Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

still waiting, how does he get. A registration form , a ballot and how does he vote. Tell us come on tell us.
I already told you that, they get the forms at the DMV, they hand them out to everybody that walks in.

I guess you are not very good at paying attention, you jumped into an argument where I stated DMV hands out voter registration forms now you don't remember that fact. You really dont know shit, do you.
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I thought there is no fraud in our elections.
No one ever said that. You just don’t pay attention. It’s just extremely rare and therefore doesn’t matter.
Then why you crying about it?
Trump’s a hypocrite and he wants to win cheating. Duh.
Actually it's the opposite, you inadvertantly proved there is a chance of fraud during the elections making your party's claim there are protections and no fraud a double sided argument opposing your own post.
First of all show me the quote where he tells people to vote twice, because he never uses those words, media spin does. He actually says to vote only once (counted vote that is registered) making a second vote impossible unless you admit you've been lying about chances for fraud=hence "YOU"
are the hypocrite.
Uh actually we never said voting fraud didn’t happen. We said it happens so rarely that it doesn’t matter.

I quoted him directly in a reply on the first page of this thread. He clearly says to vote twice. You’re referring to his idiot campaign official trying to spin what he said.
No he did not say vote twice, you did and could not validate the quote, because he never said that.
If your vote did not register then going in person you can only vote "IF" not recorded and thus if you vote in person that's 1 single vote not twice.
You leave out THE WORDS "IF"
& "NOT REGISTERED AND COUNTED" and add the word 'twice' to create a false narrative of what was said hoping people will never get to know what he actually said and meant.
You are being deceptive which means you know Biden is losing and you seek to cheat the election with fake news.
Since Facebook and other social media have pulled the Trump quote as misleading or false, I have to go on memory. I think Trump recommend that voters attempt to vote at the polls after voting by mail to test the system. Thus they would be attempting to vote twice which is illegal.
THANKS FOR ADMITTING you don't know what was said, and only used their rendition of what was said, but then they made you a tool and fool for their revenge tactic and you bought it like you did the Russia hoax.
And they did the censorship & false narrative as payback, but since they are becoming a political tool you might have missed Whitaker eluding to the fact Facebook and Twitter is now considered part of campaign financing, which promoting a candidate or attacking another for that party is being done more then the alloted amount by campaignydonation rules, thus causing the left to comitt campaign finance fraud. This is especially problematic if promised favors by abuse of power politicians. Facebook and Twitters revenge ractic not only put themselves in a bind, but now opened up the flood gates to consider CNN, MSNBC and the major networks as also over stepping their campaign finance alloted amounts-oops.
You said the word "I think" what was said, but that's not good enough.
Once again, try reading what "is said" not what is implied by media spin, Trump did not say vote at the ballot again he said go to see if they counted /registered your vote & "only" if your mail ballot was "never counted" (/missing/stolen) would you vote=1 counted vote not 2. You would not be allowed to vote twice remember your party's argument is that's not possible and no fraud exists.
Not only are you miss quoting it, but you "might be seen" as doing it here on purpose to top post your miss information campaign, which means you must not trust the polls as truthful either. If your candidate is so worthy then why need to make false stories to cause future riots over voter confidence?
You'd be prepping for future tantrums if you don't get your way again or you are just being used by those missinforming you to do this prep work.
If you are allowing yourself to be a puppet then that helps me on the other topic post, whereby people in your party have proved they'd rather be captive (puppets on a string) then liberated.
I think I found his actual quote. If this not his quote please provide a link.

"So let them send it in, and let them go vote. And if the system is as good as they say it is, then they obviously won’t be able to vote (at the poll)."

When Trump suggests that voters send in their vote and then go vote, he is suggesting that they vote twice which is neither legal nor ethical. Whether the state is able to prevent duplicate voting or not does not alter the fact that the president is suggesting voters vote twice and that is a crime. Attempting to commit a crime and being stopped by state is still a crime as is attempting to vote twice for the purpose of testing the system.
Not exactly. Impeached Trump's premise is that when voters go to the polls after voting by mail, they either won't be voting by mail because their mail-in ballot was not counted; or they won't be voting in person because their mail-in ballot was already counted. Either way, that results in only one vote being cast.

