Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed

found an error in your article. Eliana Fernandez stated.. .

"This presidential election is not a reality show."

Who is he to make this declarative statement. If he knew how the deep state worked and how the elites are pulling the strings, manipulating the way folks think in the media, he'd know for damn sure that this is exactly what it is. :lmao:

Does he have any evidence to the contrary?

Does he actually think his vote matters? No matter how many folks vote for Trump or Bernie, the party elites will choose who they want. It's all a big show.

What a rube.

1) Eliana is a woman's name.

2) Your Tin-foil hat needs adjusting.

3) Party Elections are not public elections. The Parties are private entities who set their own rules. The majority of Democrats have voted against Bernie. The majority of Republicans have voted against Trump.

1) My apologies

3) The parties ARE made up of people. If the party elites decide for the people, the nation is no longer a Republic, it is an oligarghy. Who is the party supposed to Represent.

2) Stop getting all your information from CFR controlled MSM. Be a bit inquisitive. If things don't change over a period of 70 or 80 years, maybe the paradigm they are feeding you, is, maybe, bull shit?


Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State
There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections. The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power. [1]

During the last five years, the news media has been flooded with pundits decrying the broken politics of Washington. The conventional wisdom has it that partisan gridlock and dysfunction have become the new normal. That is certainly the case, and I have been among the harshest critics of this development. But it is also imperative to acknowledge the limits of this critique as it applies to the American governmental system. On one level, the critique is self-evident: In the domain that the public can see, Congress is hopelessly deadlocked in the worst manner since the 1850s, the violently rancorous decade preceding the Civil War.

Controlled by shadow government: Mike Lofgren reveals how top U.S. officials are at the mercy of the “deep state”
Controlled by shadow government: Mike Lofgren reveals how top U.S. officials are at the mercy of the “deep state”
Given the ubiquity and continuity of the deep state, will it matter whether the Republican or the Democrat wins the presidential race later this year? Or will it be the same either way?

It matters to a certain extent. A competent rogue is probably preferable to an insane one. There are definable differences between Bush and Obama. However, the differences are so constrained. They’re not between the 40-yard lines; they are between the 48-yard lines.

The murder happened 8 years ago. Not every spot where a latino or black was killed is hallowed ground.

It's an excuse to whine and that is all it is.
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

If Trump did the opposite and cancled events where illegal, hispanic aliens murdered U.S. citizens...would there be anywhere he could hold an event?
Patchogue, a small town of only 12,000 was well known for violent anti-Hispanic attacks dating back to the 2008-09 period. Significant stories in all the papers and were covered on local TV. Even the New York Times covered the story, including a significant investigative piece. Knowledge of teenage boys roaming the streets of Patchogue on bicycles and randomly beating up Hispanics was not something that needed any kind of special research and investigation.
So, the Trump team knew exactly what they were doing and that holding a rally in that little notorious town in a densely populated area with lots of venues to choose from in nearby towns would rile up a segment of the voters. It was done on purpose for the effect it would have. They had every right to do it, but I was responding to a post that implied maybe they didn't because they were perhaps unaware of the reputation and situation in Patchogue.
How do you know the team knew about the violence, that's hindsight speculation on your part. And why should that prevent future engagements? It's off limits for how long? 10 more years? A hundred? No where is safe from the fact that hysterical retards might get riled up. It's their purpose in life. Otherwise staining bedsheets is all they have.
I didn't say it was off limits. In fact, I said they had every right to hold the event there. Having lived in a town only a few miles from Patchogue I find it hard to believe that New Yorkers in NYC would not know about the troubles in Patchogue. Teens roaming around a town on bicycles in search of Hispanics to beat down was not just an everyday ordinary story. But you are right, it is speculation on my part.
Happened long ago though and it might be more on your mind than theirs. What about all the knock out games blacks play with old white folks? Lots of racism around.
It has been a continuing problem and the events left long lasting scars. Trump and his supporters have played the "we didn't know" and stupid cards to many times. The country is on to the bullcrap scam artist excuses. Trump and his followers have developed a predictable pattern of willful deceit and it is being recognized for what it is.
So, the Trump team knew exactly what they were doing and that holding a rally in that little notorious town in a densely populated area with lots of venues to choose from in nearby towns would rile up a segment of the voters. It was done on purpose for the effect it would have. They had every right to do it, but I was responding to a post that implied maybe they didn't because they were perhaps unaware of the reputation and situation in Patchogue.
How do you know the team knew about the violence, that's hindsight speculation on your part. And why should that prevent future engagements? It's off limits for how long? 10 more years? A hundred? No where is safe from the fact that hysterical retards might get riled up. It's their purpose in life. Otherwise staining bedsheets is all they have.
I didn't say it was off limits. In fact, I said they had every right to hold the event there. Having lived in a town only a few miles from Patchogue I find it hard to believe that New Yorkers in NYC would not know about the troubles in Patchogue. Teens roaming around a town on bicycles in search of Hispanics to beat down was not just an everyday ordinary story. But you are right, it is speculation on my part.
Happened long ago though and it might be more on your mind than theirs. What about all the knock out games blacks play with old white folks? Lots of racism around.
It has been a continuing problem and the events left long lasting scars. Trump and his supporters have played the "we didn't know" and stupid cards to many times. The country is on to the bullcrap scam artist excuses. Trump and his followers have developed a predictable pattern of willful deceit and it is being recognized for what it is.

