Trump University VS Benghazi. Which Scandal Caused More Unnecessary Deaths Of Americans?

There have been 12 suicides related to the misdeeds of Trump University.

Case closed.

There have been 12 suicides related to the misdeeds of Trump University.

Case closed.

Can we be sure they were suicides?
How do we know Trump did not knock them off like he did with Vince Foster?
Trump University VS Benghazi. Which Scandal Caused More Unnecessary Deaths Of Americans?

Wrong question. You should have asked. ..

Which is real?
i am beginning to wonder if Vince Foster is really alive and his death was a hoax, just like with Elvis and Michael Jackson.
What Nikki Haley did today is huge...A Republican woman Governor in the South launching a full throated attack against the racial demagoguery of Donald Trump ...huge because Haley links the racial Trump tactics to Racial violence
Haley Condemns Trump's Rhetoric On Eve Of Charleston Shooting Anniversary

Did she happen to comment on the murders in Chicago?
Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
I would like to repeat that her comment was that irresponsible, racially charged rhetoric is not safe can lead to things like the murders ...the murders in Chicago are crime that occur in all major cities. The kind of murder Governor Haley was talking is the racial hate murder that specifically targeted Blacks for being Black...
The crimes in Chicago are not and cannot be linked to Hillary Cl;inton.

The other thing that I loved is that the criticism came from a Female Governor of the GOP...Trump needs to improve his ghastly standing among woman yet it was a GOP woman who eviscerated him,,,sweet
Haley links the racial Trump tactics to Racial violence
Haley Condemns Trump's Rhetoric On Eve Of Charleston Shooting Anniversary
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i was surprised that Hillary didnt blame all if this years homocides on Trump
i was surprised that Hillary didnt blame all if this years homicides on Trump
The comments were from GOP Governor Nikki Haley not Hillary Clinton..she associated offensive racially tinged rhetoric with violence ..she is of course correct.
"Trump University VS Benghazi. "


That most on the right are this blind and clueless comes as no surprise.
Clinton Eviscerates Trump In Speech
June 2, 2016By

Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s foreign policy platform as “dangerously incoherent,” Reuters reports.

She attacked Trump for both his policies and his character, suggesting Trump might start a nuclear war simply because “someone got under his very thin skin.”

Vox: “This wasn’t the restrained, diplomatic Clinton we’ve seen for most of the campaign. This was full-on firebrand, full of righteous rage at the idea that someone like Donald Trump could possibly be president of the United States.”

Chuck Todd: “This speech and overall performance by Clinton is going to quiet the DC-based bed wetters for a bit. Her best campaign moment in months.”
I hope that Trump just laces into Nikki Haley and calls her a bimbo loser ...I hope Trump just loses his mind in public over what the female Governor of S Carolina said

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