Where his felonious advice falls apart because he's simply too stupid to figure it out, is that there is a third group of people he didn't take into account. Those being people who mail in a ballot but arrive at polling places to vote in person before their mail-in ballot arrives. Those people will vote in person, if they follow his idiotic instructions to vote in person if their mail-in ballot has not been tabulated, and that will be their second vote if their mail-ballot arrives within 3 days of the election. Those people will all have committed felonious voter fraud by voting twice and that is based on the recommendation of the president of the United States. Unfuckingbelievable. :eusa_doh:
It is not the counting of the vote twice that makes the act illegal. It is the fact that the voter attempted to vote twice. However, the voter could go to poll and ask for a provisional ballot because he fears his mail-in vote was not counted. Whether he get's a provision ballot depends on state laws and regulation. Since large numbers of mail-in ballots arrive on election day and provisional ballots have to be handle manually which is very time consuming, I don't think the states would allow this.
Trouble counting, it's only 1 voteb the word if keeps dropping out your vocabulary.
But you proved the people's point that the left doesn't want a Republican vote to be counted-
Busted again!
View attachment 384832
The biggest 8mbeciles are those buying these fraud claims. You can make all the extra ballots you want, but you fools still can’t explain how to use them to cast a voter without committing a felony AND Not GETTING CAUGHT. You’re only possible chance is if you’re a republucan in North Carolina....and even they got bagged.
Fools, how are you going to cast your vote using you’re cat ballot without committing a felony AND GETTING CAUGHT .
You might be thinking of absentee ballots, which are preregistered, if your dems don't believe in checking IDs then those ballots sent to old moved out residents can and are picked up and even sold, and used to vote while the same voter waltzing in at polling places to vote again under their real name or stolen identities in various districts. We'll get Mr Wiskers to write in Garfield just to prove this point.
Hillary found a work around by using write ins after the election was over knowing they would not need checking. Why? For the popular vote narrative scam. Clever, but not smart enough to make the precentages coming in more realistic.
Example: write ins coming in at 50/50 suddenly turned 90/10 in her favor. She can't even cheat right. *L*
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I thought there is no fraud in our elections.
No one ever said that. You just don’t pay attention. It’s just extremely rare and therefore doesn’t matter.
Then why you crying about it?
Trump’s a hypocrite and he wants to win cheating. Duh.
Actually it's the opposite, you inadvertantly proved there is a chance of fraud during the elections making your party's claim there are protections and no fraud a double sided argument opposing your own post.
First of all show me the quote where he tells people to vote twice, because he never uses those words, media spin does. He actually says to vote only once (counted vote that is registered) making a second vote impossible unless you admit you've been lying about chances for fraud=hence "YOU"
are the hypocrite.
Uh actually we never said voting fraud didn’t happen. We said it happens so rarely that it doesn’t matter.

I quoted him directly in a reply on the first page of this thread. He clearly says to vote twice. You’re referring to his idiot campaign official trying to spin what he said.
No he did not say vote twice, you did and could not validate the quote, because he never said that.
If your vote did not register then going in person you can only vote "IF" not recorded and thus if you vote in person that's 1 single vote not twice.
You leave out THE WORDS "IF"
& "NOT REGISTERED AND COUNTED" and add the word 'twice' to create a false narrative of what was said hoping people will never get to know what he actually said and meant.
You are being deceptive which means you know Biden is losing and you seek to cheat the election with fake news.
Since Facebook and other social media have pulled the Trump quote as misleading or false, I have to go on memory. I think Trump recommend that voters attempt to vote at the polls after voting by mail to test the system. Thus they would be attempting to vote twice which is illegal.
THANKS FOR ADMITTING you don't know what was said, and only used their rendition of what was said, but then they made you a tool and fool for their revenge tactic and you bought it like you did the Russia hoax.
And they did the censorship & false narrative as payback, but since they are becoming a political tool you might have missed Whitaker eluding to the fact Facebook and Twitter is now considered part of campaign financing, which promoting a candidate or attacking another for that party is being done more then the alloted amount by campaignydonation rules, thus causing the left to comitt campaign finance fraud. This is especially problematic if promised favors by abuse of power politicians. Facebook and Twitters revenge ractic not only put themselves in a bind, but now opened up the flood gates to consider CNN, MSNBC and the major networks as also over stepping their campaign finance alloted amounts-oops.
You said the word "I think" what was said, but that's not good enough.
Once again, try reading what "is said" not what is implied by media spin, Trump did not say vote at the ballot again he said go to see if they counted /registered your vote & "only" if your mail ballot was "never counted" (/missing/stolen) would you vote=1 counted vote not 2. You would not be allowed to vote twice remember your party's argument is that's not possible and no fraud exists.
Not only are you miss quoting it, but you "might be seen" as doing it here on purpose to top post your miss information campaign, which means you must not trust the polls as truthful either. If your candidate is so worthy then why need to make false stories to cause future riots over voter confidence?
You'd be prepping for future tantrums if you don't get your way again or you are just being used by those missinforming you to do this prep work.
If you are allowing yourself to be a puppet then that helps me on the other topic post, whereby people in your party have proved they'd rather be captive (puppets on a string) then liberated.
I think I found his actual quote. If this not his quote please provide a link.

