Trump to quit on Paris Treaty!!

Thread summary:

Almost all deniers are weepy right-wing-bedwetter conspiracy kooks, proud of how detached from reality they are, and now very proud of being commie stooges. Occasionally, they throw out a circle jerk thread like this one, in an attempt to convince themselves that they're not treasonous, but it doesn't work.

Now, more on Paris, and how the world will leave the USA in the ashbin of history in yet another area, thanks to the Trump-snowflake traitors.

Paris Agreement safer with the US out: Climate observer
ELEANOR HALL: Now European leaders are warning that the US should not abandon the Paris Agreement, but you argue that it would be better for international action on climate if the US were to withdraw. Why?

LUKE KEMP: Well it's really quite simple, the US as a rogue administration can do much more damage inside of the agreement, than it can do outside of the agreement. All you're doing by keeping the US inside of it is gifting greater leverage to a recalcitrant administration.
Under Paris, all Trump has to do is put forward a new pledge every five years. He doesn't have to meet the pledge they've already made and he doesn't have to provide any further climate financing. So, the participation of the US is really just symbolic in that sense. What people are really worried about is the third risk, which is the idea of a domino effect. That the US withdraws, other countries will either, free ride or renege on their commitments or potentially withdraw as well. Now I think that a lot of advocates and commentators in this space are actually really being quite hysterical when you look at it. It seems highly unlikely that other countries are going to withdraw from the agreement to follow someone who is already an international pariah out into the woods, just to avoid making a pledge every five years.
The thing is, I think it's just as likely to happen if the US stays in. If the US stays in, it shows quite clearly that you can operate blatantly violating the purpose and spirit of the agreement and you can miss your target intentionally, you can cut financing, you can go ahead and built new coal mines and build new pipelines. Any other countries will still want to have you on board. That sends a very, very clear message that Paris is simply symbolic and I think that does just as much, if not more damage to the legitimacy of Paris.

Poor poor mamooth he can't blame big oil for this , how sad..:(

Too bad Obama should of not went around Congress..We have the last laugh for a long time on this.

Whats fascinating here is......the AGW OCD's really do think this Paris Treaty is about fighting climate change. Just beyond stoopid..........the lack of connect the dots ability in these people......astounding. How they navigate in life I will never know.
Just in case anybody missed todays news..........

"The White House signaled that Trump was likely to decide on exiting the global pact - fulfilling one of his principal campaign pledges - though top aides were deeply divided. And the final decision may not be entirely clear-cut: Aides were still deliberating on "caveats in the language," one official said."

News from The Associated Press

and Im still laughing.:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:
All you can say is............Ooooooooooooooooooooooops!!

Scoop: Trump tells confidants U.S. will quit Paris climate deal

And of course, the only logical response to this news is....................duh.

Only those not paying attention fail to understand that President Trump will not be letting the United States self insert the giant bumpy cucumber while the bozo losers of the world benefit. To.....and lets face it........this guy Trump absolutely loathes wasting money. So..........the big middle finger to phony globalists like Merkel.

And Im laughing............the losing for the AGW nutters is now getting epic. They were losing for 8 years under Obama but now its off the hook!!!

But you knuckleheads go right on posting up your arctic ice extent threads!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Please, will some one explain to me that why Pr. Trump is claiming that Paris Climate Deal is unfair to USA.

In my point of view if USA producing 25% carbon, but these thousands and thousands international companies are working in USA, are also responsible or contributor in 25% carbon. Means if these international companies pack and go back to their countries means USA carbon level will reduce to 15%. "Is this correct" please reply.
All you can say is............Ooooooooooooooooooooooops!!

Scoop: Trump tells confidants U.S. will quit Paris climate deal

And of course, the only logical response to this news is....................duh.

Only those not paying attention fail to understand that President Trump will not be letting the United States self insert the giant bumpy cucumber while the bozo losers of the world benefit. To.....and lets face it........this guy Trump absolutely loathes wasting money. So..........the big middle finger to phony globalists like Merkel.

And Im laughing............the losing for the AGW nutters is now getting epic. They were losing for 8 years under Obama but now its off the hook!!!

But you knuckleheads go right on posting up your arctic ice extent threads!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Please, will some one explain to me that why Pr. Trump is claiming that Paris Climate Deal is unfair to USA.

In my point of view if USA producing 25% carbon, but these thousands and thousands international companies are working in USA, are also responsible or contributor in 25% carbon. Means if these international companies pack and go back to their countries means USA carbon level will reduce to 15%. "Is this correct" please reply.

Holy fucking dumbass...........this guy ^^ never heard of China!!

The hate America-types never will get this shit and moreover, never understand that there are tens of millions of Americans ( the ones who elected Trump ) who ARE able to think on the margin ( unlike progressives ).

China is increasing its coal production by 50% by 2050. Fucking duh.......spending billions on reducing carbon emissions is retarded = that's not the goal. Its a little matter of wealth redistribution that people who are able to connect the dots are able to understand fully. Only metnal case progressives think its wise to blow your foot off with a 12G so it will make your lungs feel clearer.

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