves as they sodomize everyone else is hardly new in america. It has always been that way.
At least he didn't put a Confirmed Communist to be his EPA czar. Yes Fenton we know you hate the US and want it to be like Venezuela so then all those RICH people will be poor like you, but the reason why President Trump is putting in people who are winners, is that they win... Not be losers like you and the guy in the video below Van Jones.

Don calling anyone else "crooked" is hilarious; Don is completely untethered to objective reality and quite fun to watch shat on himself daily.

I gotta tell ya, jaded as I am about this corporate entity that we refer to as "government"? Trump has actually given me the tiniest smidgen of hope that he and the white hats just might be able to put on the brakes before it goes over the cliff. We are kindred souls in many ways but being that both the left and right establishment types are going after him leads me to believe that he has got a little somethin' somethin'.....having that disgusting Skull and Bones queer George W Bush taking potshots at him only further raised my hopes.
OK Dale, you wait and see then. But the aristocracy bickering amongst themselves as they sodomize everyone else is hardly new in america. It has always been that way.

Fenton, it's still too early in the game and "yes" I agree that some of his cabinet picks have ties to Goldman Sachs but if you want to beat the bankers at their own game, you need someone that knows the game. Las Vegas hires former cheats to catch cheats.

Trust me, my eyes are wide open and I am waiting on the next shoe to drop but is it wrong to have SOME kind of hope??? I am ever vigilant and I will not hesitate to call Trump out should he start acting like just another puppet.
For the record: Trump did not actually fire Crooked Koskinen today.

Koskinen's term is up within the month. Trump picked his replacement.

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