Trump to Reince Priebus: You're Fired!...Trump to General John Kelly: You're Hired as Chief of Staff

I'm gonna cancel my Netflix, Amazon, cable and just follow this circus hahaha. This is very entertaining!!!
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thank you Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci for firing Traitorous Reince!

whos going to play Scummucher on SNL tomorrow night ?


My first thought would be Joe Pesci but he's too old by now.

My brother in law plays golf with Joe Pesci. He's so cheap that his hair dye runs down his face on hot days and always sticks my BIL with the check at restaurants.
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thank you Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci for firing Traitorous Reince!

whos going to play Scummucher on SNL tomorrow night ?


My first thought would be Joe Pesci but he's too old by now.

SNL has a new show tomorrow night?

HEY-- who is going to be Secretary of Homeland Security now?

They're off for the summer. Not back until Sept.

That's what I thought. A mid-summer special would be great about now, though, wouldn't it? Not a year for SNL to take a hiatus. How will they ever catch up?
The fuck kind of name is "Reince Priebus" anyway. sounds like a Dungeons&Dragons hobbit
If Priebus was the saboteur leaking information he was on the job way too long.
I agree with you but after they suspected he was one of them they probably had to give him something to leak which they created in order to see if he'd out himself. That can take some time.
Trump's draining the GOP establishment swamp in his own administration :laugh:. I'm betting Sessions is next to go. We should start a pool.
Great news. He'll be perfect for the job. Reince was part of the swamp. Hopefully the Trumpenfuhrer will now appoint former Louisiana House Representative David Duke as Secretary of Homeland Security. He's got experience going after illegals as far back.As the late 70's. His patriotism is unwavering!




Oh by the way, loved the pics of David Puke keeping tabs on Louisiana's border watching for dangerous immigrants from .... Arkansas.
Post the pics because Duke was going after illegal immigrants in the pics I posted.

Yeah? How many did he get?

Because just so you know I have no idea who you're even talking about. I know nothing about white supremacists. Also I have a bad earpiece, and my mic doesn't work. And three million illegals voted and they had blood coming out of their wherevers and they're getting bad ratings. Sad.
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thank you Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci for firing Traitorous Reince!

whos going to play Scummucher on SNL tomorrow night ?


My first thought would be Joe Pesci but he's too old by now.

My brother in law plays golf with Joe Pesci. He's so cheap that his hair dye runs down his face on hot days and always sticks my BIL with the check at restaurants.

I'm sure your brother in law doesn't know that confiding in you was a mistake.
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thank you Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci for firing Traitorous Reince!

Mrs. Scaramucci to The Mooch: You're Fired!

Scaramucci's wife files for divorce

good. now he's available! awesome.
I'm sure he won't be distracted from his job while his wife takes him to the cleaners.

Maybe she'll hold whatever dirt she has on him as a bargaining chip.

"Remember that guy you wanted to join us for a threesome?"

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