Trump to Reince Priebus: You're Fired!...Trump to General John Kelly: You're Hired as Chief of Staff

You might think it's getting better for Democrats, monkey boy, but Priebus' firing was because Trump is ready to go to war with the cuckservatives in his cabinet. Trump is looking to strengthen his organization and weed out all the dead weight. .

Just like I said. Trump is spending all his time cleaning up his own mess.

So what are you going to do when he finally does get the White House in order, and has a strong, cohesive, conservative government?

The left will be screwed for the next two or three decades, at least. You saw what he already did by putting a conservative on the Supreme Court for life. Gorsuch was only the first, and Trump is just getting started.
Great. His next step should be to fire Mueller. If Trump was REALLY the tough guy he claims to be, he would just fire Mueller, and force everyone to accept it. People are laughing at Trunp every day Mueller is still in that position, and it looks like Trump just isn't man enough to stand up to him. Comeon Trump fire Mueller. Show us what a big man you are.
I thought only the FBI could fire Mueller, which is why some people thought Trump was after Sessions, to get him out of the way so he could get McCabe to fire Mueller.
Trump can fire Mueller?
Trump supporters, Trump has fired just about everyone he can who is against us & incompetent! It's our turn to drain the swamp in congress!
John Kelly's eyes scream "don't fuck with me!"...NO MORE LEAKS!

No more leaks


Kelly is unfit for the job. He won't last. Any power trump promised him will quickly evaporate. Kelly has ZERO Capitol Hill knowledge.
Priebus disloyalty further proven by the fact that he is on CNN running his mouth.
Why would you be loyal to someone who just treated you the way Trump has treated him?
Anyway, I doubt if Preibus is saying anything disloyal.
You might think it's getting better for Democrats, monkey boy, but Priebus' firing was because Trump is ready to go to war with the cuckservatives in his cabinet. Trump is looking to strengthen his organization and weed out all the dead weight. .

Just like I said. Trump is spending all his time cleaning up his own mess.

So what are you going to do when he finally does get the White House in order, and has a strong, cohesive, conservative government?

The left will be screwed for the next two or three decades, at least. You saw what he already did by putting a conservative on the Supreme Court for life. Gorsuch was only the first, and Trump is just getting started.
Yeah, that's gonna happen because he has shown that skill:
Reince LOL's after Naiive Wolf Blitzer asks him if he wants to be Ambassador to Greece
I believe youl are right.
Great. His next step should be to fire Mueller. If Trump was REALLY the tough guy he claims to be, he would just fire Mueller, and force everyone to accept it. People are laughing at Trunp every day Mueller is still in that position, and it looks like Trump just isn't man enough to stand up to him. Comeon Trump fire Mueller. Show us what a big man you are.
I thought only the FBI could fire Mueller, which is why some people thought Trump was after Sessions, to get him out of the way so he could get McCabe to fire Mueller.
Trump can fire Mueller?
Dem Congresswoman goes unhinged..."By putting Gen John Kelly in charge, Pres Trump is militarizing the White House & putting our executive branch in the hands of an extremist." - Crazy Barbara Lee

proof that liberals hate the military and hate America.

So she admits trump isn't an extremist?
Priebus on Bannon: "He is a brilliant guy who only cares about the president's agenda. He thinks about it 24 hours a day"

the only good thing about Priebus is that he's a Bannon ally.
From CNN 'a article about the interview he didn't seem the least bit disrespectful towards Trump.
You might think it's getting better for Democrats, monkey boy, but Priebus' firing was because Trump is ready to go to war with the cuckservatives in his cabinet. Trump is looking to strengthen his organization and weed out all the dead weight. .

Just like I said. Trump is spending all his time cleaning up his own mess.

So what are you going to do when he finally does get the White House in order, and has a strong, cohesive, conservative government?

The left will be screwed for the next two or three decades, at least. You saw what he already did by putting a conservative on the Supreme Court for life. Gorsuch was only the first, and Trump is just getting started.
Yeah, that's gonna happen because he has shown that skill: View attachment 141024

It's happening already. The DOJ has plugged up the leaks and the Obama-era sympathizers are being weeded out, one by one.

It takes awhile to fix 8 years of Obama's packing the government, and increasing its size.
Any bets on how long it will take for Kelly to stomp Scaramucci into the ground?

I'll bet he is hiding in the bathroom
While the fake crooked media claims Trump's WH is in "chaos", the reality is Trump just stopped the leaks once and for all and turned his White House into a massive force.

Yet he doesn't have the balls to fire Mueller. Why?

he will fire Mueller when he fires Sessions.

it will be so much fun to post "SESSIONS...YOU'RE FIRED!"
LOL Love to see it. Then entertainment will be worth it all the way until either the impeachment or the November 2018 elections. Fucking A! This has really been a great year!!!

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