Trump to Reince Priebus: You're Fired!...Trump to General John Kelly: You're Hired as Chief of Staff

The orange clown still has hundreds of positions to fill inbetween all his TV watching but he keeps firing people instead.

Who would want to work in this White House anyway? Look what he's done to his loyalist supporter Jeff Sessions?

Lincoln had to constantly fire useless Generals in the middle of a shooting war against slave owning democrats, then, he finally found Grant and Sherman......and the marched to the sea and ended the democrat slave owning society....
Yeah...this is so much the same thing......
Dem Congresswoman goes unhinged..."By putting Gen John Kelly in charge, Pres Trump is militarizing the White House & putting our executive branch in the hands of an extremist." - Crazy Barbara Lee

proof that liberals hate the military and hate America.
In 2012 Crooked Priebus rigged the convention to coronate Weak Romney and not allow delegates to be pledged for Ron Paul.
There was a legitimate reason that he was let go...

"Under Reince Priebus, the Oval Office resembled a "rolling craps game," in the words of one top Republican. Staff and visitors wandered freely in and out of the Oval, bantering with Trump, showing him print-outs of news articles unfavorable to their internal enemies, and generally eating up chunks of the President's precious time.

Most senior staff had lost all respect for Priebus. Multiple senior officials have told me he "gums up" the system and by the end was almost solely in survival mode."

Swan's take on the end of Reince
The former Head of the republican party and now called a loser by those who idolized him before trump

It keeps getting better and better

for Democrats

While the fake crooked media claims Trump's WH is in "chaos", the reality is Trump just stopped the leaks once and for all and turned his White House into a massive force.
So is Trump going to quit leaking now? And start again if he wants to get rid of someone.:lol:
"3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why @BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda." - Trump tweet from January 10, 2012
in the words of one top Republican. Staff and visitors wandered freely in and out of the Oval, bantering with Trump, showing him print-outs of news articles unfavorable to their internal enemies, and generally eating up chunks of the President's precious time.

Trump had better things to do. Like watch 5 hours of TV, and tweet about it.
The former Head of the republican party and now called a loser by those who idolized him before trump

It keeps getting better and better

for Democrats


You might think it's getting better for Democrats, monkey boy, but Priebus' firing was because Trump is ready to go to war with the cuckservatives in his cabinet. Trump is looking to strengthen his organization and weed out all the dead weight. Since the DOJ has plugged the leaks the last few days, other people are being forced out other governmental offices as well.
Great. His next step should be to fire Mueller. If Trump was REALLY the tough guy he claims to be, he would just fire Mueller, and force everyone to accept it. People are laughing at Trunp every day Mueller is still in that position, and it looks like Trump just isn't man enough to stand up to him. Comeon Trump fire Mueller. Show us what a big man you are.
While the fake crooked media claims Trump's WH is in "chaos", the reality is Trump just stopped the leaks once and for all and turned his White House into a massive force.

Yet he doesn't have the balls to fire Mueller. Why?
You might think it's getting better for Democrats, monkey boy, but Priebus' firing was because Trump is ready to go to war with the cuckservatives in his cabinet. Trump is looking to strengthen his organization and weed out all the dead weight. .

Just like I said. Trump is spending all his time cleaning up his own mess.
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thank you Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci for firing Traitorous Reince!

whos going to play Scummucher on SNL tomorrow night ?


My first thought would be Joe Pesci but he's too old by now.

SNL has a new show tomorrow night?

HEY-- who is going to be Secretary of Homeland Security now?

They're off for the summer. Not back until Sept.

That's what I thought. A mid-summer special would be great about now, though, wouldn't it? Not a year for SNL to take a hiatus. How will they ever catch up?

SNL is coming back early I thought in a week or two.

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