Trump to Seek Repeal of California's Smog-Fighting Power

Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?
Liberal brings up States Rights and I just laugh and laugh.

I do the same thing when conservatives bring them up as well. Neither of you give a rats ass about states rights.
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?
Liberal brings up States Rights and I just laugh and laugh.
It seems to me that the point of his post was the blatant hypocrisy of the sycophants of the Prick-in-Chief trying to keep pace with their Shifty Shafter of the WH and his varying positions while conveniently discarding any of their former foundational political tenants in their rush to support and please while drinking up His piss!

Bon Appetit, shit gobblers!
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.

Let me educate you a little bit because you seemed confused.

The first pollution laws (CAA, CWA, SDWA, RCRA etc) were needed.

The early implementation of the laws resulted in 80% pollution reduction for 20% of the cost. Good thing.

However, that wasn't good enough. In the late 1980s and 1990s there was a 15% cleanup for 40% of the cost.

Nowadays, mostly thanks to the idiot environmental wackos like Obama, the drive is to clean up the remaining 5% for another 40% of the cost and that is damaging our economy for very little gain. Bad thing.

People die because of pollution because there are so many people and they demand industrialized goods that creates pollution. If you want to stop pollution then reduce population, significantly. More people will die indirectly because of a damaged economy than will die because of the effects of pollution. Your stupid study doesn't look at all the economic factors.

The US spends as much money on the cleaning the environment than the rest of the world combined. Ever since the 1970s pollution in all categories has been decreasing every year. It use to be at an increasing rate but in the last decade the rate has been steady.

We don't need to destroy our economy for minimal gain. That is just stupid.

In my retirement I occasionally teach a university class in Environmental Science. Usually to freshmen. You really need to sign up for one of my classes because you are very ignorant in the subject. Let me guess, you get your information on the environment from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central?
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.
He knows a fuck whole lot more than those wackos at MIT. He stayed at a holiday inn express last night

I do have 30 years experience in the field and I have actually cleaned up a significant amount of pollution, which is probably a lot more than any MIT professor has ever done. It is one thing to live in academia and another to actually work on programs to implement and comply with the requirements of the CAA, CWA, RCRA, SDWA or anything else. I doubt if there is one professor at MIT that would even know what NPDES stands for without looking it up on Google, no less fund, permit and implement a compliant program.
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?
Liberal brings up States Rights and I just laugh and laugh.

I do the same thing when conservatives bring them up as well. Neither of you give a rats ass about states rights.
I'm a Constitutionalist so yes State rights are very important to me.
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?
Liberal brings up States Rights and I just laugh and laugh.

I do the same thing when conservatives bring them up as well. Neither of you give a rats ass about states rights.
I'm a Constitutionalist so yes State rights are very important to me.

Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?
Liberal brings up States Rights and I just laugh and laugh.

I do the same thing when conservatives bring them up as well. Neither of you give a rats ass about states rights.
I'm a Constitutionalist so yes State rights are very important to me.

So you oppose or support this move by Trump?
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.

Let me educate you a little bit because you seemed confused.

The first pollution laws (CAA, CWA, SDWA, RCRA etc) were needed.

The early implementation of the laws resulted in 80% pollution reduction for 20% of the cost. Good thing.

However, that wasn't good enough. In the late 1980s and 1990s there was a 15% cleanup for 40% of the cost.

Nowadays, mostly thanks to the idiot environmental wackos like Obama, the drive is to clean up the remaining 5% for another 40% of the cost and that is damaging our economy for very little gain. Bad thing.

People die because of pollution because there are so many people and they demand industrialized goods that creates pollution. If you want to stop pollution then reduce population, significantly. More people will die indirectly because of a damaged economy than will die because of the effects of pollution. Your stupid study doesn't look at all the economic factors.

The US spends as much money on the cleaning the environment than the rest of the world combined. Ever since the 1970s pollution in all categories has been decreasing every year. It use to be at an increasing rate but in the last decade the rate has been steady.

We don't need to destroy our economy for minimal gain. That is just stupid.

In my retirement I occasionally teach a university class in Environmental Science. Usually to freshmen. You really need to sign up for one of my classes because you are very ignorant in the subject. Let me guess, you get your information on the environment from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central?
I do not want the smog of the 50's back. I want my grandchildren to be able to breathe clean air and have clean water. Trumputin can shove his ignorance up putins ass.
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.

Let me educate you a little bit because you seemed confused.

The first pollution laws (CAA, CWA, SDWA, RCRA etc) were needed.

The early implementation of the laws resulted in 80% pollution reduction for 20% of the cost. Good thing.

However, that wasn't good enough. In the late 1980s and 1990s there was a 15% cleanup for 40% of the cost.

Nowadays, mostly thanks to the idiot environmental wackos like Obama, the drive is to clean up the remaining 5% for another 40% of the cost and that is damaging our economy for very little gain. Bad thing.

People die because of pollution because there are so many people and they demand industrialized goods that creates pollution. If you want to stop pollution then reduce population, significantly. More people will die indirectly because of a damaged economy than will die because of the effects of pollution. Your stupid study doesn't look at all the economic factors.

The US spends as much money on the cleaning the environment than the rest of the world combined. Ever since the 1970s pollution in all categories has been decreasing every year. It use to be at an increasing rate but in the last decade the rate has been steady.

We don't need to destroy our economy for minimal gain. That is just stupid.

