Trump to Jewish Republican Coalition: You don't support me because I don't need your money

Trump is a Dem plant to wreak havoc on the GOP. Thats the only possible explanation. :laugh:
More like an ISIS plant. He's sending the refugees back to ISIS to be slaughtered, and trying to get us to put boots on the ground in Syria.

How many ISIS refuges are living in your home, none?
I've already said today I would welcome them to my town. Sorry, pants shitter. Your gambit catastrophically fails.

I am a Republican in a deep red town, and the Christians here would welcome the refugees with open arms.

So go ahead. Send 'em!

:laugh::laugh::laugh: there went your credibility out the window lol

The Donald seemed to think he was playing Henny Youngman on the Borscht Belt, a tactical mistake I attribute to his New York upbringing. His dismay at Likud expansionism is actually widely shared among the non-Orthodox Jewish population of New York and the rest of the country. The rabid supporters of Israel wearing those black fedoras are a small minority within the GOP. The big support comes from the evangelical Right which is never going to vote for Trump anyway. Trump knows his audience.
Oh I think the Evangelical right will vote for him.....especially when the likes of Huckabee,Santorum and Cruz drop out.
Donald has three or four wives and a "colorful" personal lifestyle. Bernie Sanders is MOT* with a stronger pro-Israel voting record.

*(member of the tribe)
True there BUT will Evangelical christians vote for a democrat that is VERY socially liberal? Even if they do so what. Hell they didn't vote for Romney....married to 1 woman,several kids,etc.
Evangelical Christians are not going to vote for a Democrat. They may stay home in significant numbers if Trump cannot shine up his image as a pious Presbyterian. Huckabee is still in the race. Cruz is openly courting their support. They are not a crucial voting block. America's Jews still vote Democrat by 4 to 1. These numbers aren't likely to change much.
You tards have no sense of perspective.

You have a 20 million to one chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on the planet.

You have a 10 million to one chance of being hit by lightning. So by TardLogic™ you should never go outside. Why take the chance?

There are 15,000 murders each year in America, give or take. More than half by someone known to the victim, and a quarter by a relative of the victim.

So Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with a carving knife is a MUCH greater threat to you than ISIS.

Okay, pants shitters?

The refugees are fleeing the same people you are shitting your pants over. They probably hate ISIS more than you do. It's a guarantee they do. For you tards to turn them away is the stupidest mistake you will ever make in your lives.

Jesus will throw you in Hell for this.

The Donald seemed to think he was playing Henny Youngman on the Borscht Belt, a tactical mistake I attribute to his New York upbringing. His dismay at Likud expansionism is actually widely shared among the non-Orthodox Jewish population of New York and the rest of the country. The rabid supporters of Israel wearing those black fedoras are a small minority within the GOP. The big support comes from the evangelical Right which is never going to vote for Trump anyway. Trump knows his audience.
Oh I think the Evangelical right will vote for him.....especially when the likes of Huckabee,Santorum and Cruz drop out.
Donald has three or four wives and a "colorful" personal lifestyle. Bernie Sanders is MOT* with a stronger pro-Israel voting record.

*(member of the tribe)

Sanders has already stated explicitly he wants a 2 state solution.
The two-state solution is the official policy position of the USA and Israel. It is supported by a majority of Americans, a majority of American Jews, and a majority of Jews in Israel. The discussion has always been about the boundaries of those states, not their existence.

Likud has taken a one settlement at a time approach to annexation of the West Bank and Jerusalem and only recently gone so far as to propose a Palestinian bantustan without autonomy and surrounded by the IDF. This, it turns out, is a bit of over-reaching which has no support even in the USA.

Real talks won't begin until Likud is turned out of office. This came within a hair's breadth in the last election and is now just a matter of time. The Likud-Freedom Caucus alliance has failed and set back AIPAC in the USA. The world is not going to let Likud's war for lebensraum prevail. Final status negotiations under the threat of sanctions will do the trick.

