Trump to meet with Art Laffer and Steve Forbes to hammer out Tax Plan (video)

Infrastructure investment is at its lowest since 1990. We don't need more cuts in this area or science or education.

I wonder where all this money is going? I feel it is damn right criminal as it isn't being spent on the American people or to better this country.
Infrastructure investment is at its lowest since 1990. We don't need more cuts in this area or science or education.

I wonder where all this money is going? I feel it is damn right criminal as it isn't being spent on the American people or to better this country.
A few years ago, I found a website of federal programs we have. I was astonished at the continuous list. I scrutinized a bit and found that the programs were duplicative of one another. Then GAO had their reviews of the programs and many were considered out dated or just failing the reviews.

I tried to find that website again, but couldn't find it.
Trump's a businessman. He's going to cut the government to the bone just the way he would a company.
Infrastructure investment is at its lowest since 1990. We don't need more cuts in this area or science or education.

I wonder where all this money is going? I feel it is damn right criminal as it isn't being spent on the American people or to better this country.

I agree 100% mental health has been cut to the bone, you have to be suicidal to get into the hospital. Many of these mentally ill people end up with guns and well we know what happens next.
I was watching Fox yesterday when Art Laffer said he wanted to get in contact with Trump. Looks like someone who has Trump's phone number got the ball rolling. Laffer is the guy behind Reagans economic policies and along with Forbes will be behind Trump's policies.

The thoroughly discredited Arthur Laffer?

lol, good one.
I was watching Fox yesterday when Art Laffer said he wanted to get in contact with Trump. Looks like someone who has Trump's phone number got the ball rolling. Laffer is the guy behind Reagans economic policies and along with Forbes will be behind Trump's policies.

The thoroughly discredited Arthur Laffer?

lol, good one.
Discredited by whom? A gaggle of Democraps?
I was watching Fox yesterday when Art Laffer said he wanted to get in contact with Trump. Looks like someone who has Trump's phone number got the ball rolling. Laffer is the guy behind Reagans economic policies and along with Forbes will be behind Trump's policies.

The thoroughly discredited Arthur Laffer?

lol, good one.
Discredited by whom? A gaggle of Democraps?

Discredited by the onset of the triple digit deficit during Reagan's disastrous presidency.

If those two are Donald Trump's advisors, both support keeping the socialist tax on profits, gains, salaries and other incomes alive and all the sufferings which are connected with that patently evil tax.

Trump should be promoting the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment which begins with the following 32 words:

The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.


“Honest money and honest taxation, the Key to America’s future Prosperity“ ___ from “Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan”, no longer in print.

Infrastructure investment is at its lowest since 1990. We don't need more cuts in this area or science or education.

I wonder where all this money is going? I feel it is damn right criminal as it isn't being spent on the American people or to better this country.
A few years ago, I found a website of federal programs we have. I was astonished at the continuous list. I scrutinized a bit and found that the programs were duplicative of one another. Then GAO had their reviews of the programs and many were considered out dated or just failing the reviews.

I tried to find that website again, but couldn't find it.


I use it in one of my signatures:

“He has erected a multitude of new offices , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” ___Declaration of Independence

Infrastructure investment is at its lowest since 1990. We don't need more cuts in this area or science or education.

I wonder where all this money is going? I feel it is damn right criminal as it isn't being spent on the American people or to better this country.
A few years ago, I found a website of federal programs we have. I was astonished at the continuous list. I scrutinized a bit and found that the programs were duplicative of one another. Then GAO had their reviews of the programs and many were considered out dated or just failing the reviews.

I tried to find that website again, but couldn't find it.


I use it in one of my signatures:

“He has erected a multitude of new offices , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” ___Declaration of Independence
That'd close to what I was talking about, except it was more detailed than that. I recall specifically looking at the Bureau of Indian affairs and how many different programs the US has just for alcohol abuse. Had to be nearly 50. It also listed the general funding for each program.

You could see why we were going broke.
These stupid fools (MSM, GOP establishment) step in it again with the 'hey Trump doesn't have any specific plans' attack and now he's going to bring in some top minds and do it, what a bitch slap Trump is putting on the establishment. Trump is like hey dummies fine let me show you how its done lmao!
These stupid fools (MSM, GOP establishment) step in it again with the 'hey Trump doesn't have any specific plans' attack and now he's going to bring in some top minds and do it, what a bitch slap Trump is putting on the establishment. Trump is like hey dummies fine let me show you how its done lmao!

The problem with Trumps choice if it is Laffer and Forbes is, neither of these two promote a system of federal taxation which would actually encourage and compel Congress to follow sound fiscal policies. What these two promote is how to confiscate the wealth which America's labor and business has created in a more efficient manner. By contrast, our founders adopted a system of taxation with specific prohibitions placed upon our federal government to not only protect us from a variety of abuses we now suffer, but their plan actually encouraged Congress to adopt fiscal policies to encourage a strong and vibrant economy which in turn would yield a productive revenue for government. Let us take a look at "The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment" which promotes a return to our Founder's original tax plan:

The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment

“SECTION 1. The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.

NOTE: these words would return us to our founding father’s ORIGINAL TAX PLAN as they intended it to operate! They would also end the experiment with allowing Congress to lay and collect taxes calculated from lawfully earned "incomes" which now oppresses America‘s economic engine and robs the bread which working people have earned when selling their labor!

"SECTION 2. Congress ought not raise money by borrowing, but when the money arising from imposts duties and excise taxes are insufficient to meet the public exigencies, and Congress has raised money by borrowing during the course of a fiscal year, Congress shall then lay a direct tax at the beginning of the next fiscal year for an amount sufficient to extinguish the preceding fiscal year's deficit, and apply the revenue so raised to extinguishing said deficit."