You guys are batshit crazy. I still don't understand what the hell the Republican Party has to do with a Latino man getting killed. It is a sad thing and wrong and I hope justice was served to the murderers but really what does the gop have to do with it? Could the dnc hold a rally there? Would that be ok?
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

I think that you could go to almost anyplace where there are rally's held and find a crime to fit your agenda if you're willing to go back far enough. Hell the crime referenced happened EIGHT years ago. It's not fresh in the minds of ANYONE. Except those who are perpetually mad at the world. They can get themselves worked up over anything.
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

I think that you could go to almost anyplace where there are rally's held and find a crime to fit your agenda if you're willing to go back far enough. Hell the crime referenced happened EIGHT years ago. It's not fresh in the minds of ANYONE. Except those who are perpetually mad at the world. They can get themselves worked up over anything.
So, you are an expert on the densely populated area and the racial tensions between the shoulder to shoulder almost city like communities.
So, the Trump team knew exactly what they were doing and that holding a rally in that little notorious town in a densely populated area with lots of venues to choose from in nearby towns would rile up a segment of the voters. It was done on purpose for the effect it would have. They had every right to do it, but I was responding to a post that implied maybe they didn't because they were perhaps unaware of the reputation and situation in Patchogue.
How do you know the team knew about the violence, that's hindsight speculation on your part. And why should that prevent future engagements? It's off limits for how long? 10 more years? A hundred? No where is safe from the fact that hysterical retards might get riled up. It's their purpose in life. Otherwise staining bedsheets is all they have.
I didn't say it was off limits. In fact, I said they had every right to hold the event there. Having lived in a town only a few miles from Patchogue I find it hard to believe that New Yorkers in NYC would not know about the troubles in Patchogue. Teens roaming around a town on bicycles in search of Hispanics to beat down was not just an everyday ordinary story. But you are right, it is speculation on my part.
Happened long ago though and it might be more on your mind than theirs. What about all the knock out games blacks play with old white folks? Lots of racism around.
It has been a continuing problem and the events left long lasting scars. Trump and his supporters have played the "we didn't know" and stupid cards to many times. The country is on to the bullcrap scam artist excuses. Trump and his followers have developed a predictable pattern of willful deceit and it is being recognized for what it is.

You guys are batshit crazy. I still don't understand what the hell the Republican Party has to do with a Latino man getting killed. It is a sad thing and wrong and I hope justice was served to the murderers but really what does the gop have to do with it? Could the dnc hold a rally there? Would that be ok?
The RNC had nothing to do with it. Trump gets all the blame or credit.
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

I think that you could go to almost anyplace where there are rally's held and find a crime to fit your agenda if you're willing to go back far enough. Hell the crime referenced happened EIGHT years ago. It's not fresh in the minds of ANYONE. Except those who are perpetually mad at the world. They can get themselves worked up over anything.
So, you are an expert on the densely populated area and the racial tensions between the shoulder to shoulder almost city like communities.

Not in the slightest, but I know human nature, and eight years is a long time in the collective remembrance of an area. I doubt that before this 10% of the population could even remember the crime had happened.
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

You watched Maddow last night!
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

I think that you could go to almost anyplace where there are rally's held and find a crime to fit your agenda if you're willing to go back far enough. Hell the crime referenced happened EIGHT years ago. It's not fresh in the minds of ANYONE. Except those who are perpetually mad at the world. They can get themselves worked up over anything.
So, you are an expert on the densely populated area and the racial tensions between the shoulder to shoulder almost city like communities.