"So let them send it in, and let them go vote. And if the system is as good as they say it is, then they obviously won’t be able to vote (at the poll)."

When Trump suggests that voters send in their vote and then go vote, he is suggesting that they vote twice which is neither legal nor ethical. Whether the state is able to prevent duplicate voting or not does not alter the fact that the president is suggesting voters vote twice and that is a crime. Attempting to commit a crime and being stopped by state is still a crime as is attempting to vote twice for the purpose of testing the system.
Not exactly. Impeached Trump's premise is that when voters go to the polls after voting by mail, they either won't be voting by mail because their mail-in ballot was not counted; or they won't be voting in person because their mail-in ballot was already counted. Either way, that results in only one vote being cast.

Where his felonious advice falls apart because he's simply too stupid to figure it out, is that there is a third group of people he didn't take into account. Those being people who mail in a ballot but arrive at polling places to vote in person before their mail-in ballot arrives. Those people will vote in person, if they follow his idiotic instructions to vote in person if their mail-in ballot has not been tabulated, and that will be their second vote if their mail-ballot arrives within 3 days of the election. Those people will all have committed felonious voter fraud by voting twice and that is based on the recommendation of the president of the United States. Unfuckingbelievable. :eusa_doh:
It is not the counting of the vote twice that makes the act illegal. It is the fact that the voter attempted to vote twice. However, the voter could go to poll and ask for a provisional ballot because he fears his mail-in vote was not counted. Whether he get's a provision ballot depends on state laws and regulation. Since large numbers of mail-in ballots arrive on election day and provisional ballots have to be handle manually which is very time consuming, I don't think the states would allow this.
Trouble counting, it's only 1 voteb the word if keeps dropping out your vocabulary.
But you proved the people's point that the left doesn't want a Republican vote to be counted-
Busted again!
View attachment 384832
The biggest 8mbeciles are those buying these fraud claims. You can make all the extra ballots you want, but you fools still can’t explain how to use them to cast a voter without committing a felony AND Not GETTING CAUGHT. You’re only possible chance is if you’re a republucan in North Carolina....and even they got bagged.
Fools, how are you going to cast your vote using you’re cat ballot without committing a felony AND GETTING CAUGHT .
You might be thinking of absentee ballots, which are preregistered, if your dems don't believe in checking IDs then those ballots sent to old moved out residents can and are picked up and even sold, and used to vote while the same voter waltzing in at polling places to vote again under their real name or stolen identities in various districts. We'll get Mr Wiskers to write in Garfield just to prove this point.
Hillary found a work around by using write ins after the election was over knowing they would not need checking. Why? For the popular vote narrative scam. Clever, but not smart enough to make the precentages coming in more realistic.
Example: write ins coming in at 50/50 suddenly turned 90/10 in her favor. She can't even cheat right. *L*
All mail in ballots have to be preregistered. Your ballot means nothing if you aren’t already registered. It’s a felony to try to vote and not be registered. Really, none of you know his stuff ?
still waiting, how does he get. A registration form , a ballot and how does he vote. Tell us come on tell us.
I already told you that, they get the forms at the DMV, they hand them out to everybody that walks in.

I guess you are not very good at paying attention, you jumped into an argument where I stated DMV hands out voter registration forms now you don't remember that fact. You really dont know shit, do you.

I really don’t care who hands out ballots.....YOU STILL HAVE GO FILL THEM OUT WITH THE CORRECT NAME AND ADDRESS ( and what ever else) THAT MATCHES A PREREGISTERED VOTER. really are you that stupid .
You still haven’t told me how an illegal votes they vote with . Wtf do you think they do, turnin a blank ballot with no name or address. Really are you stupid.
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”

Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
And precisely NOWHERE in there does Trump tell people to vote twice. Yet another epic fail for the OP.

"Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote."

... that's a false statement that "they won't be able to vote" since even the best system won't know if people voted if their ballot arrives within 3 days after the election, which are still counted as long as they are postmarked by election day. Those people will have either voted twice, or at least tried to vote twice.

Either way,, that's a felony.

Also telling people to do that is a felony. North Carolina should charge Impeached Trump with a crime.
Fuck off and die little yellow coward illiterate. Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole. People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list. Poor little coward doesn’t know anything. As usual. You are bitch slapped and dismissed moron. As usual.
"Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole."


Brain-dead con...

"So let them send it in and let them go vote"
______ one vote ^ __________ second vote ^

"People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list."

By then, they've already broken the law by voting twice. They're not off the hook simply because they got caught trying to vote twice.
Pathetic faggot coward. Where are the words “vote twice” asshole? Even when quoted the law and procedure you double down on the stupid. You’re getting your ass kicked. As usual bitch.

ShortBus, watch as I educate you...

1 + 1 = 2

One vote by mail plus one vote in person equals voting twice.

If you have a mail in ballot and you don't use it you get a provisional ballot
Provisional ballots aren't counted until after all mail in ballots are counted
Dumbfuck, that's not what Impeached Trump was taking about. He wasn't talking about not voting by mail and then voting in person. He was telling people to do both... mail in a ballot and then go vote in person. That's two votes.

For many people, they will mail in their ballots early enough for the polling place to be notified they voted already. Those people will merely leave, voting only once.

But many others will mail their ballots in too close to the election for their mail-in ballots to be received by election day. Those people will be told their mail in ballot has not been received, therefore, not tabulated. Those people, if they follow Impeached Trump's felonious advice, will want to vote at the poll because their mail-in ballot was not counted. They will be denied to vote, having it explained to them they were already given a mail-in ballot. They will then be given a provisional ballot if they still want to vote in person. That's their second vote. A day or two later, their mail-in ballot arrives to be tabulated. The canvassing board now has two votes from one individual. Even though they invalidate one, the crimd is already committed; that person voted twice. The canvassing then notifies the proper authorities and that Trump voter faces voter fraud charges.
Your analysis was spot on, concise and well written. Any moron should now be able to understand the issues involved here. Mind you I am talking about morons and not Trumpers.
he's still misinformaed and lied his ass off
Bigreb I don't get it What's in it for you?
the fact that democrats want to run every asspect of peoples life is the only reason to never vote democrat.
So you liked the idea you could be denied health insurance because you got older or had a preexisting Conditions. The gop has been fighting against the elderly and every unhealthy person living. “ Die early “, say at 45 is their motto.
you get older you get what you paid for medicare
Of course you don’t like it. It’s a liberal commie program
So you're calling the man who said democrats he would have those N!@@er voting democrat for 200 years a liberal?
So what is the end game guys...

Do you really think the Secretaries of State for the 50 United states and territories that vote for the President are not going to sign off on the election results by each of them has done since their state was admitted to the union (with the exception of the Civil War years)?

Trump supporters have taken stupidity to a new level.
There is plenty of time to resolve issues. Dec 8th is the cutoff date for the states to send election results to congress. That gives the states more than a month.

Keep in mind the purpose of Trump's campaign against mail in voting is to create as much chaos as possible. When the president forecast a disastrous election it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because thousands of his supporters will be doing all they can to prove him correct.

Encouraging people to vote twice is just one of many tactics Trump can use to sabotage the election. He could also forecast riots by democrat voters and the far left which would certainly bring alt right groups like Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer to defend the polls which of course would bring Antifa to counter them. Then if he federalizes the National Guard and stationed them at polling places to insure security around the country, we would have all the ingredients for riots at the polls, a sure way to intimidate voters and reduce turnout.

True. When you tell a blob supporter the inevitable fact that the State election officials will sign off on the election results....they sound like you tell them that their puppy just died.

