Trump to Reince Priebus: You're Fired!...Trump to General John Kelly: You're Hired as Chief of Staff

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thank you Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci for firing Traitorous Reince!

Mrs. Scaramucci to The Mooch: You're Fired!

Scaramucci's wife files for divorce

good. now he's available! awesome.
I'm sure he won't be distracted from his job while his wife takes him to the cleaners.

Maybe she'll hold whatever dirt she has on him as a negotiating chip.

he should dump her and focus on making america great again!
Soooo Carter Page, Manafort, Flynn, Spicer, and now Preibus. Who am I missing that has either quit or been fired by Trump so far?
Mueller. He's next (hopefully).

Mueller has way too many ties to Hillary Clinton, her uranium deal with Russia which profited her foundation with 145 million dollars from the Russians. Mueller personally delivering those Uranium samples to Moscow for Hillary - she gave 20% of our Uranium to the Russians, Pogo. Mueller put himself in the middle of that mess by delivering those samples for her. Then you've got Comey who Mueller refers to as his brother in arms. Their relationship goes back 15 years - a very strong friendship - and not just at work. It's a major conflict of interest and in the end Mueller may find himself in some deep trouble.
I suspect we will be seeing priebus talking alot
I think Priebus has done all the talking (and leaking) that he is going to do. He's finished.

I have yet to see any evidence he has leaked anything.

But now he has no reason to not tell all. He can probably make lots of money doing so.

At what point is the so called right going to admit Trump is having some problems?
Trump's draining the GOP establishment swamp in his own administration :laugh:. I'm betting Sessions is next to go. We should start a pool.

What happened to Trump hiring the best people?

None of your business really your side lost, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking okay while Trump cleans up Obama's mess.

It funny that you don't have any clue how ridiculous your post is on #failureFriday.
With a name like that how could the child grow into other than a panty-waist "man"? He was ineffective in The Republican Party; worse in The White House. Maybe Hardee's has an opening....oh, wait, he couldn't cut it anywhere else so why would I think he could slice well-cooked beef? bad.
I suspect we will be seeing priebus talking alot
I think Priebus has done all the talking (and leaking) that he is going to do. He's finished.

I have yet to see any evidence he has leaked anything.

But now he has no reason to not tell all. He can probably make lots of money doing so.

At what point is the so called right going to admit Trump is having some problems?
I heard that he did. So did Spicer. I believe the source that said that both of them did leak information they never should have leaked.
lol, now, magically, we'll hear that none of the Trumpbots ever supported Priebus in the first place.

You're an idiot kid, Priebus is an establishment stooge. He always had been.
And Scarmucci from Goldman Sachs isn't?

OOOOH, how many Sachs folks have served in the last 4 Admins? Bammy had him a few ;)

So Trump is what? Imitating Obama?

LOL, Trump has a part to play and that's all he's doing. They all dance to the same music. It's a show and nothing more. Trump is the shiny shit they're using to distract you.
Gloves are off...Reince is fired. May God have mercy on the Liberals &John McCain/Susan Collins/Lisa Murkowski, because Trump won’t!
Reince was no liberal. He was a total ass kisser, but he couldn't stop the leaks.

^^^ best point in the entire thread well done. :eusa_clap: The president's chief of staff should be capable of kicking ass and striking fear into the entire cabinet including putting a stop to all the leaks.
Trump's draining the GOP establishment swamp in his own administration :laugh:. I'm betting Sessions is next to go. We should start a pool.

What happened to Trump hiring the best people?

None of your business really your side lost, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking okay while Trump cleans up Obama's mess.

It funny that you don't have any clue how ridiculous your post is on #failureFriday.

When I need your opinion I'll have a 5th grader give you one okay.
Trump's draining the GOP establishment swamp in his own administration :laugh:. I'm betting Sessions is next to go. We should start a pool.

What happened to Trump hiring the best people?

None of your business really your side lost, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking okay while Trump cleans up Obama's mess.

It funny that you don't have any clue how ridiculous your post is on #failureFriday.

When I need your opinion I'll have a 5th grader give you one okay.

You melt down too easily.

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