Trump University proves liberals are elitist

So what? There are many education things one can get that is completely useless. No one seems to think they are unfair until its founder decides to run for office. There is no political motivation behind this which is kind of sad because if people really were getting ripped off then no one would have done anything about it until the founder of the school becomes the political opponent of someone. Have you ever heard of the term complete phoney outcry?

I think I am having some 2012 Deja Vu here. If Trump (like Romney) is arguing his qualification for the presidency is that he is a "Get it done" guy in business, then his businesses are fair game.

The lawsuit against Trump University has been going on for years now. The AG Filed his lawsuit in 2013, when no one thought the Republican Party would completely lose its mind and nominate a reality TV show host because that would be stupid.

And not one single member of the democratic party ever cared about the injustice of it all before this year. I'm a little cynical but I suspect that if Donald wasn't running for office the left would continue not caring about this issue and would continue to give a cold shoulder to the victims of the scam.
I see
Here's a similar example

All that's required of Americans teaching conversational English at a Japanese community college is a degree
Doesn't matter in what
Doesn't matter how they performed
Doesnt matter that indeed they have a degree, they remain imbeciles, in debt, and not in demand elsewhere
I imagine you're in a similar position

Well, done der, Cleetus, I know you don't like that there book learnin' and stuff... but the point is, if someone is teaching in a Japanese Community college, he probably speaks enough Japanese to get by.

Actually, I would say the Army did more to prepare me for what I currently do (Logistics and inventory management) than college did.

Here's the thing. I agree, we've bastardized the concept of a college degree. Partially because High Schools are kind of useless and a college degree proves you can do simple things most jobs require.

But this isn't what your Hero did with his University. He told a bunch of people they could get filthy rich on real estate if they only maxed out their debt limits paying for his courses. This is why he's in trouble and he should be.

The point of my thread was not about the quality of the school but more about how the people on the left look down on people without college degrees. The criticism on CNN was they targetted the 'uneducated' and they say it as if they were targetting retarded people who were incapable of making their own decisions about the matter. It wasn't a smart thing to max out their credit cards for this but they are adults and are free to use their own intellect to make decisions over their own lives but it seems like, in some people's view, if you don't have a degree you are the equivalent of some kind of child. Most contracts with children are not enforceable because it protects the child but why don't we have the same laws for people without college degrees? That is because most people don't look down on those who don't have a college degree.
And not one single member of the democratic party ever cared about the injustice of it all before this year. I'm a little cynical but I suspect that if Donald wasn't running for office the left would continue not caring about this issue and would continue to give a cold shoulder to the victims of the scam.

I think you are a little confused here. The place for the victims of the scam (are you admitting it was a scam?) to get justice is in the courts, and they are.

But it's a perfectly valid issue to bring up in the context of the presidential race.

If you are going to insist on saying your opponent is "Crooked", then we should ask if you knew your "university" was ripping people off.

If you are going to say, "Elect me because I'm a briliant businessman who puts his name on products", then we should look at the businesses with your name on them that failed.
The point of my thread was not about the quality of the school but more about how the people on the left look down on people without college degrees. The criticism on CNN was they targetted the 'uneducated' and they say it as if they were targetting retarded people who were incapable of making their own decisions about the matter.

Actually, it's the FORMER EMPLOYEES who have said this, not CNN.

It wasn't a smart thing to max out their credit cards for this but they are adults and are free to use their own intellect to make decisions over their own lives but it seems like, in some people's view, if you don't have a degree you are the equivalent of some kind of child. Most contracts with children are not enforceable because it protects the child but why don't we have the same laws for people without college degrees? That is because most people don't look down on those who don't have a college degree.

Well, that's the thing, isn't it? The only reason why these "uneducated" people have a case is because Trump made representations that simply weren't true. Trump ran a "get rich quick scam" where no one actually got rich... except for him.

Trump's assumption in this scam was that when they marks figured out they had been had, they wouldn't have the resources to seek justice.
I think anyone who has ever listened to 'liberals' in the last fifty years have figured out that these people are elitist. They are elitist in almost every way possible that you can imagine. CNN criticizes the sales tactics of Trump University because they sell to the 'uneducated' as if people who don't have college degrees are someone subhuman retards who needs someone to take care of them. I don't understand how the democratic party can be the party of the "blue collar working man" when they look down on them in this way. Do 'liberals' who have college degrees really think that anyone who doesn't have one is so dumb that they can be easily swindled by a scam?