NOTE: Congress is to raise its primary revenue from imposts and duties, [taxes at our water’s edge], and may also lay miscellaneous internal excise taxes on specifically chosen articles of consumption. But if Congress borrows and spends more than is brought in from imposts, duties and miscellaneous excise taxes during the course of a fiscal year, then, and only then, is the apportioned tax to be laid.

"SECTION 3. When Congress is required to lay a direct tax in accordance with Section 1 of this Article, the Secretary of the United States Treasury shall, in a timely manner, calculate each State's apportioned share of the total sum being raised by dividing its total population size by the total population of the united states and multiplying that figure by the total being raised by Congress, and then provide the various State Congressional Delegations with a Bill notifying their State’s Executive and Legislature of its share of the total tax being collected and a final date by which said tax shall be paid into the United States Treasury."

NOTE: our founder’s fair share formula to extinguish an annual deficit would be:

States’ population

---------------------------- X SUM TO BE RAISED = STATE’S FAIR SHARE

Total U.S. Population

The above formula, as intended by our founding fathers, is to insure that those states who contribute the lion’s share of the tax are guaranteed a representation in Congress proportionately equal to their contribution, i.e., representation with proportional financial obligation!

Note also that each State’s number or Representatives, under our Constitution is determined by the rule of apportionment:

State`s Pop.
------------------- X House size (435) = State`s No. of Representatives
U.S. Pop.

"SECTION 4. Each State shall be free to assume and pay its quota of the direct tax into the United States Treasury by a final date set by Congress, but if any State shall refuse or neglect to pay its quota, then Congress shall send forth its officers to assess and levy such State's proportion against the real property within the State with interest thereon at the rate of ((?)) per cent per annum, and against the individual owners of the taxable property. Provision shall be made for a 15% discount for those States paying their share by ((?))of the fiscal year in which the tax is laid, and a 10% discount for States paying by the final date set by Congress, such discount being to defray the States' cost of collection."

NOTE: This section respects the Tenth Amendment and allows each state to raise its share in its own chosen way in a time period set by Congress, but also allows the federal government to enter a state and collect the tax if a state is delinquent in meeting its obligation.

"SECTION 5. This Amendment to the Constitution, when ratified by the required number of States, shall take effect no later than (?) years after the required number of States have ratified it.


“…..with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens—a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities“. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address
The Art Laffer / Steve Forbes rope-a-dope flat tax

When one takes the time to actually study the various versions of a flat tax, including those promoted by Art Laffer and Steve Forbes, we find a flat tax calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other lawfully earned incomes does absolutely nothing to eliminate the most notorious miseries which are connected with this patently evil tax. The time has come to seriously consider ending our nation’s experiment with this socialist inspired tax, and confront its advocates such as Art Laffer and Steve Forbes who continue to perpetuate it.

To begin with, the Laffer / Forbes flat tax proposal is a discriminatory tax in that it is laid directly upon the individual and measures the amount of tax the individual is to pay based upon their annual earnings which in effect commands our nation’s most productive businesses and hardworking citizens, especially those living in our nation’s inner cities who may work two or three jobs to lift themselves out of the “hood”, to finance the functions of government while the least productive citizen is not required to pay an equal share, or any share at all to support government! And yet, those who do not contribute an equal share to financing the functions of government are allowed to exercise a vote equal to those who do finance the functions of government. Our founding fathers adopted a rule in our Constitution, the rule of apportionment, to protect us from this very evil. That rule declares “Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states”, and it boils down to a very important concept __ representation with a proportional financial obligation, or, one man one vote, and one vote one dollar! The Laffer / Forbes flat tax proposal makes a mockery of the wisdom and brilliance of our founder’s rule of apportionment.

The Laffer / Forbes flat tax proposal is also arbitrary and capricious in that the definition of what is and what is not taxable “income” cannot be set in stone, and is left to never ending alterations and manipulations which are decided by a political majority in Congress. On the other hand, taxing consumption, which our founders intended to be Congress' primary source to fill our national treasury, is far less subject to abuse, and especially so because taxes paid on consumption are voluntarily paid by the manner in which one spends their money, and allows the market place to determine the limit of tax imposed upon every article chosen for taxation.

In addition, the Laffer / Forbes flat tax leaves the door wide open for government to use it as a political weapon to silence, threaten and punish political foes, while it is also used to reward the friends of big government. Have we not recently seen how this corruptible tax calculated from “incomes” has been used by political hacks in our federal government to attack freedom loving Americans and interfere with free speech? Have we forgotten how our federal government put one of our most patriotic members of Congress in jail, Congressman George Hansen, who dared to expose the criminal conduct of the IRS and its abuse of America’s taxpaying citizens?

If Laffer and Forbes were sincere about tax reform which would actually benefit the American People and restrain our out-of-control federal government, they would be working to end our nation’s experiment with this socialist inspired tax and be talking about the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment which is designed to bring us back to our Constitution’s original tax plan as our founders intended it to operate. Real tax reform begins with the following 32 words:

The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.


“He has erected a
multitude of new offices , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” ___Declaration of Independence
Trump's a businessman. He's going to cut the government to the bone just the way he would a company.

How does he plan to do that along with his promised big military buildup?
Typical republican. Cuts taxes for the rich,corporations etc so they can buy more politicians and elections,to offset the less income he cuts food stamps,TANF,jobs programs continues to fall apart...NO THANKS!

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