It would be interesting to see a 2 state solution.
Of course, it would take the Labor Party to negotiate such a deal.
The basic snag is stopping attacks during negotiations.
Based on Middle Eastern Muslim behavior, I don't see such a long term "Good Behavior" policy actually occurring.
You tards have no sense of perspective.

You have a 20 million to one chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on the planet.

You have a 10 million to one chance of being hit by lightning. So by TardLogic™ you should never go outside. Why take the chance?

There are 15,000 murders each year in America, give or take. More than half by someone known to the victim, and a quarter by a relative of the victim.

So Aunt Mary down there at the other end of the table with a carving knife is a MUCH greater threat to you than ISIS.

Okay, pants shitters?

The refugees are fleeing the same people you are shitting your pants over. They probably hate ISIS more than you do. It's a guarantee they do. For you tards to turn them away is the stupidest mistake you will ever make in your lives.

Jesus will throw you in Hell for this.

The problem is a lot of people who hate ISIS were murdering weaker groups before ISIS came and started murdering THEM.
Trump is a Dem plant to wreak havoc on the GOP. Thats the only possible explanation. :laugh:
More like an ISIS plant. He's sending the refugees back to ISIS to be slaughtered, and trying to get us to put boots on the ground in Syria.

How many ISIS refuges are living in your home, none?
I've already said today I would welcome them to my town. Sorry, pants shitter. Your gambit catastrophically fails.

I am a Republican in a deep red town, and the Christians here would welcome the refugees with open arms.

So go ahead. Send 'em!

:laugh::laugh::laugh: there went your credibility out the window lol
I was a conservative long before it was cool to be a conservative, pants shitter.

I am a lifelong barrel chested Republican who has voted for a Democrat only once in my life, and that was at the request of William F. Buckley. I stopped voting in 2006 because the GOP has been hijacked by bigots, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths.

I read the bible every day to my children, and attend an evangelical church.

So how 'bout them apples?

Now go ahead and send us the refugees. I have fed, housed, and clothed many hundreds of immigrants and refugees through two non-profits I created.

Unlike you pants shitters, I walk the walk, and I do not walk in fear.
Trump is a Dem plant to wreak havoc on the GOP. Thats the only possible explanation. :laugh:
More like an ISIS plant. He's sending the refugees back to ISIS to be slaughtered, and trying to get us to put boots on the ground in Syria.

How many ISIS refuges are living in your home, none?
I've already said today I would welcome them to my town. Sorry, pants shitter. Your gambit catastrophically fails.

I am a Republican in a deep red town, and the Christians here would welcome the refugees with open arms.

So go ahead. Send 'em!

:laugh::laugh::laugh: there went your credibility out the window lol
I was a conservative long before it was cool to be a conservative, pants shitter.

I am a lifelong barrel chested Republican who has voted for a Democrat only once in my life, and that was at the request of William F. Buckley. I stopped voting in 2006 because the GOP has been hijacked by bigots, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths.

I read the bible every day to my children, and attend an evangelical church.

So how 'bout them apples?

Now go ahead and send us the refugees. I have fed, housed, and clothed many hundreds of immigrants and refugees through two non-profits I created.

Unlike you pants shitters, I walk the walk, and I do not walk in fear.

Why cant all conservatives be like you?
Trump is a Dem plant to wreak havoc on the GOP. Thats the only possible explanation. :laugh:

Yeah--there's still so many with obvious very low I.Q's that just don't get what Trump is trying to do--LOL He and his supporters are getting to where I have to laugh out loud.


The Donald seemed to think he was playing Henny Youngman on the Borscht Belt, a tactical mistake I attribute to his New York upbringing. His dismay at Likud expansionism is actually widely shared among the non-Orthodox Jewish population of New York and the rest of the country. The rabid supporters of Israel wearing those black fedoras are a small minority within the GOP. The big support comes from the evangelical Right which is never going to vote for Trump anyway. Trump knows his audience.
Oh I think the Evangelical right will vote for him.....especially when the likes of Huckabee,Santorum and Cruz drop out.
Donald has three or four wives and a "colorful" personal lifestyle. Bernie Sanders is MOT* with a stronger pro-Israel voting record.