And these losers call themselves "real americans"
for three and a half you you have rejected the election that the state election officials signed off on
zing flung your shit right back at you Blart.
It’s been official but never so obvious. When Trump degrades military personnel, his own intel agencies and career public and government employees who protected our country and are totally apolitical when doing it, it’s officially a cult. They flip everything backwards like an eight year old who has no more ligit argument of their own.
What in the fuck are you talking about?
How many more lies are you going to spew?
No you won’t cult members. The gop cut Benefits for medicare Members in its last two budgets. Obamacare increased them, the gop just said fk you.
But you cultists will still believe whatever till you’re last tooth falls out of your head.
actually those cuts came from obama you fucking cultists need to learn before you spew lies
from your own source. The benefits are untouched. The cuts come from reduced drug spending the GOP did nit slow to negotiate. You’re a farce.
Mr. Obama's plan wouldn't leave Medicare untouched. Changes to that program and Medicaid — in large part coming from cuts in payments to drug companies and long-term care providers — are part of $580 billion in proposed cuts to mandatory spending programs (Lee and Bendavid, 9/20).
First fucking sentence you moron
"The squeeze will be felt by future Medicare recipients, in reduced payments to drug companies and hospitals, and with higher costs to states. "
You’re the idiot. The gop passed a bill that government funded health insurance could not negotiTe drug prices as a gift to drug companies. Make no mistake, it’s you idiots that reduce benefits, not democrats.k
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.
Just a cover story billy, the real story is how easy it is to cheat this system while putting another one over on the voting public as is evidenced by your post.
I have never heard of a provisional ballot being used at a polling place to cast a vote after you cast a mail in vote because you think it might not have been counted. Mail ballots generally have a transaction id on the ballot. You can use this id to inquire as to whether your vote was counted either by phone or on the election web site.

If it's THAT EASY to tell -- then SURELY, on election day, they can TELL YOU whether your mail-in has been received when you sign in.. Then if you THINK your ballot is lost or "stolen" -- you CAN cast a provisional... There's no doubt on this..

The quotes you pulled from the article are about VOTING TWICE.. A provisional ballot is NOT A VOTE... It will be TOSSED if you're on record already voting..
I have never heard of a provisional ballot being used at a polling place to cast a vote after you cast a mail in vote because you think it might not have been counted. Mail ballots generally have a transaction id on the ballot. You can use this id to inquire as to whether your vote was counted either by phone or on the election web site.

If it's THAT EASY to tell -- then SURELY, on election day, they can TELL YOU whether your mail-in has been received when you sign in.. Then if you THINK your ballot is lost or "stolen" -- you CAN cast a provisional... There's no doubt on this..

The quotes you pulled from the article are about VOTING TWICE.. A provisional ballot is NOT A VOTE... It will be TOSSED if you're on record already voting..
Do you notice you side with republicans 100% of the time?
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

Showing up in person AFTER you have voted by mail is fraud. An attempt to vote twice.

It's testing the system---------aren't you curious if that is all it takes to vote twice?

You shouldn't be so upset, you dems still have controll of the postal office where ballots can be intercepted and changed.
So what is the end game guys...

Do you really think the Secretaries of State for the 50 United states and territories that vote for the President are not going to sign off on the election results by each of them has done since their state was admitted to the union (with the exception of the Civil War years)?

Trump supporters have taken stupidity to a new level.
There is plenty of time to resolve issues. Dec 8th is the cutoff date for the states to send election results to congress. That gives the states more than a month.

Keep in mind the purpose of Trump's campaign against mail in voting is to create as much chaos as possible. When the president forecast a disastrous election it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because thousands of his supporters will be doing all they can to prove him correct.

Encouraging people to vote twice is just one of many tactics Trump can use to sabotage the election. He could also forecast riots by democrat voters and the far left which would certainly bring alt right groups like Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer to defend the polls which of course would bring Antifa to counter them. Then if he federalizes the National Guard and stationed them at polling places to insure security around the country, we would have all the ingredients for riots at the polls, a sure way to intimidate voters and reduce turnout.

True. When you tell a blob supporter the inevitable fact that the State election officials will sign off on the election results....they sound like you tell them that their puppy just died.

