Trump to Reince Priebus: You're Fired!...Trump to General John Kelly: You're Hired as Chief of Staff

Soooo Carter Page, Manafort, Flynn, Spicer, and now Preibus. Who am I missing that has either quit or been fired by Trump so far?
Foreign correspondent Richard Engle said yesterday that this White House is in such chaos that they are not prepared for any crisis that may happen.
And in all the years I've listened to his excellent reporting I've never heard him make a political statement. He's a facts guy.
Both his sons served in the military, one died in combat on his 3rd tour and his other son is a Major. John F. Kelly is a four star General. This is a huge improvement. I'm happy.

It won't stop the un-Americans from attacking him and Trump.
True but you know the saying, Adversity is the breakfast of champions. Kelly didn't become a 4 star General by being sensitive. I'm sure this guy is as tough as nails. Just like our President.
Foreign correspondent Richard Engle said yesterday that this White House is in such chaos that they are not prepared for any crisis that may happen.
And in all the years I've listened to his excellent reporting I've never heard him make a political statement. He's a facts guy.

fake news.
Great news. He'll be perfect for the job. Reince was part of the swamp. Hopefully the Trumpenfuhrer will now appoint former Louisiana House Representative David Duke as Secretary of Homeland Security. He's got experience going after illegals as far back.As the late 70's. His patriotism is unwavering!




Oh by the way, loved the pics of David Puke keeping tabs on Louisiana's border watching for dangerous immigrants from .... Arkansas.
Post the pics because Duke was going after illegal immigrants in the pics I posted.
So is Bannon next? Since Bannon doesn't get along with Kushner OR Moochie?

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