Trump trading card issue- What about the millions of dollars that Democrats and Republicans get through book deals and speaking at charity events?

Look at those big muscles!!

Great to see your Mr Trump being so successful with his Trading Cards .
People are making a great deal of money already .

This will incense the Looneys but they have never understood money and profit .
So now that Donnie has put up his digital EFT trading cards depicting him in roles he could never accomplish in real life and gets made fun of you Trump butt suckers are gonna cry, lol, well here it is, just for YOUS BIGLY;

Be sure and watch out when you go outside while yer one yer period there are bears roaming around.
Still the media is not criticizing the people on the far left who are doing far worse things compared to Donald Trump..

To your point yes it appears that Mr. Trump needs to readjust the people he’s working with. He might have some bad advisers.

He only hires the best. He said so himself.
Important to remind that the media can sometimes distort a story and I think this is clearly one of them. They’re trying to make Donald Trump out as a con artist..
Yes you have this Donald Trump trading card issue and it has stirred controversy. But it’s not the first time that politicians have made money off of their image and it won’t be the last. Is trump even getting any money off of this thing? The man is a billionaire what does a few extra million do him ?
Again, it is likely some of his wealth got taken from him by the liberal thugs, bc they have sued him over and over so maybe he could use some campaign money. Maybe he doesn't want the lawless *&^% taking any more of his wealth.. could be "the principle of the thing" (trading cards)

meaning: he doesn't really need the money, just wants to re-coup some of what the thugs stole.. I don't know...
Start a thread about it and stop trying to change the subject here.
The subject of the thread is trading made a comment about it....we are discussing it.

Once again though, you got caught lying
Still the media is not criticizing the people on the far left who are doing far worse things compared to Donald Trump..

To your point yes it appears that Mr. Trump needs to readjust the people he’s working with. He might have some bad advisers. But don’t count the man out the bottom line is economy was much better when he was president. We didn’t have the coronavirus. History will look at how governments of the world reacted to that virus willingly shutting down the economy and how people just went along with it history will look at that and they will judge if it was right or not. If that coronavirus or better yet the government reaction to it did not go the way it did …Donald Trump would still be president and our economy would surely be much better.

This is still nothing compared to BLM leader’s using donor money to purchase mansions. Effectively being thieves. And mainstream democrats support them..that is much worse of an issue compared to the Donald Trump trading card saga.
then there is the way Clinton made HUGE sums of money for (allegedly for :rolleyes:) a SPEECH, one that normally lasted less than an hour. I mean, who pays someone $500,000 for a damn speech?

It's bs.. No one does. There was something else involved..
The subject of the thread is trading made a comment about it....we are discussing it.

Once again though, you got caught lying
Yes, I said I would never buy any trading cards of politicians or for that fact anybody.
then there is the way Clinton made HUGE sums of money for (allegedly for :rolleyes:) a SPEECH, one that normally lasted less than an hour. I mean, who pays someone $500,000 for a damn speech?

It's bs.. No one does. There was something else involved..
How would you know being at the bottom of the pile?
Important to remind that the media can sometimes distort a story and I think this is clearly one of them. They’re trying to make Donald Trump out as a con artist..
Yes you have this Donald Trump trading card issue and it has stirred controversy. But it’s not the first time that politicians have made money off of their image and it won’t be the last. Is trump even getting any money off of this thing? The man is a billionaire what does a few extra million do him ?

The trading card issue is hilarious.
And they get made fun of also.

Yeah, sure they do pal.

Why would you compromise your character with such a statement? I would respect you more if you recanted the statement in acknowledgement of it being in error, you got caught in the moment or something. You and I know these book deals are rarely if ever panned (unless it's purely political).
Important to remind that the media can sometimes distort a story and I think this is clearly one of them. They’re trying to make Donald Trump out as a con artist..
Yes you have this Donald Trump trading card issue and it has stirred controversy. But it’s not the first time that politicians have made money off of their image and it won’t be the last. Is trump even getting any money off of this thing? The man is a billionaire what does a few extra million do him ?
I knew it wouldn't take long for MAGAts to make this ok in their................"minds". :heehee:

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