Trump turns up the heat on trade: 'Tariffs are the greatest!'


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'President Donald Trump cranked up the rhetoric on tariffs on Tuesday, saying they are a good bargaining tool in his quest to get better trade agreements.

In a morning tweet, the president dug in on his position in the global trade war, declaring "Tariffs are the greatest!"

Trump turns up the heat on trade: 'Tariffs are the greatest!'

He is SUCH a dinosaur on this....not a clue.

Tariffs just raise prices and they do NOT increase long term employment.
Further down in the OP article, there is a brief interview snippet with Elizabeth Warren on this subject.
And clearly she is almost as ignorant on trade as Trump is...maybe as much.

She was for getting out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. All that did was allow China to make her own deals and gain a stronger economic foothold with Pacific region that was moronic for America.

And she is for tariffs....which proves she is ignorant (as is Trump) about how macroeconomics works.

Free trade works. It makes products MUCH cheaper for consumers, it is pro-free enterprise, it lowers regulations and it is NOT responsible for trade deficits....differences in countries regulations/rules/economies/pay structures are.

As for China? Free trade negotiations had put a HUGE dent in China's anti-free trade, trade laws. But Trump, Warren and their respective followers refuse to look at that (or more likely - have not a clue about it because the MSM does not talk much about it).

I GUARANTEE you that these tariffs/trade war threats will not lower trade deficits. Plus they will raise inflation as the costs of goods go up. And they will hurt the people who Trump and Warren claim they are there to help...the poor/middle classes.

Major trade wars have NEVER worked...and this one will not either (if it starts).
Have we ever had actual free trade?
What ignorant Americans dont realize is, before trump, we had like 12K tariffs.
No fucking outrage.
No fucking outrage a few years ago when tires went up 400 bucks.
No fucking outrage ever.
I would respect the outrage more if it wasnt so goddamn disingenuous.

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