Ok so a Latino guy gets killed by 7 teens and the whole community wants to ban the gop from coming in their community. Is it because many gop members are white? Or gop members are going to kill people in the community if they come? Is this racial discrimination by the community?
How do you know the team knew about the violence, that's hindsight speculation on your part. And why should that prevent future engagements? It's off limits for how long? 10 more years? A hundred? No where is safe from the fact that hysterical retards might get riled up. It's their purpose in life. Otherwise staining bedsheets is all they have.
I didn't say it was off limits. In fact, I said they had every right to hold the event there. Having lived in a town only a few miles from Patchogue I find it hard to believe that New Yorkers in NYC would not know about the troubles in Patchogue. Teens roaming around a town on bicycles in search of Hispanics to beat down was not just an everyday ordinary story. But you are right, it is speculation on my part.
Happened long ago though and it might be more on your mind than theirs. What about all the knock out games blacks play with old white folks? Lots of racism around.
It has been a continuing problem and the events left long lasting scars. Trump and his supporters have played the "we didn't know" and stupid cards to many times. The country is on to the bullcrap scam artist excuses. Trump and his followers have developed a predictable pattern of willful deceit and it is being recognized for what it is.

You guys are batshit crazy. I still don't understand what the hell the Republican Party has to do with a Latino man getting killed. It is a sad thing and wrong and I hope justice was served to the murderers but really what does the gop have to do with it? Could the dnc hold a rally there? Would that be ok?
The RNC had nothing to do with it. Trump gets all the blame or credit.

Blame or credit? What are you talking about? You really believe he thinks" ha ha. I'll have my rally here where this guy got killed by some racist bastards. That's how I'll show them who's boss!!"

Seriously you need some fucking help. To think like that is really creepy and weird. Your race card brainwashing is complete. Repeat after me: "everything is racist", "everything is racist"
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

I think that you could go to almost anyplace where there are rally's held and find a crime to fit your agenda if you're willing to go back far enough. Hell the crime referenced happened EIGHT years ago. It's not fresh in the minds of ANYONE. Except those who are perpetually mad at the world. They can get themselves worked up over anything.
So, you are an expert on the densely populated area and the racial tensions between the shoulder to shoulder almost city like communities.

Ok so a Latino guy gets killed by 7 teens and the whole community wants to ban the gop from coming in their community. Is it because many gop members are white? Or gop members are going to kill people in the community if they come? Is this racial discrimination by the community?
Why are you being so dishonest? The GOP hasn't been banned from the area. It was Trump's decision to hold an event in that specific town when everyone who lives or is familiar in or with the area knows there are a vast array of venues within minutes and miles of that location.
At best Trump showed a lack of sensitivity and poor judgement. At worst, he showed a willingness to exploit the racial tensions in a town to create drama and publicity at the expense of the citizens.
I didn't say it was off limits. In fact, I said they had every right to hold the event there. Having lived in a town only a few miles from Patchogue I find it hard to believe that New Yorkers in NYC would not know about the troubles in Patchogue. Teens roaming around a town on bicycles in search of Hispanics to beat down was not just an everyday ordinary story. But you are right, it is speculation on my part.
Happened long ago though and it might be more on your mind than theirs. What about all the knock out games blacks play with old white folks? Lots of racism around.
It has been a continuing problem and the events left long lasting scars. Trump and his supporters have played the "we didn't know" and stupid cards to many times. The country is on to the bullcrap scam artist excuses. Trump and his followers have developed a predictable pattern of willful deceit and it is being recognized for what it is.

You guys are batshit crazy. I still don't understand what the hell the Republican Party has to do with a Latino man getting killed. It is a sad thing and wrong and I hope justice was served to the murderers but really what does the gop have to do with it? Could the dnc hold a rally there? Would that be ok?
The RNC had nothing to do with it. Trump gets all the blame or credit.

Blame or credit? What are you talking about? You really believe he thinks" ha ha. I'll have my rally here where this guy got killed by some racist bastards. That's how I'll show them who's boss!!"

Seriously you need some fucking help. To think like that is really creepy and weird. Your race card brainwashing is complete. Repeat after me: "everything is racist", "everything is racist"
There was 17 reported attacks and more according to investigative reporters, not reported. 17 attacks and not a single one solved by the local police. It took a murder for action to be taken.
17 attacks on Hispanics by white teenagers and that doesn't make you suspect that race might be a factor?
Camp, you are insane.

