Trump to Reince Priebus: You're Fired!...Trump to General John Kelly: You're Hired as Chief of Staff

I'm not sure what can happen before Trump's supporter acknowledge that his administration has been a clusterfuck so far.
It's not that he fired someone. That happens all the time all over the world.

And as far as Priebus goes, who cares? Rancid was one of the worst of the Obama haters.

But look how Trump gets rid of people. He humiliates them first. He makes them unemployable.


After they are smeared and properly humiliated, he publicly fires them.

Of course. This is a man who stiffs his workers and sees taking away healthcare from tens of millions of Americans as a "win". You can see why he is admired and revered by the GOP base. For them, seeing Trump as a role model for their kids is a no brainer.
On the downside, Priebus is more likely to air grievances to Mueller.

On the up side, Trump could replace Kelly w/ a white nationalist
Gloves are off...Reince is fired. May God have mercy on the Liberals &John McCain/Susan Collins/Lisa Murkowski, because Trump won’t!
Great news. He'll be perfect for the job. Reince was part of the swamp. Hopefully the Trumpenfuhrer will now appoint former Louisiana House Representative David Duke as Secretary of Homeland Security. He's got experience going after illegals as far back.As the late 70's. His patriotism is unwavering!




Ain't gonna happen. Rump has no idea who David Duke is or what you're even talking about. Did he endorse me or what? Because I know nothing of white supremacists even though I talked about him seventeen years ago. Nothing I tell you.

McRacist and Rump both be like

:dig:: .............. :dig:
Over/under on this guy getting fired by the amateur is 6 months.
Both his sons served in the military, one died in combat on his 3rd tour and his other son is a Major. John F. Kelly is a four star General. This is a huge improvement. I'm happy.
Great news. He'll be perfect for the job. Reince was part of the swamp. Hopefully the Trumpenfuhrer will now appoint former Louisiana House Representative David Duke as Secretary of Homeland Security. He's got experience going after illegals as far back.As the late 70's. His patriotism is unwavering!




Oh by the way, loved the pics of David Puke keeping tabs on Louisiana's border watching for dangerous immigrants from .... Arkansas.
I'm not sure what can happen before Trump's supporter acknowledge that his administration has been a clusterfuck so far.

A "clusterfuck" Republican administration is 1000 times better than any Democrat one.
Both his sons served in the military, one died in combat on his 3rd tour and his other son is a Major. John F. Kelly is a four star General. This is a huge improvement. I'm happy.

It won't stop the un-Americans from attacking him and Trump.

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