And these losers call themselves "real americans"
for three and a half you you have rejected the election that the state election officials signed off on
zing flung your shit right back at you Blart.
It’s been official but never so obvious. When Trump degrades military personnel, his own intel agencies and career public and government employees who protected our country and are totally apolitical when doing it, it’s officially a cult. They flip everything backwards like an eight year old who has no more ligit argument of their own.
What in the fuck are you talking about?
How many more lies are you going to spew?
No you won’t cult members. The gop cut Benefits for medicare Members in its last two budgets. Obamacare increased them, the gop just said fk you.
But you cultists will still believe whatever till you’re last tooth falls out of your head.
actually those cuts came from obama you fucking cultists need to learn before you spew lies
from your own source. The benefits are untouched. The cuts come from reduced drug spending the GOP did nit slow to negotiate. You’re a farce.
Mr. Obama's plan wouldn't leave Medicare untouched. Changes to that program and Medicaid — in large part coming from cuts in payments to drug companies and long-term care providers — are part of $580 billion in proposed cuts to mandatory spending programs (Lee and Bendavid, 9/20).
First fucking sentence you moron
"The squeeze will be felt by future Medicare recipients, in reduced payments to drug companies and hospitals, and with higher costs to states. "
You’re the idiot. The gop passed a bill that government funded health insurance could not negotiTe drug prices as a gift to drug companies. Make no mistake, it’s you idiots that reduce benefits, not democrats.k
Dumb fuck the squeeze came from Obamacare which had no support from one republican
You can stop kissing the ass of the elected democrats now they really hate you
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”

Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
And precisely NOWHERE in there does Trump tell people to vote twice. Yet another epic fail for the OP.

"Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote."

... that's a false statement that "they won't be able to vote" since even the best system won't know if people voted if their ballot arrives within 3 days after the election, which are still counted as long as they are postmarked by election day. Those people will have either voted twice, or at least tried to vote twice.

Either way,, that's a felony.

Also telling people to do that is a felony. North Carolina should charge Impeached Trump with a crime.
Fuck off and die little yellow coward illiterate. Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole. People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list. Poor little coward doesn’t know anything. As usual. You are bitch slapped and dismissed moron. As usual.
"Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole."


Brain-dead con...

"So let them send it in and let them go vote"
______ one vote ^ __________ second vote ^

"People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list."

By then, they've already broken the law by voting twice. They're not off the hook simply because they got caught trying to vote twice.
Pathetic faggot coward. Where are the words “vote twice” asshole? Even when quoted the law and procedure you double down on the stupid. You’re getting your ass kicked. As usual bitch.

ShortBus, watch as I educate you...

1 + 1 = 2

One vote by mail plus one vote in person equals voting twice.

If you have a mail in ballot and you don't use it you get a provisional ballot
Provisional ballots aren't counted until after all mail in ballots are counted
Dumbfuck, that's not what Impeached Trump was taking about. He wasn't talking about not voting by mail and then voting in person. He was telling people to do both... mail in a ballot and then go vote in person. That's two votes.

For many people, they will mail in their ballots early enough for the polling place to be notified they voted already. Those people will merely leave, voting only once.

But many others will mail their ballots in too close to the election for their mail-in ballots to be received by election day. Those people will be told their mail in ballot has not been received, therefore, not tabulated. Those people, if they follow Impeached Trump's felonious advice, will want to vote at the poll because their mail-in ballot was not counted. They will be denied to vote, having it explained to them they were already given a mail-in ballot. They will then be given a provisional ballot if they still want to vote in person. That's their second vote. A day or two later, their mail-in ballot arrives to be tabulated. The canvassing board now has two votes from one individual. Even though they invalidate one, the crimd is already committed; that person voted twice. The canvassing then notifies the proper authorities and that Trump voter faces voter fraud charges.
Your analysis was spot on, concise and well written. Any moron should now be able to understand the issues involved here. Mind you I am talking about morons and not Trumpers.
he's still misinformaed and lied his ass off
Bigreb I don't get it What's in it for you?
the fact that democrats want to run every asspect of peoples life is the only reason to never vote democrat.
So you liked the idea you could be denied health insurance because you got older or had a preexisting Conditions. The gop has been fighting against the elderly and every unhealthy person living. “ Die early “, say at 45 is their motto.
you get older you get what you paid for medicare
Of course you don’t like it. It’s a liberal commie program
So you're calling the man who said democrats he would have those N!@@er voting democrat for 200 years a liberal?
You called a racist a liberal
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I thought there is no fraud in our elections.
No one ever said that. You just don’t pay attention. It’s just extremely rare and therefore doesn’t matter.
Then why you crying about it?
Trump’s a hypocrite and he wants to win cheating. Duh.
Actually it's the opposite, you inadvertantly proved there is a chance of fraud during the elections making your party's claim there are protections and no fraud a double sided argument opposing your own post.
First of all show me the quote where he tells people to vote twice, because he never uses those words, media spin does. He actually says to vote only once (counted vote that is registered) making a second vote impossible unless you admit you've been lying about chances for fraud=hence "YOU"
are the hypocrite.
Uh actually we never said voting fraud didn’t happen. We said it happens so rarely that it doesn’t matter.

