Trump Trolling Podesta Was Hillaryous

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Triggered 60 Million snowflakes and sent CNN into complete delirium.

Liberals have accused Trump of every dirty deed in the book and now he just trolls the idiots for amusement.

Even he couldn't have anticipated Podoesta would go that batshit crazy.

Now Trump is doing what Hillary could never dream of doing. Paving the way for us to put the new Cold War she and Obama created behind us. Finish destroying ISIS, putting Putin on notice and looking forward instead of escalating tensions over the past, and making America great again. Because Hillaryous was going to do none of it. Just more Identity politics to stoke the divisions of class war.

I wonder if John is still, should I say TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to say as an aside, now that you've reminded me, one thing I noticed in the meeting with Putin the other day that I never heard commented on anywhere was the body language I noticed. I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but Putin was quite restrained and retiring. He looked sad, spent most of the time looking downward, and only made eye contact with Trump when Trump reached to shake his hand. The rest of the time, Putin only snuck a peek at Trump once or twice when Trump was looking the other way.

Why do I mention this?

Putin had no respect for Obama and walked all over him. Pushed him far and wide. Putin pushed and Obama backed down. Here comes the new US president, a guy with a tiny fraction of Putin's political experience. A president who has been quite challenged in the press. What would be the first thing you would do as Putin? You would test him!

You would press him to test his resolve, to pry for areas of weakness to exploit and intimidate. Get him on his heels and keep him there. Establish a dominance.

What their body language told me is that behind closed doors, Putin tried to gain the upper hand and Trump sat him in his place. That 30 minute meeting turned into over 2 hours. Imagine from Putin's POV: The USA has gone from Barack Obama and Hillary or Kerry to Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson. The number one issue is Syria, and Putin found out very quickly that not only could he not intimidate or push Trump around, I think Trump got right back in his face and told him some scary stuff. That Trump will have none of it, and if you want to get crazy, Trump will get crazy. If you want to take it in the street, Trump will take it in the street. Trump impressed upon him that the USA has WAY more military and economic strength than Russia and push come to shove--- is not afraid to use it.

C'mon, Vlad, just MAKE MY DAY.

Putin tested the waters and Trump quickly established that: "Look! I am no fool here. I am no patsy or pushover. You will RESPECT ME and bargain in good faith giving me some of what I want and we can be very beneficial to each other or we don't go anywhere. Or I can be your worst nightmare"

If you don't have the respect of a man like Putin, you don't have anything. You might as well just pack and go home. Trump came out the alpha male. The snake Putin looked into the eye of the Trump tiger; no fear was seen. It won't be easy going, but it was a beginning. In the campaign Trump said that he and Putin might get along and even like each other; before any of that can happen, there first has to be mutual respect. Step One accomplished.
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Triggered 60 Million snowflakes and sent CNN into complete delirium.

Liberals have accused Trump of every dirty deed in the book and now he just trolls the idiots for amusement.

Even he couldn't have anticipated Podoesta would go that batshit crazy.

Now Trump is doing what Hillary could never dream of doing. Paving the way for us to put the new Cold War she and Obama created behind us. Finish destroying ISIS, putting Putin on notice and looking forward instead of escalating tensions over the past, and making America great again. Because Hillaryous was going to do none of it. Just more Identity politics to stoke the divisions of class war.

I wonder if John is still, should I say TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Internet trolling while at a G20. That's not funny that's a sickness.
Triggered 60 Million snowflakes and sent CNN into complete delirium.

Liberals have accused Trump of every dirty deed in the book and now he just trolls the idiots for amusement.

Even he couldn't have anticipated Podoesta would go that batshit crazy.

Now Trump is doing what Hillary could never dream of doing. Paving the way for us to put the new Cold War she and Obama created behind us. Finish destroying ISIS, putting Putin on notice and looking forward instead of escalating tensions over the past, and making America great again. Because Hillaryous was going to do none of it. Just more Identity politics to stoke the divisions of class war.

I wonder if John is still, should I say TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Internet trolling while at a G20. That's not funny that's a sickness.

Multi tasking, succesful people do it well
Trump has done well overseas each trip

The Trump / Putin dynamic vs how meetings went with Barry Hussein Obama was discussed on talk radio; but I like toobfreak 's analysis
I have to say as an aside, now that you've reminded me, one thing I noticed in the meeting with Putin the other day that I never heard commented on anywhere was the body language I noticed. I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but Putin was quite restrained and retiring. He looked sad, spent most of the time looking downward, and only made eye contact with Trump when Trump reached to shake his hand. The rest of the time, Putin only snuck a peek at Trump once or twice when Trump was looking the other way.