If 7 teens had killed a white guy in a white community Barack Obama would be able to hold a rally in the same place 8 years later and no one would care.
Happened long ago though and it might be more on your mind than theirs. What about all the knock out games blacks play with old white folks? Lots of racism around.
It has been a continuing problem and the events left long lasting scars. Trump and his supporters have played the "we didn't know" and stupid cards to many times. The country is on to the bullcrap scam artist excuses. Trump and his followers have developed a predictable pattern of willful deceit and it is being recognized for what it is.

You guys are batshit crazy. I still don't understand what the hell the Republican Party has to do with a Latino man getting killed. It is a sad thing and wrong and I hope justice was served to the murderers but really what does the gop have to do with it? Could the dnc hold a rally there? Would that be ok?
The RNC had nothing to do with it. Trump gets all the blame or credit.

Blame or credit? What are you talking about? You really believe he thinks" ha ha. I'll have my rally here where this guy got killed by some racist bastards. That's how I'll show them who's boss!!"

Seriously you need some fucking help. To think like that is really creepy and weird. Your race card brainwashing is complete. Repeat after me: "everything is racist", "everything is racist"
There was 17 reported attacks and more according to investigative reporters, not reported. 17 attacks and not a single one solved by the local police. It took a murder for action to be taken.

Sounds like a police problem, not a Donald trump problem.
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

You watched Maddow last night!
Guess you did, too.
So, the Trump team knew exactly what they were doing and that holding a rally in that little notorious town in a densely populated area with lots of venues to choose from in nearby towns would rile up a segment of the voters. It was done on purpose for the effect it would have. They had every right to do it, but I was responding to a post that implied maybe they didn't because they were perhaps unaware of the reputation and situation in Patchogue.
How do you know the team knew about the violence, that's hindsight speculation on your part. And why should that prevent future engagements? It's off limits for how long? 10 more years? A hundred? No where is safe from the fact that hysterical retards might get riled up. It's their purpose in life. Otherwise staining bedsheets is all they have.
I didn't say it was off limits. In fact, I said they had every right to hold the event there. Having lived in a town only a few miles from Patchogue I find it hard to believe that New Yorkers in NYC would not know about the troubles in Patchogue. Teens roaming around a town on bicycles in search of Hispanics to beat down was not just an everyday ordinary story. But you are right, it is speculation on my part.
Happened long ago though and it might be more on your mind than theirs. What about all the knock out games blacks play with old white folks? Lots of racism around.
It has been a continuing problem and the events left long lasting scars. Trump and his supporters have played the "we didn't know" and stupid cards to many times. The country is on to the bullcrap scam artist excuses. Trump and his followers have developed a predictable pattern of willful deceit and it is being recognized for what it is.

There was a white person killed in Miami. That's why Sanders made an appearance there; so he could stir up hatred of whites by blacks and hispanics and encourage them to murder more white people. Sanders is a racist piece of shit.
Trump playing the race card yet again.

Trump Urged To Cancel Event Where Latino Man Was killed In Vicious Hate Crime - FreakOutNation

Donald Trump’s campaign event in Long Island will be held just steps away from the site where an immigrant was killed in a 2008 hate crime.

Picketers, many of them Hispanic, on Wednesday chanted, “Trump, you’re out of here” outside The Emporium, which is a nightclub and event space on the same Patchogue, New York street, according to NBC News. That street is where Marcelo Lucero, 37, who worked at a local dry cleaner, was stabbed and killed in 2008 by a teen who said he and his friends attacked Hispanics in what they called “beaner-hopping.”

Seven youths engaged in “hunting Latinos” and his killing was prosecuted as a hate crime.

“We’re not going to allow the hate from Donald Trump to come back to our community,” said Eliana Fernandez.

Oh no!!! Trump is going to hold a rally where a Latino man was killed!!!! Does Trump not know that as a brown skinned Latino Man, he was anointed into Social Justice Sainthood as an liberal example of how unjustly racist this country is so as to promote ridiculously unwarranted social change to fit a leftist agenda to morph the culture of the United States away from the evils of white capitalism and to a pauper country of dependent discontent multicultural leftists!!?? The shame of it all! cancel your rally Trump! Our Latino Angel deserves better!
You're naive to think it's coincidence that it's close to where the Latin man was killed.
You probably thought Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, MS was a coincidence too.

You watched Maddow last night!
Guess you did, too.

I sure did and this thread is as ridiculous as that Kudos for drinking the koolaid, though. You're a loyal soldier.

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