Trump to Seek Repeal of California's Smog-Fighting Power


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2017
"The Trump administration will seek to revoke California’s authority to regulate automobile greenhouse gas emissions .....

Terms of Service Violation

He doesn't have the authority to take away Cali's right to do this. The Obama stuff he can as long as the State doesn't appropriate it.
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?

I am a Conservative, what did I say?
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?

I am a Conservative, what did I say?

You did just fine, dear. Need a cookie?

Shall we wager as to whether other "conservatives" will support this because Trump did it? 2nd post in your thread has it 1-1 for "conservatives" in this thread.
It was a waiver given to cali from the federal government. I dont see how this is an attack on states rights..
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?

I am a Conservative, what did I say?

You did just fine, dear. Need a cookie?

Shall we wager as to whether other "conservatives" will support this because Trump did it? 2nd post in your thread has it 1-1 for "conservatives" in this thread.

No, I'm on a strict diet and down 45lbs. You may keep your "cookie".
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.
Another obama regulation overturned.

Wonderful. One by one until it's like the shitstain never existed.
Hilarious. Takes an amazing level of fucktardation to deflect the ‘shitstain’ label away from your beloved child rapist currently smelling his own farts in the White House
"The Trump administration will seek to revoke California’s authority to regulate automobile greenhouse gas emissions .....

Terms of Service Violation

He doesn't have the authority to take away Cali's right to do this. The Obama stuff he can as long as the State doesn't appropriate it.

Yep, just one more attack on states rights by this Admin.
I question the truth of this.

From the article...

"according to three people familiar with the plan"

Ooooooooo.......all three anon sources...

BTW....if you think that it is okay for the EPA to dictate to the States regarding the environment, then they also have the power to take authority away from the States.

Which is what conservatives have been arguing against all along. You can't eat your cake and have it too.
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.
He knows a fuck whole lot more than those wackos at MIT. He stayed at a holiday inn express last night

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