Trump University proves liberals are elitist

How can anyone who's been around for the last 30 years or so not recognize a simple real estate get rich quick scam when they see one?
How can someone who's been around for the last 30 years not realize that Trump was already filthy rich?

Perhaps you were alluding to Goofy Lizzy Warren.

When did that stop crooks?
So you were talking about Crooked Hillary. Sorry, my bad.

You're stupid.

For the record, do you simply deny that there's any such thing as a get rich quick real estate scam?
Big Education with tenured elite liberal professors making $350k per year for teaching one class (Elizabeth Warren) do this every day. How responsible is it to push majors and concentrations that yield no return, high debt, and under employment for the student? I think Liberals are once agin proven to be full of shit for going after Trump University while lauding and worshipping Big Education for doing the same thing and no accountability.

Here's the thing. I probably spent too much for my History degree (or as I like to call it, "Management of things that have already happened") but the thing is, I can put it on my resume and it gives me access to jobs that other people in the same field with just as much experience can't apply for.

Nobody is going to be impressed by "Trump University" on a resume.
Big Education with tenured elite liberal professors making $350k per year for teaching one class (Elizabeth Warren) do this every day. How responsible is it to push majors and concentrations that yield no return, high debt, and under employment for the student? I think Liberals are once agin proven to be full of shit for going after Trump University while lauding and worshipping Big Education for doing the same thing and no accountability.

Here's the thing. I probably spent too much for my History degree (or as I like to call it, "Management of things that have already happened") but the thing is, I can put it on my resume and it gives me access to jobs that other people in the same field with just as much experience can't apply for.

Nobody is going to be impressed by "Trump University" on a resume.

I am not here to defend Trump University. I agree with you on Trump U. It was a failure. I also think that Big Education needs to do a better job of guiding students and helping them make informed decisions on majors to align them with market-driven skills sets.
I am not here to defend Trump University. I agree with you on Trump U. It was a failure. I also think that Big Education needs to do a better job of guiding students and helping them make informed decisions on majors to align them with market-driven skills sets.

That works on the assumption that college is there to support business.
I don't really think that there was a campus for Trump U. I think all of it was just seminars and online courses.

Basically, people paid over 36,000 for nothing.
I am not here to defend Trump University. I agree with you on Trump U. It was a failure. I also think that Big Education needs to do a better job of guiding students and helping them make informed decisions on majors to align them with market-driven skills sets.

That works on the assumption that college is there to support business.

It should support livelihood. Businesses create jobs both directly and through government.
I think anyone who has ever listened to 'liberals' in the last fifty years have figured out that these people are elitist. They are elitist in almost every way possible that you can imagine. CNN criticizes the sales tactics of Trump University because they sell to the 'uneducated' as if people who don't have college degrees are someone subhuman retards who needs someone to take care of them. I don't understand how the democratic party can be the party of the "blue collar working man" when they look down on them in this way. Do 'liberals' who have college degrees really think that anyone who doesn't have one is so dumb that they can be easily swindled by a scam?
STUDENT: I was bilked out of $30,000 by a diploma mill which gave me less information than I could have found on the back of a cereal box.

It should support livelihood. Businesses create jobs both directly and through government.

Businesses don't create jobs. Government doesn't create jobs. Consumer demand creates jobs. if a job is being done, it's because itis filling a need.

And here's where the problem is. In the 1800's, most people were engaged in agriculture. Today its' less than 3% of the population. Today less than 17% of Americans work in manufacturing. The thing is, you can run businesses with no employees today.

So the real problem is, how do we keep a population engaged is useful activity?
It should support livelihood. Businesses create jobs both directly and through government.

Businesses don't create jobs. Government doesn't create jobs. Consumer demand creates jobs. if a job is being done, it's because itis filling a need.

And here's where the problem is. In the 1800's, most people were engaged in agriculture. Today its' less than 3% of the population. Today less than 17% of Americans work in manufacturing. The thing is, you can run businesses with no employees today.

So the real problem is, how do we keep a population engaged is useful activity?

Good point. You are right. Consumers ultimately create jobs be it through businesses or government. Now, how do we pursue policies that enable and enhance consumer spending? If Consumer is saddled with under employment, enormous student loan debt, decreased take home pay and increasing healthcare costs, is it any wonder cash stays on the sidelines? Consumer spending will relatively ebb and flow so why pursue any policies that hinder the Consumer?
I think anyone who has ever listened to 'liberals' in the last fifty years have figured out that these people are elitist. They are elitist in almost every way possible that you can imagine. CNN criticizes the sales tactics of Trump University because they sell to the 'uneducated' as if people who don't have college degrees are someone subhuman retards who needs someone to take care of them. I don't understand how the democratic party can be the party of the "blue collar working man" when they look down on them in this way. Do 'liberals' who have college degrees really think that anyone who doesn't have one is so dumb that they can be easily swindled by a scam?

