Trump tweets high schoolish not Presidential

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump's tweets are high schoolish not Presidential.
Our President's tweets are as immature as many of the posts on this web site. Insulting a news host about her IQ and face lift is ridiculous. A mature adult would talk about the specifics of her reporting he disagrees with not ridiculous insults.
The Donald's Tweets about Low IQ, Crazy Mika and Psycho Joe were hilarious. About time too put those bizarre, butthurt MSNBC clowns in their place! :p
It's not ridiculous at all, it has served him well. The American people prefer hearing his tweets, regardless how chilldish, to the garbage that is being peddled as "information" by the mainstream media, government, and academia.

Leftists and the fake journalists are outraged, I tell you, OUTRAGED that they are no longer respected and hallowed as the only arbiters of information! It is an affront to them, they maintain it is along the lines of "violent aggression" towards them to refuse to take them seriously.
Trump's tweets are high schoolish not Presidential.
Our President's tweets are as immature as many of the posts on this web site. Insulting a news host about her IQ and face lift is ridiculous. A mature adult would talk about the specifics of her reporting he disagrees with not ridiculous insults.

TweetiePie ... that stupid bitch has millions of followers, who knows from where, and who. National security my ass. He needs to grow up and run the country, or step off.
I agree about Trumps tweets but I would also point out the medias coverage of him since election night has been more National Enquirer like than Huntley and Brinkley. As I said on another thread both sides really need to grow up.
Look what Kellyanne had to do. The assholes just flat out lie on a continual basis.

Kellyanne Conway Fires Back at Morning Joe’s Baseless Attack: ‘It Is a Privilege to Assist President Trump’
16 May, 2017 in Breitbart News / MSNBC / News US

Counselor to President Donald Trump Kellyanne Conway is firing back hard at Morning Joe hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough for baselessly claiming she does not actually support President Trump.
Conway said in a statement on Tuesday:

The hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have become virulent critics of the President and those close to him. Ignoring insults and insinuations is a valuable skill. But when sentiments are attributed to me that are not true, it is necessary to respond. My beliefs, commitments and loyalties are plain to see. The notion that I am serving for ‘the money’ or a ‘paycheck’ is absurd. As campaign manager, I made a fraction of what other consultants have made on unsuccessful presidential campaigns. Then I walked away from dozens of opportunities for millions of dollars, and instead walked into the White House. I would do it again. It is a privilege to assist President Trump in the White House, just as it was during the campaign. I know him, I respect him, I believe in him, and I am confident in his capacity to be a transformative and successful President.

Taking a moment from more important matters to respond ….

— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) May 16, 2017

Conway’s Tuesday statement comes after evidence-less attacks from Scarborough and Brzezinski on Monday morning’s program, in which they claimed that Conway—Trump’s successful general election campaign manager—is only in it for the money. They even claimed that Conway once said she needed “a shower” after standing up for Trump when the microphones were off during the campaign, something on which they provided no proof.
Trump's tweets are high schoolish not Presidential.
Our President's tweets are as immature as many of the posts on this web site. Insulting a news host about her IQ and face lift is ridiculous. A mature adult would talk about the specifics of her reporting he disagrees with not ridiculous insults.
The only people that Mika Brezinski and Joel Scarborough represent Are crazies....
Trump's tweets are high schoolish not Presidential.
Our President's tweets are as immature as many of the posts on this web site. Insulting a news host about her IQ and face lift is ridiculous. A mature adult would talk about the specifics of her reporting he disagrees with not ridiculous insults.

YUP and mature "journalists' wouldn't be saying THIS about our president:
Now these professional journalists make these comments first to a guy who isn't polished, who isn't presidential AND THANK GOD for that!
Remember these dipheads SAID IT first... go for it Mr. President!!
Mika Brzezinski said, “Nothing makes a man feel better than making a fake cover of a magazine about himself, lying every day and destroying the country.”
Brzezinski then said, “He’s covering his hands here because they’re teensy.”
“Let’s say someone came into NBC and took over NBC, and started tweeting wildly about people’s appearances, bullying people, talking about people in the competition, lying every day, undermining his managers, throwing them under the [bus] — that person would be thrown out,”
Brzezinski said, according to Raw Story. “It’s just not normal behavior. In fact, there would be concerns that the person who runs the company is out of his mind.”
What Did Mika Brzezinski Say to Prompt Donald Trump’s ‘Face-Lift’ Tweets?

Now you tell me as one of the hundred million followers of Trump who amongst us wouldn't be pissed at these comments?
Yes this is the reason more and more people distrust the petty, juvenile MSM!!
Keep it up President Trump!
Trumps war with the press didn't begin yesterday or election day or when he announced.

His tweets are a representation of the man himself.

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