Trump tweets that Russia will interfere 2018 for Dems


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
Because nothing says "Presidential" like calling the sanctity of our election into question.

He's just saying that so that the election is scapegoated. So if the Republicans keep hold of both halves of Congress everything is fine... but if there is a blue wave, he can blame it on Russian interference and then say that he called it! Instead of him taking the blame for people voting for Democrats because of his poor actions while President.
True - but all money points at them interfering again. A blue wave may not be enough, if Russia does the same again. And why wouldn't she? Nothing happened to her last time.
"I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election. Based on the fact that no President has been tougher on Russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats. They definitely don’t want Trump!" - President Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

i call that the good ol switcheroo! Trump has turned the tables on the Dems.
BWA-HA-HA-HA! Is he trying his "The election is rigged!" gambit again?
Trump is deeply disturbed. What kind of president would write something like that? He is already trying to discredit the election before it even begins.

Hey Moron!! If what you are saying is true get your fat ass off the toilet where you are writing these tweets and get to work defending America!

Of course you know what you wrote is lie. The world knows it is a lie. The only people who don't are your mindless followers.

You friggin' idiot.
Trump is deeply disturbed. What kind of president would write something like that? He is already trying to discredit the election before it even begins.

Hey Moron!! If what you are saying is true get your fat ass off the toilet where you are writing these tweets and get to work defending America!

Of course you know what you wrote is lie. The world knows it is a lie. The only people who don't are your mindless followers.

You friggin' idiot.
Perhaps he is only stating what he thinks, unlike presidents we have had in the past who are pc cowards? Could it be that you do not have any facts about this at all? I know I don't, but I won't post some tripe like I have some insight as to what is really going on in private in the WH.
Trump is deeply disturbed. What kind of president would write something like that? He is already trying to discredit the election before it even begins.

Hey Moron!! If what you are saying is true get your fat ass off the toilet where you are writing these tweets and get to work defending America!

Of course you know what you wrote is lie. The world knows it is a lie. The only people who don't are your mindless followers.

You friggin' idiot.

He has done NOTHING. He has not enforced the sanctions. No funds have been used of the $50m allotted the state department to protect our elections from further interference. He has invited Putin to visit - but we're supposed to believe this shit he tweets, rather than all the facts in evidence? Bitch, please.
He's just saying that so that the election is scapegoated. So if the Republicans keep hold of both halves of Congress everything is fine... but if there is a blue wave, he can blame it on Russian interference and then say that he called it! Instead of him taking the blame for people voting for Democrats because of his poor actions while President.
-------------------------------------------------------- Russia ought not to interfere in American elections and The TRUMP is just sending out a timely message Lew . Thank You for the news and warning President Trump and Lew .
Trump is deeply disturbed. What kind of president would write something like that? He is already trying to discredit the election before it even begins.

Hey Moron!! If what you are saying is true get your fat ass off the toilet where you are writing these tweets and get to work defending America!

Of course you know what you wrote is lie. The world knows it is a lie. The only people who don't are your mindless followers.

You friggin' idiot.

He has done NOTHING. He has not enforced the sanctions. No funds have been used of the $50m allotted the state department to protect our elections from further interference. He has invited Putin to visit - but we're supposed to believe this shit he tweets, rather than all the facts in evidence? Bitch, please.

You make a good point. So, the imbecile invites Putin to the country after heaping all kinds of praise on him. Then the muttonhead today tweets that Putin is against him. Will the first schmuck cancel his summit with Putin? No, because Trump is far too stupid to be consistent and, anyway, he needs to account to his boss.
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Trump is deeply disturbed. What kind of president would write something like that? He is already trying to discredit the election before it even begins.

Hey Moron!! If what you are saying is true get your fat ass off the toilet where you are writing these tweets and get to work defending America!

Of course you know what you wrote is lie. The world knows it is a lie. The only people who don't are your mindless followers.

You friggin' idiot.

He has done NOTHING. He has not enforced the sanctions. No funds have been used of the $50m allotted the state department to protect our elections from further interference. He has invited Putin to visit - but we're supposed to believe this shit he tweets, rather than all the facts in evidence? Bitch, please.

You make a good point. So, the imbecile invites Putin to the country after heaping all kinds of praise on him. Then the muttonhead tweets Putin is against him? Will the first schmuck cancel his summit with Putin? No, because Trump needs to account to his boss.
--------------------------------- no , no he won't cancel in my opinion JLaw .
True - but all money points at them interfering again. A blue wave may not be enough, if Russia does the same again. And why wouldn't she? Nothing happened to her last time.

Wrong. Obama said “cut it out”.
of course he is.... he's starting to feel boxed in & it's not lookin' good for donny.
True - but all money points at them interfering again. A blue wave may not be enough, if Russia does the same again. And why wouldn't she? Nothing happened to her last time.

Wrong. Obama said “cut it out”.

I'd be pissed at Obama if that's what happened - but it didn't.


Of course, Trump promptly undid all that the first chance he got which was pretty damn near immediately.


In a statement issued two weeks after the president saidhe would respond to cyber-attacks by Moscow “at a time and place of our choosing”, Obama said Americans should “be alarmed by Russia’s actions” and pledged further action.

“I have issued an executive order that provides additional authority for responding to certain cyber activity that seeks to interfere with or undermine our election processes and institutions, or those of our allies or partners,” Obama said in the statement, released while he was vacationing with his family in Hawaii.

“Using this new authority, I have sanctioned nine entities and individuals: the GRU and the FSB, two Russian intelligence services; four individual officers of the GRU; and three companies that provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations.

“In addition, the secretary of the treasury is designating two Russian individuals for using cyber-enabled means to cause misappropriation of funds and personal identifying information.” He also announced the closure of two Russian compounds in the US.

Obama added that more actions would be taken, “some of which will not be publicized”.


You were saying.
True - but all money points at them interfering again. A blue wave may not be enough, if Russia does the same again. And why wouldn't she? Nothing happened to her last time.

Wrong. Obama said “cut it out”.

I'd be pissed at Obama if that's what happened - but it didn't.


Of course, Trump promptly undid all that the first chance he got which was pretty damn near immediately.


In a statement issued two weeks after the president saidhe would respond to cyber-attacks by Moscow “at a time and place of our choosing”, Obama said Americans should “be alarmed by Russia’s actions” and pledged further action.

“I have issued an executive order that provides additional authority for responding to certain cyber activity that seeks to interfere with or undermine our election processes and institutions, or those of our allies or partners,” Obama said in the statement, released while he was vacationing with his family in Hawaii.

“Using this new authority, I have sanctioned nine entities and individuals: the GRU and the FSB, two Russian intelligence services; four individual officers of the GRU; and three companies that provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations.

“In addition, the secretary of the treasury is designating two Russian individuals for using cyber-enabled means to cause misappropriation of funds and personal identifying information.” He also announced the closure of two Russian compounds in the US.

Obama added that more actions would be taken, “some of which will not be publicized”.


You were saying.

How they stood up to that onslaught of power is increadible!
“The most effective way was to tell him to cut it out...and in fact we saw no further tampering with the election process...”

Whew. Glad there was “no further tampering”. Aren’t you relieved that telling Putin “cut it out” was so effective?
Talking to you Witchit

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