Liberals believe a college degree is the pinnacle of human intelligence. You spent 4 years drinking and partying and protesting....and getting some brainwashing lectures from communist professors.

Then they hand you a piece of paper age 21 or have achieved maximum human wisdom.
Don't have a degree, do you?
Trump University's employees have SWORN UNDER OATH that they were instructed to target poor people and get them to go into debt to pay for instruction that was largely useless.
IMO, the tactics they used sound a lot like Scientology's M.O., don't give them much information and get them to max-out their credit cards.
University-Gate..its the Cover up stupid

Reports: Even Trump's Defense Of Trump U. Is Fraudulent


Media are already pointing out that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s new defense of his now-defunct “Trump University” business is itself a “scam.”

Following the release of unsealed court documents related to the ongoing lawsuits against Trump’s business, the Trump campaign posted a three-minute video on June 1 purporting to show the “true story” from “hard-working students who can attest to the first-hand truth about Trump University.”

USA Today and RedState have already pointed out the questionable resumes and personal Trump ties of the three “former students” highlighted by the video.
Trump University's employees have SWORN UNDER OATH that they were instructed to target poor people and get them to go into debt to pay for instruction that was largely useless.
IMO, the tactics they used sound a lot like Scientology's M.O., don't give them much information and get them to max-out their credit cards.

You know, you might be on to soemthing here. There is certainly something "Cultish" about Trump and his supporters.
I think anyone who has ever listened to 'liberals' in the last fifty years have figured out that these people are elitist. They are elitist in almost every way possible that you can imagine. CNN criticizes the sales tactics of Trump University because they sell to the 'uneducated' as if people who don't have college degrees are someone subhuman retards who needs someone to take care of them. I don't understand how the democratic party can be the party of the "blue collar working man" when they look down on them in this way. Do 'liberals' who have college degrees really think that anyone who doesn't have one is so dumb that they can be easily swindled by a scam?

Translation: I can't defend recent revelations about how bad my idol, Herr Drumpf, is looking in the news right now, so I have to find some other way to throw it back at the dirty hippies who are laughing right now.

I think anyone who has ever listened to 'liberals' in the last fifty years have figured out that these people are elitist. They are elitist in almost every way possible that you can imagine. CNN criticizes the sales tactics of Trump University because they sell to the 'uneducated' as if people who don't have college degrees are someone subhuman retards who needs someone to take care of them. I don't understand how the democratic party can be the party of the "blue collar working man" when they look down on them in this way. Do 'liberals' who have college degrees really think that anyone who doesn't have one is so dumb that they can be easily swindled by a scam?

Liberals believe a college degree is the pinnacle of human intelligence. You spent 4 years drinking and partying and protesting....and getting some brainwashing lectures from communist professors.

Then they hand you a piece of paper age 21 or have achieved maximum human wisdom.
And end up in the real world working min wage.
You know, the sales tactics for this scam were pretty good.

First, they suck you in for an afternoon seminar, and then they tell you to increase your credit limit so that you can go and buy a 3 day seminar for around 1500 bucks.

They then sell you on the idea of the "Trump Gold Package" and get you to pony up 36,000 dollars for that.

Nope, from what I've seen thus far on this story, it's nothing more than a scam that he used to bilk people out of over 40 MILLION dollars.

And yeah............ever been to one of those kind of seminars? I have, and they tell you all you want to hear about how rich and wealthy you're going to get by following their simple plan, but it never leads to riches, just conning you into buying more of their crap. And no, they don't give you a logical sound way to do it, but rather hype you up with good feelings so you don't notice that it's a bad deal. I had a lot of training in sales (Navy recruiting), so I know how to spot these kind of scams.
If The Media Treated Trump Like Other Candidates, Yesterday Would Have Ended His Campaign

Reports: Even Trump's Defense Of Trump U. Is Fraudulent

Media are already pointing out that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s new defense of his now-defunct “Trump University” business is itself a “scam.”