Why do I mention this?

Putin had no respect for Obama and walked all over him. Pushed him far and wide. Putin pushed and Obama backed down. Here comes the new US president, a guy with a tiny fraction of Putin's political experience. A president who has been quite challenged in the press. What would be the first thing you would do as Putin? You would test him!

You would press him to test his resolve, to pry for areas of weakness to exploit and intimidate. Get him on his heels and keep him there. Establish a dominance.

What their body language told me is that behind closed doors, Putin tried to gain the upper hand and Trump sat him in his place. That 30 minute meeting turned into over 2 hours. Imagine from Putin's POV: The USA has gone from Barack Obama and Hillary or Kerry to Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson. The number one issue is Syria, and Putin found out very quickly that not only could he not intimidate or push Trump around, I think Trump got right back in his face and told him some scary stuff. That Trump will have none of it, and if you want to get crazy, Trump will get crazy. If you want to take it in the street, Trump will take it in the street. Trump impressed upon him that the USA has WAY more military and economic strength than Russia and push come to shove--- is not afraid to use it.

C'mon, Vlad, just MAKE MY DAY.

Putin tested the waters and Trump quickly established that: "Look! I am no fool here. I am no patsy or pushover. You will RESPECT ME and bargain in good faith giving me some of what I want and we can be very beneficial to each other or we don't go anywhere. Or I can be your worst nightmare"

If you don't have the respect of a man like Putin, you don't have anything. You might as well just pack and go home. Trump came out the alpha male. The snake Putin looked into the eye of the Trump tiger; no fear was seen. It won't be easy going, but it was a beginning. In the campaign Trump said that he and Putin might get along and even like each other; before any of that can happen, there first has to be mutual respect. Step One accomplished.

I also noticed Putins body language, I interpret as this, hopefully I don't bounce around too much lol.

Putin is an experienced former KGB agent, extremely intelligent, cunning and cut throat. In general he deals with politicians who are bought and sold, he will have all the intel on what that president can, cannot or will not do. Trump has no such obligations to anyone, he can govern as he sees fit, he can go directly to the people and he can quit tomorrow and live out his days in luxury if he chooses. This in itself, presents Trump as the ultimate wildcard.

I think in almost any interaction Putin was always going to appear sheepish, I think it would be a mistake to take that for weakness, but it is grudging respect. This is some parts by design, other parts, moving with caution. Why would he stick out his chest when he has the ear of a president in the U.S like has not happened in some time? There is nothing for Putin to gain by this. Further to this though, he doesn't want to operate against the unknown. This is Trumps most powerful asset, his complete and utter unpredictability. Russia is already under heavy sanctions and political pressure from Washington. Best to not make it worse.

Trump fired an FBI agent, throwing caution to the wind. He fired rockets into Syria when they used chemical weapons. He tweets that China is helping with North Korea, than tweets that China has increased trade with N Korea by 40%, "oh well at least we tried...". Cryptic to be sure. Is there really anything Putin is certain Trump won't do if he feels that America is threatened, or simply because it appears to be the best course for America?

Furthermore, how did Trump get to where he was? By being shred, cut throat and as unforgiving in the business world as Putin is in the geopolitical world. Consider the choice of cabinet for Trump to mirror this fact. An experienced CEO of the largest oil company in the world in Tillerson. A crafty old school businessman in Wilbur Ross, a well respected soldier in Mattis. Men who didn't need the job, but took their roles out of duty and a common desire to cut through the BS and win. Who did he overlook? Guys like Romney. Trump meant business from day one and he knew that what he lacked in political experience, he could overcome with his understanding of getting the most competent people for the job. He wasn't going to be messed with by anyone.

In the end, he and Trump relate on some level, what it means long term is anyones guess. Certainly Putin had a much easier timing reading and exploiting Obama than he will Trump. If only because Trump has much more credible and action oriented advisers.
Triggered 60 Million snowflakes and sent CNN into complete delirium.

Liberals have accused Trump of every dirty deed in the book and now he just trolls the idiots for amusement.

Even he couldn't have anticipated Podoesta would go that batshit crazy.

Now Trump is doing what Hillary could never dream of doing. Paving the way for us to put the new Cold War she and Obama created behind us. Finish destroying ISIS, putting Putin on notice and looking forward instead of escalating tensions over the past, and making America great again. Because Hillaryous was going to do none of it. Just more Identity politics to stoke the divisions of class war.

I wonder if John is still, should I say TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Internet trolling while at a G20. That's not funny that's a sickness.
It's ballsy.....Clint Eastwood...Dirty Harry stuff.

"Go Ahead....Punk.....Make My Day!"


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