I quoted him directly in a reply on the first page of this thread. He clearly says to vote twice. You’re referring to his idiot campaign official trying to spin what he said.
No he did not say vote twice, you did and could not validate the quote, because he never said that.
If your vote did not register then going in person you can only vote "IF" not recorded and thus if you vote in person that's 1 single vote not twice.
You leave out THE WORDS "IF"
& "NOT REGISTERED AND COUNTED" and add the word 'twice' to create a false narrative of what was said hoping people will never get to know what he actually said and meant.
You are being deceptive which means you know Biden is losing and you seek to cheat the election with fake news.
Since Facebook and other social media have pulled the Trump quote as misleading or false, I have to go on memory. I think Trump recommend that voters attempt to vote at the polls after voting by mail to test the system. Thus they would be attempting to vote twice which is illegal.
THANKS FOR ADMITTING you don't know what was said, and only used their rendition of what was said, but then they made you a tool and fool for their revenge tactic and you bought it like you did the Russia hoax.
And they did the censorship & false narrative as payback, but since they are becoming a political tool you might have missed Whitaker eluding to the fact Facebook and Twitter is now considered part of campaign financing, which promoting a candidate or attacking another for that party is being done more then the alloted amount by campaignydonation rules, thus causing the left to comitt campaign finance fraud. This is especially problematic if promised favors by abuse of power politicians. Facebook and Twitters revenge ractic not only put themselves in a bind, but now opened up the flood gates to consider CNN, MSNBC and the major networks as also over stepping their campaign finance alloted amounts-oops.
You said the word "I think" what was said, but that's not good enough.
Once again, try reading what "is said" not what is implied by media spin, Trump did not say vote at the ballot again he said go to see if they counted /registered your vote & "only" if your mail ballot was "never counted" (/missing/stolen) would you vote=1 counted vote not 2. You would not be allowed to vote twice remember your party's argument is that's not possible and no fraud exists.
Not only are you miss quoting it, but you "might be seen" as doing it here on purpose to top post your miss information campaign, which means you must not trust the polls as truthful either. If your candidate is so worthy then why need to make false stories to cause future riots over voter confidence?
You'd be prepping for future tantrums if you don't get your way again or you are just being used by those missinforming you to do this prep work.
If you are allowing yourself to be a puppet then that helps me on the other topic post, whereby people in your party have proved they'd rather be captive (puppets on a string) then liberated.
I think I found his actual quote. If this not his quote please provide a link.

"So let them send it in, and let them go vote. And if the system is as good as they say it is, then they obviously won’t be able to vote (at the poll)."

When Trump suggests that voters send in their vote and then go vote, he is suggesting that they vote twice which is neither legal nor ethical. Whether the state is able to prevent duplicate voting or not does not alter the fact that the president is suggesting voters vote twice and that is a crime. Attempting to commit a crime and being stopped by state is still a crime as is attempting to vote twice for the purpose of testing the system.
Not exactly. Impeached Trump's premise is that when voters go to the polls after voting by mail, they either won't be voting by mail because their mail-in ballot was not counted; or they won't be voting in person because their mail-in ballot was already counted. Either way, that results in only one vote being cast.