Following the release of unsealed court documents related to the ongoing lawsuits against Trump’s business, the Trump campaign posted a three-minute video on June 1 purporting to show the “true story” from “hard-working students who can attest to the first-hand truth about Trump University.”

USA Today and RedState have already pointed out the questionable resumes and personal Trump ties of the three “former students” highlighted by the video.
Liberals aren't elitists. SuperDemocrat and SeniorChief are just both morons. Compared to those two, a grade-schooler looks intelligent and elitist. Now, I do confess to a bit of a superiority complex. But then, after arguing with the conservatives here, it's almost impossible to not develop a superiority complex.

By the way, if any Trump fans believe that sending all your money to Trump in return for nothing is a fantastic idea, they're free to do so now. Unfortunately for Trump, the New York Attorney General thinks it was fraud when Trump University pulled its scam, and the evidence agrees, so Trump is going to have to pay through the nose for that fraud

Sure, he'll pout and scream, and threaten the judge and AG. If it was Republicans he was threatening, they'd probably wet themselves and back down. But he's threatening normal people now, so they won't back down. The civil suit will go on. Trump will get increasingly butthurt, and SuperDemocrat and Senior_Chief here will spend their days tonguebathing Trump's sore spot.

You can put your mouth back into Obama's balls and ass now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Again with your ball fixation.

Here's a little gift for you
So what? There are many education things one can get that is completely useless. No one seems to think they are unfair until its founder decides to run for office. There is no political motivation behind this which is kind of sad because if people really were getting ripped off then no one would have done anything about it until the founder of the school becomes the political opponent of someone. Have you ever heard of the term complete phoney outcry?

I think I am having some 2012 Deja Vu here. If Trump (like Romney) is arguing his qualification for the presidency is that he is a "Get it done" guy in business, then his businesses are fair game.

The lawsuit against Trump University has been going on for years now. The AG Filed his lawsuit in 2013, when no one thought the Republican Party would completely lose its mind and nominate a reality TV show host because that would be stupid.

And not one single member of the democratic party ever cared about the injustice of it all before this year. I'm a little cynical but I suspect that if Donald wasn't running for office the left would continue not caring about this issue and would continue to give a cold shoulder to the victims of the scam.

He's a presidential candidate.He deserves the scrutiny.
It was so hot I saw a squirrel icing down his nuts

Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState

So the Trump campaign has released a video with purported testimonials from Trump University students which I guess is supposed to show that Trump University was not a scam. This video features three people - none of whom have ever bought or sold real estate for a living. One of them appears to be a professional testimonial-giver for seminars, one appears to give these kinds of seminars for himself, and one of them has an ongoing business and personal relationship with the Trump family, who have allowed him to sell his protein water on a number of their properties.


Another of the persons featured on the video is Casey Hoban, who is also not today involved in the business of selling or buying real estate. He claims in the video that he was, either in Florida or South Carolina (he is not really clear) but one wonders if the returns from these real estate deals were so "incalculable" why he is in the business of selling protein water (instead of real estate, which is booming right now).

While Mr. Hoban does not appear to be in the business of buying and selling real estate, he does appear to be in some sort of business and personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Trump family through his protein water company, and a supporter of Trump's.
Yeah................when you get caught lying, just get your friends to say that you're great and all those other people out there are lying.
yup thanks to the activist judge

the case has probably been blown out of the water


st Friday, U.S. District Court JudgeGonzalo Curiel ordered the release of a number of documents in the Trump University lawsuit that had previously been sealed. The release caused a mini-media storm with news outlets, including, spending time reporting on the contents of the various documents.

However, late on Tuesday, Judge Curiel entered new order that essentially tries to put the toothpaste back in the tube after realizing he had ‘mistakenly’ allowed certain documents to be unsealed without proper redactions, including for personal information. His new order requires those documents to be resealed until the attorneys provide the court with properly redacted copies. While that might make for a clean court record, it does little else as several media outlets already obtained and posted the unredacted versions online.

It remains to be seen how Donald Trump will respond to this latest news, but it is a safe bet to expect another Twitter tirade against Judge Curiel in the near future.

Whoops! Judge ‘Mistakenly’ Unsealed Too Many Records in Trump U Lawsuit

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