Trump to leave NK summit Tuesday instead of Wednesday

The bulk of the negotiations were already hammer out between U.S. and NK diplomats over the last several weeks.

All that Trump and lil Kim have left to do is to formally shake hands and sign the agreement. .... :cool:
nah, h'es horny and wants to get back to fucking the left......time for Pelosi and schumer to bend over
The bulk of the negotiations were already hammer out between U.S. and NK diplomats over the last several weeks.

All that Trump and lil Kim have left to do is to formally shake hands and sign the agreement. .... :cool:
He wants to look Kim in the eyes, and see his soul
What's the rush? Jeez. Could it be he realized he got played by Lil Kim?
US officials are portraying this as the talks "moving quick" (without saying whether any deals have been reached).
I don't think Trump got played though. I think it will be announced tonight or Tuesday that North Korea will destroy all its nuclear weapons.
Trump leaving summit with North Korea early as talks go quicker than planned
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.
The bulk of the negotiations were already hammer out between U.S. and NK diplomats over the last several weeks.

All that Trump and lil Kim have left to do is to formally shake hands and sign the agreement. .... :cool:
And what is that agreement?
It'll be very tough for Trump to get a deal done. The Neocon maniacs in his own Party don't want peace. And the Communist/Democrat jerks don't want anything positive happening for Trump. I fully expect John Bolton and the Democrats to sabotage the talks. It is very sad, but it is what it is.
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.

I'm sure that's your hope, the idea of President Trump- who is supposed to be a feckless boob and totally incompetent- actually achieving his goals would be something you would not be able to get your brain wrapped around easily.

But watch and learn, Little Rocket Man and The Donald are going to bring Freedom to a nuke free North Korea
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.

I'm sure that's your hope, the idea of President Trump- who is supposed to be a feckless boob and totally incompetent- actually achieving his goals would be something you would not be able to get your brain wrapped around easily.

But watch and learn, Little Rocket Man and The Donald are going to bring Freedom to a nuke free North Korea
Ooookaayyyyy... :lol:
Trump was once again an embarrassment on the world stage.
They haven't even met yet.
7 hours before they do you already call the meeting an embarrassment.
For some strange reason I feel you're hoping for war.
Folks, when The Donald and Mr. Kim sign the deal and have a Big Mac, fries and a shake from McD's, it will be like election night all over again with the anti-Donald folks melting down... :p
There's no deal. But talking is better than not talking, and if NK stops missile testing and Trump/Clinton/whomever stops threatening to nuke them, it's good.

Kim would really be nuts if he gave up all his nukes in the short term though. He's not stupid enough to not realize Bolton want's to wipe out 10% of their population again.

Trump is merely accelerating China's becoming the power in Asia that insures stability.
Folks, when The Donald and Mr. Kim sign the deal and have a Big Mac, fries and a shake from McD's, it will be like election night all over again with the anti-Donald folks melting down... :p
I think the G7 was a trap set by globalists hoping to overshadow the N. KOREAN summit.

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