Where his felonious advice falls apart because he's simply too stupid to figure it out, is that there is a third group of people he didn't take into account. Those being people who mail in a ballot but arrive at polling places to vote in person before their mail-in ballot arrives. Those people will vote in person, if they follow his idiotic instructions to vote in person if their mail-in ballot has not been tabulated, and that will be their second vote if their mail-ballot arrives within 3 days of the election. Those people will all have committed felonious voter fraud by voting twice and that is based on the recommendation of the president of the United States. Unfuckingbelievable. :eusa_doh:
It is not the counting of the vote twice that makes the act illegal. It is the fact that the voter attempted to vote twice. However, the voter could go to poll and ask for a provisional ballot because he fears his mail-in vote was not counted. Whether he get's a provision ballot depends on state laws and regulation. Since large numbers of mail-in ballots arrive on election day and provisional ballots have to be handle manually which is very time consuming, I don't think the states would allow this.
Trouble counting, it's only 1 voteb the word if keeps dropping out your vocabulary.
But you proved the people's point that the left doesn't want a Republican vote to be counted-
Busted again!
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The biggest 8mbeciles are those buying these fraud claims. You can make all the extra ballots you want, but you fools still can’t explain how to use them to cast a voter without committing a felony AND Not GETTING CAUGHT. You’re only possible chance is if you’re a republucan in North Carolina....and even they got bagged.
Fools, how are you going to cast your vote using you’re cat ballot without committing a felony AND GETTING CAUGHT .
You might be thinking of absentee ballots, which are preregistered, if your dems don't believe in checking IDs then those ballots sent to old moved out residents can and are picked up and even sold, and used to vote while the same voter waltzing in at polling places to vote again under their real name or stolen identities in various districts. We'll get Mr Wiskers to write in Garfield just to prove this point.
Hillary found a work around by using write ins after the election was over knowing they would not need checking. Why? For the popular vote narrative scam. Clever, but not smart enough to make the precentages coming in more realistic.
Example: write ins coming in at 50/50 suddenly turned 90/10 in her favor. She can't even cheat right. *L*
All mail in ballots have to be preregistered. Your ballot means nothing if you aren’t already registered. It’s a felony to try to vote and not be registered. Really, none of you know his stuff ?
No you are wrong, you are confusing the 2.
The best way to know the what and why's is to listen to Bill Barr's interview on CNN.
Why Bill Barr is so upset is that through making people weary of the process could cause unrest, especially when the media fuels the flames of doubt and will use it as an excuse.
This can be seriously dangerous.
I really don’t care who hands out ballots.....YOU STILL HAVE GO FILL THEM OUT WITH THE CORRECT NAME AND ADDRESS ( and what ever else) THAT MATCHES A PREREGISTERED VOTER. really are you that stupid .
You still haven’t told me how an illegal votes they vote with . Wtf do you think they do, turnin a blank ballot with no name or address. Really are you stupid.
once registered, all they have to do is go vote
once registered they can send a ballot in with their name and address

After all, if you are right illegal aliens would be afraid to get their free health care, their subsidized housing, their food stamps, their subsidized electricity. All this requires their address. Your idea that illegal aliens live in the dark shadows is ludicrous.
once registered, all they have to do is go vote
you’re suggesting an illegal can register ( which is a felony as well) easily without committing a felony that can easily be traced ?
. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally by lying and you’re a felon. An illegal has to supply information to a govt. official that proves he’s an illegal and a felon by lying. . . And you’re going to suggest they do it willingly for one vote. What a dufus.
examples you could be asked for..

  • Certification of US citizenship or naturalization
  • Draft record
  • Voter registration card from another state
  • Original or certified copy of brith certificate bearing an original seal
  • Certificate of birth abroad issued by the US State Department
  • ... (more items)
Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.
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once registered, all they have to do is go vote
So, the illegal has to register first. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally and you’re a felon. btw, only one vote per registration. Once you’re a felon and an illegal, you get deported after five years in jail. You are really stupid. It’s the employees that help illegals remain in the shadows.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.

Here you go:

There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote
you’re suggesting an illegal can register ( which is a felony as well) easily without committing a felony that can easily be traced ?
. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally by lying and you’re a felon. An illegal has to supply information to a govt. official that proves he’s an illegal and a felon by lying. . . And you’re going to suggest they do it willingly for one vote. What a dufus.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.
I saw the DMV handing out voter registration cards to everyone that entered the DMV. I have been to the DMV more than once. Everyone gets one.

Commissions, the Democrats sued both Bush and Trump. Local officials refused to cooperate with both Commissions. I guess the Democrats are simply the only honest people in the world with nothing to hide.

Yes, illegal voting is a huge problem. Despite your idea that nobody that commits two or three crimes will commit the crime of voting illegally.
once registered, all they have to do is go vote
So, the illegal has to register first. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally and you’re a felon. btw, only one vote per registration. Once you’re a felon and an illegal, you get deported after five years in jail. You are really stupid. It’s the employees that help illegals remain in the shadows.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.

Here you go:

There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote
That’s funny. Hilarious.
Trump had a Voting commission..... THEY COULD FIND NO WRONG DOING
proof becomes one newspaper says ONE dmv can’t prove they didn’t ?
That’s not proof.

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