*(member of the tribe)

Sanders has already stated explicitly he wants a 2 state solution.
The two-state solution is the official policy position of the USA and Israel. It is supported by a majority of Americans, a majority of American Jews, and a majority of Jews in Israel. The discussion has always been about the boundaries of those states, not their existence.

Likud has taken a one settlement at a time approach to annexation of the West Bank and Jerusalem and only recently gone so far as to propose a Palestinian bantustan without autonomy and surrounded by the IDF. This, it turns out, is a bit of over-reaching which has no support even in the USA.

Real talks won't begin until Likud is turned out of office. This came within a hair's breadth in the last election and is now just a matter of time. The Likud-Freedom Caucus alliance has failed and set back AIPAC in the USA. The world is not going to let Likud's war for lebensraum prevail. Final status negotiations under the threat of sanctions will do the trick.

It would be interesting to see a 2 state solution.
Of course, it would take the Labor Party to negotiate such a deal.
The basic snag is stopping attacks during negotiations.
Based on Middle Eastern Muslim behavior, I don't see such a long term "Good Behavior" policy actually occurring.
Your make a good point. It will be up to the Palestinians to sell the new state to the Arab League and the Arab "street". The security of the borders of Palestine are is critical and is probably going to take a massive, UN effort similar in scope and duration to the South Korean border.

The half million Jews settled in what will be Palestine are going to need joint Israel-Palestine citizenship and special protections/segregation for some time.

The whole business is going to be an expensive and ticklish international business for a couple of generations until stabilization and economic balance create a lasting willingness to live in harmony. The big reason for undertaking the task is the lack of any viable alternative.

The Donald seemed to think he was playing Henny Youngman on the Borscht Belt, a tactical mistake I attribute to his New York upbringing. His dismay at Likud expansionism is actually widely shared among the non-Orthodox Jewish population of New York and the rest of the country. The rabid supporters of Israel wearing those black fedoras are a small minority within the GOP. The big support comes from the evangelical Right which is never going to vote for Trump anyway. Trump knows his audience.
Oh I think the Evangelical right will vote for him.....especially when the likes of Huckabee,Santorum and Cruz drop out.
Donald has three or four wives and a "colorful" personal lifestyle. Bernie Sanders is MOT* with a stronger pro-Israel voting record.

*(member of the tribe)

yeah, but look on the bright side.

Bernie has as much chance getting the GOP nomination as Trump does.

Trump is leading in the polls among what 11? 12? candidates. Bernie is losing and badly in most states when there is 3 candidates LOL
Polls at this stage measure name recognition. Most voters don't make up their minds until a week or two before their primary. Hillary has slipped in the shower once already. If she slips again, Bernie Sanders will be President of the United States.
Trump is a Dem plant to wreak havoc on the GOP. Thats the only possible explanation. :laugh:
More like an ISIS plant. He's sending the refugees back to ISIS to be slaughtered, and trying to get us to put boots on the ground in Syria.

How many ISIS refuges are living in your home, none?
I've already said today I would welcome them to my town. Sorry, pants shitter. Your gambit catastrophically fails.

I am a Republican in a deep red town, and the Christians here would welcome the refugees with open arms.

So go ahead. Send 'em!

:laugh::laugh::laugh: there went your credibility out the window lol
I was a conservative long before it was cool to be a conservative, pants shitter.

I am a lifelong barrel chested Republican who has voted for a Democrat only once in my life, and that was at the request of William F. Buckley. I stopped voting in 2006 because the GOP has been hijacked by bigots, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths.

I read the bible every day to my children, and attend an evangelical church.

So how 'bout them apples?

Now go ahead and send us the refugees. I have fed, housed, and clothed many hundreds of immigrants and refugees through two non-profits I created.

Unlike you pants shitters, I walk the walk, and I do not walk in fear.

You act like I haven't read all your liberal posts :laugh:

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