Trump trading card issue- What about the millions of dollars that Democrats and Republicans get through book deals and speaking at charity events?

gotcha…you can’t prove your claim…typical

I did prove my claim. I gave you every link for past presidents that sold their own trading cards.

Why do you need to lie just so you can post something
I did prove my claim. I gave you every link for past presidents that sold their own trading cards.

Why do you need to lie just so you can post something
you’ve provided nothing to support your claim that it’s not happened.

you are a bold face liar

i am not at all surprised folks like obama didn’t sell their own, he’s no business man…or the clintons…heck they left the white house dead broke and needed interest free loans from mega donors…but you haven’t shown any evidence to suggest Teddy Roosevelt or Grant, or hayes etc didn’t
Important to remind that the media can sometimes distort a story and I think this is clearly one of them. They’re trying to make Donald Trump out as a con artist..
Yes you have this Donald Trump trading card issue and it has stirred controversy. But it’s not the first time that politicians have made money off of their image and it won’t be the last. Is trump even getting any money off of this thing? The man is a billionaire what does a few extra million do him ?
Trump is a businessman. He just came out with a product people wanted. He was successful. Democrats / snowflakes can't stand it. Its not rocket science.
you’ve provided nothing to support your claim that it’s not happened.

you are a bold face liar

How does one provide a link to somethign that did not happen?

Please explain how you want me to link to something that does not exist?

I will be happy to wait
How does one provide a link to somethign that did not happen?

Please explain how you want me to link to something that does not exist?

I will be happy to wait
you had zero evidence to suggest it didn’t happen…you completely made it up
you had zero evidence to suggest it didn’t happen…you completely made it up

If it had happened you could show that it did. But you cannot so you are just going to keep lying.

Bye Bye
If it had happened you could show that it did. But you cannot so you are just going to keep lying.

Bye Bye
haha oh moving the goal post and shifting the burden…you made the claim…it’s your responsibly to prove it

i already proved that there had been prior presidents to issue trading cards, going as far back as Washington
you made the claim…it’s your responsibly to prove it

And I did.

i already proved that there had been prior presidents to issue trading cards, going as far back as Washington

Liar. That you constantly have to lie to support your claims is all anyone needs to know about you

Those were not issued by the presidents themselves but by unaffiliated companies. They none every received a official endorsements from the president and no past president before Trump hocked the cards themselves.
Trump trading cards are more intellectually stimulating than any book
Pretty LOW bar you have set for trump and trump KKKult members.

If trump just gets out of bed in the AM, you kkkult members equate it to completing a marathon.
It will be interesting to be able to see how much they are worth in 50 years.

If nobody buys them now, they will be scarce and potentially valuable in 50 years. If tons of people buy them now, there will be plenty on the market and so they will have less value.

That's pretty much the way it works with various collectables.

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