No, but the New York AG thinks anyone swindled by Trump deserve their day in court.

Trump would like to avoid having to face the people he swindled.

He'll get to do that right after he loses the election and Senate and the house.
Good point. You are right. Consumers ultimately create jobs be it through businesses or government. Now, how do we pursue policies that enable and enhance consumer spending? If Consumer is saddled with under employment, enormous student loan debt, decreased take home pay and increasing healthcare costs, is it any wonder cash stays on the sidelines? Consumer spending will relatively ebb and flow so why pursue any policies that hinder the Consumer?

Again, I think the purpose of college should not be to make compliant little office drones.

If businesses want good employees, they should develop them, not rely on others to do so.
Good point. You are right. Consumers ultimately create jobs be it through businesses or government. Now, how do we pursue policies that enable and enhance consumer spending? If Consumer is saddled with under employment, enormous student loan debt, decreased take home pay and increasing healthcare costs, is it any wonder cash stays on the sidelines? Consumer spending will relatively ebb and flow so why pursue any policies that hinder the Consumer?

Again, I think the purpose of college should not be to make compliant little office drones.

If businesses want good employees, they should develop them, not rely on others to do so.

The basis of college, any major, should be to teach students to think, write, and articulate critically and analytically. Creating drones, saddling them with debt, and measuring them on their level of regurgitation only to have them commence into a workforce is socially and morally irresponsible. Is this universal? No. But, it is on the rise.

In 1990, I was taking an economics class and had to write an essay on pro or against open borders. I took the ladder position and got a 'D'. Next Essay topic was on school vouchers. Despite being very pro school voucher, I took the opposite position, regurgitating and cherry picking many of the professor's talking points. This time, I got an A-. I then took similar approaches in other classes if I sensed that the professor was agenda-driven and not committed to teaching students to think critically and analytically. It bolstered my GPA. Conversely, I can remember to this day the names of professors that would give D's or F's if they felt they were being patronized as they measured you on your critical and analytical abilities even if they disagreed with you 100 percent.
The basis of college, any major, should be to teach students to think, write, and articulate critically and analytically. Creating drones, saddling them with debt, and measuring them on their level of regurgitation only to have them commence into a workforce is socially and morally irresponsible. Is this universal? No. But, it is on the rise.

Again, I think the thing is, you've somehow taken a magic potion and you've forgotten what you were like when you were 22. I look back at my writings when I was 22 and I'm actually kind of embarrassed by them.

In 1990, I was taking an economics class and had to write an essay on pro or against open borders. I took the ladder position and got a 'D'.

Well, maybe they weren't trying to get over the border on ladders... Okay, I'll be good.

Next Essay topic was on school vouchers. Despite being very pro school voucher, I took the opposite position, regurgitating and cherry picking many of the professor's talking points. This time, I got an A-. I then took similar approaches in other classes if I sensed that the professor was agenda-driven and not committed to teaching students to think critically and analytically. It bolstered my GPA.

That's nice and all- but here's the thing, if you went into a biology class and wrote a paper advocating young Earth creationism, do you really think you should get an "A" because you engaged in critical thinking? or would you get an "F" because you didn't even understand the basics?

Now here was the thing. Back in college, I was one of you "Yong Conservative" types, and if I didn't do my research, I got my ass handed to me. Period.
I think anyone who has ever listened to 'liberals' in the last fifty years have figured out that these people are elitist. They are elitist in almost every way possible that you can imagine. CNN criticizes the sales tactics of Trump University because they sell to the 'uneducated' as if people who don't have college degrees are someone subhuman retards who needs someone to take care of them. I don't understand how the democratic party can be the party of the "blue collar working man" when they look down on them in this way. Do 'liberals' who have college degrees really think that anyone who doesn't have one is so dumb that they can be easily swindled by a scam?
What's wrong with being elitist?

Normal people are idiots.
Speaking of tRump U:

The state’s consumer protection division, working for then-Attorney General Greg Abbott, sought permission in May 2010 to pursue what it believed was a strong case to sue Donald Trump and Trump University for bilking Texas taxpayers out of more than $2.6 million.

But that lawsuit was never filed.

Instead, the investigation Abbott had opened into the now-defunct real estate training program and Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee for president, was dropped and Trump University agreed to cease operations in Texas.

The former deputy director of Abbott’s Consumer Protection Division now alleges that the attorney general office’s decision to quash the lawsuit against Trump — later a major donor to Abbott’s campaign — was a political move that left Texas consumers “high and dry.”

“The decision not to sue him was political,” John Owens told The Dallas Morning News.“Had [Trump] not been involved in politics to the extent he was at the time, we would have gotten approval. Had he been just some other scam artist, we would have sued him.”

Greg Abbott’s top consumer attorneys built a $5.4M case against Donald Trump, but it never happened

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