Trump undercuts landmark agreement enabling Cuban players to play in MLB by canceling Obama decision

Good! That was just another way for the US economy to fund a corrupt anti-American government. Obama always loved enemies of the US.

Only a stupid assfuck would not understand that winning the people & not fellatiating dictators (like Trump is doing) is the long term solution to dictatorships. Cuba's old guard is old & dying.
What the hell did the U.S. ever get outa the deal? If you wanted to play high stakes poker Barry Hussein Sotoro would be the perfect patsy. The least Obama should have done is to demand the extradiction of convicted Cop-killer Joanne Chesimard but he didn't want to offend his new friends.
An easy fix once Trump leaves office

Things to undo

Tax cuts for the wealthy
Iran nuclear deal
Paris Climate accords
Cuban relations
Tear down the wall
Trump ensures his legacy of obsession with his predecessor. Try as he might he will not be able to destroy Obama's legacy.
Trump just continuing the failed policy that led to the murderer Fidel Castro dying old, rich, and beloved.
Trump ensures his legacy of obsession with his predecessor. Try as he might he will not be able to destroy Obama's legacy.
Even though I defend Trump on Russiagate, it does seem like this is the fact, I don't recall any president even mentioning their predecessor, much less obsessing with them like this.
I'm pretty sure it goes back to this;

( ff to 9:15)
Trump ensures his legacy of obsession with his predecessor. Try as he might he will not be able to destroy Obama's legacy.
Even though I defend Trump on Russiagate, it does seem like this is the fact, I don't recall any president even mentioning their predecessor, much less obsessing with them like this.
I'm pretty sure it goes back to this;

( ff to 9:15)

Not sure when Trump became so obsessed. I never really paid that much attention to him then but,

"In March 2011, Trump appeared on the Laura Ingraham Show to declare: "He doesn't have a birth certificate, or if he does, there's something on that certificate that is very bad for him. Now, somebody told me -- and I have no idea if this is bad for him or not, but perhaps it would be -- that where it says 'religion,' it might have 'Muslim.' And if you're a Muslim, you don't change your religion, by the way." On CNN, he escalated his rhetoric, saying that “if he wasn’t born in this country, he shouldn’t be the president of the United States.” After Obama produced the certificate in April 2011, Trump briefly acknowledged his legitimacy, but quickly seemed to recant, saying “a lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate.”

A Short History of Trump's Birtherism (And How The GOP Reacted)

Which I think was a little bit before that charity dinner they use to have where they roasted each other.
Good! That was just another way for the US economy to fund a corrupt anti-American government. Obama always loved enemies of the US.

Cuban baseball players are pretty good, though. :tomato:
No argument there. Too bad they’re Cuban. Too bad Cuba is communist and anti-American.

Their government may be, that doesn't mean they are.
They have no choice. If they defect their families are slaughtered .
If nothing else, Donald Trump seems to be a very determined
president, and I can't say if that's good or bad so far. One thing for sure is that the people he is enshrouded by are far more right-wing than he is...he's almost a Democrat as his previous interviews suggest) And the president can only make changes for us if we support him and encourage him to use this determination and do some good with it. He is trying to end some wars but again, these decisions come from behind the curtain when you have neocons breathing down your neck like Bolton and Mnuchin.
Trump ensures his legacy of obsession with his predecessor. Try as he might he will not be able to destroy Obama's legacy.
The Obama Library if ever built is going to be the propaganda oriented building in human history.
Trump ensures his legacy of obsession with his predecessor. Try as he might he will not be able to destroy Obama's legacy.
The Obama Library if ever built is going to be the propaganda oriented building in human history.
You people are just pathetic. You don;t understand anything outside of threats & bullying. Obama was a great President & you assfucks are too God damn stupid to know it.
What the hell did the U.S. ever get outa the deal? If you wanted to play high stakes poker Barry Hussein Sotoro would be the perfect patsy. The least Obama should have done is to demand the extradiction of convicted Cop-killer Joanne Chesimard but he didn't want to offend his new friends.

The Castro years will soon end. By making America more open it increases the people's favorability to America & Cuban leaders could no longer blame America for their problems.

What did it cost America? Nothing.

What did America gain?

a better change of a pro-America government when the Castros are gone
Opening new markets for us Agriculture another businesses.

But hey, leave Cuba open to the Russians which seems to be Trump's policy everywhere.

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