In my retirement I occasionally teach a university class in Environmental Science. Usually to freshmen. You really need to sign up for one of my classes because you are very ignorant in the subject. Let me guess, you get your information on the environment from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central?
I do not want the smog of the 50's back. I want my grandchildren to be able to breathe clean air and have clean water. Trumputin can shove his ignorance up putins ass.
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.

Let me educate you a little bit because you seemed confused.

The first pollution laws (CAA, CWA, SDWA, RCRA etc) were needed.

The early implementation of the laws resulted in 80% pollution reduction for 20% of the cost. Good thing.

However, that wasn't good enough. In the late 1980s and 1990s there was a 15% cleanup for 40% of the cost.

Nowadays, mostly thanks to the idiot environmental wackos like Obama, the drive is to clean up the remaining 5% for another 40% of the cost and that is damaging our economy for very little gain. Bad thing.

People die because of pollution because there are so many people and they demand industrialized goods that creates pollution. If you want to stop pollution then reduce population, significantly. More people will die indirectly because of a damaged economy than will die because of the effects of pollution. Your stupid study doesn't look at all the economic factors.

The US spends as much money on the cleaning the environment than the rest of the world combined. Ever since the 1970s pollution in all categories has been decreasing every year. It use to be at an increasing rate but in the last decade the rate has been steady.

We don't need to destroy our economy for minimal gain. That is just stupid.

In my retirement I occasionally teach a university class in Environmental Science. Usually to freshmen. You really need to sign up for one of my classes because you are very ignorant in the subject. Let me guess, you get your information on the environment from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central?
I do not want the smog of the 50's back. I want my grandchildren to be able to breathe clean air and have clean water. Trumputin can shove his ignorance up putins ass.

I don't want people to be poor because we have dismal economic growth like we saw under Obama just to get rid of incremental small amounts of pollution. That is stupid. We have enough poverty caused by really dumb Liberal economics without adding more to it.

Shoveling tax payer's money into idiotic Liberal programs like Solyndra does nothing to to curtail pollution. Stopping coal production in the US that contributes minuscule amounts of pollution worldwide is batshit crazy given the cast amounts of power the coal could generate.
"The Trump administration will seek to revoke California’s authority to regulate automobile greenhouse gas emissions .....

Terms of Service Violation

He doesn't have the authority to take away Cali's right to do this. The Obama stuff he can as long as the State doesn't appropriate it.

I thought Cons believed in the 10th. Amendment.

What pisses der GroppenFuhrer is that California Attorney General Xavier Becerra keeps kick that fucking Fascist Traitor'a Fat White Pimpled Ass in Court.
Well, well, well...Are we gonna see "conservatives" abandoning their "states rights" mantra that there is a right wing authoritarian in office?
Liberal brings up States Rights and I just laugh and laugh.

I do the same thing when conservatives bring them up as well. Neither of you give a rats ass about states rights.
I'm a Constitutionalist so yes State rights are very important to me.

If an issue isn't covered in the Constitution then it is a concern for the States to decide.
All these stupid environmental wacko laws need to be overturned.

I take it you don't care about yourself or have children or grandchildren..
From Trump's own EPA.
Managing Air Quality - Human Health, Environmental and Economic Assessments | US EPA


I care a lot about the environment.

I worked 30 years as an Environmental Engineer. I have a P.E. License in Environmental Engineering.

I have cleaned up more pollution than 100,000 environmental wackos will ever see in their life.

The difference between me knowing about environmental control technology and restoration and the stupid environmental wackos is I understand what is needed and what is bullshit.

So, approximately 200,00 early deaths (per MIT) just from air pollution, don't matter to you? Nice.
Study: Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.

Let me educate you a little bit because you seemed confused.

The first pollution laws (CAA, CWA, SDWA, RCRA etc) were needed.

The early implementation of the laws resulted in 80% pollution reduction for 20% of the cost. Good thing.

However, that wasn't good enough. In the late 1980s and 1990s there was a 15% cleanup for 40% of the cost.

Nowadays, mostly thanks to the idiot environmental wackos like Obama, the drive is to clean up the remaining 5% for another 40% of the cost and that is damaging our economy for very little gain. Bad thing.

People die because of pollution because there are so many people and they demand industrialized goods that creates pollution. If you want to stop pollution then reduce population, significantly. More people will die indirectly because of a damaged economy than will die because of the effects of pollution. Your stupid study doesn't look at all the economic factors.

The US spends as much money on the cleaning the environment than the rest of the world combined. Ever since the 1970s pollution in all categories has been decreasing every year. It use to be at an increasing rate but in the last decade the rate has been steady.

We don't need to destroy our economy for minimal gain. That is just stupid.

In my retirement I occasionally teach a university class in Environmental Science. Usually to freshmen. You really need to sign up for one of my classes because you are very ignorant in the subject. Let me guess, you get your information on the environment from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central?

"Let me guess, you get your information on the environment from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central?"- Flash

That comment is typical of a simpleminded Little Trumpster. Hey Genius, Trump has very poor poll numbers with Independents. I happen to be one of the many Independents who see Trump for what he is, an incompetent, narcissist, who lies his ass off.
You do know that the Independent demographic is larger than the Republican and Democratic demographics, don't you?

Also, I don't watch CNN or MSNBC. My news comes directly from Reuters, which Fox News, along with MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC; etc, and most news resources all get their news from Reuters and then add their own spin.

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