Trump Used Charity Donations For Personal Use -- Do You Care?

The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?

What i would want to know first is if these are actual crimes, or just procedural issues that are being blown out of proportion for political reasons.

It would also be interesting to see if the Clinton foundation did the same thing or not.
I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation ?

The New York AG's office is in need of an investigation, IMHO.

The Schneidermangate Scandal is far from resolved- what did Ms. Underwood know about all this sex harassment going on, and when did she know it?

I think if we had a Special Persecutor's office set up to start interviewing the people involved in this allegedly criminal enterprise.

Interrogation of the underlings could easily lead to one or more individuals who are willing to flip on leading libs
Charities are given tax free status for a reason, and it's not so they can enrich themselves.

righto.... we can see how that's workin' out

The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?

What i would want to know first is if these are actual crimes, or just procedural issues that are being blown out of proportion for political reasons.

It would also be interesting to see if the Clinton foundation did the same thing or not.
At the beginning of this year, they were investigating Clinton Foundation. So if anything was found, we'd know about it by now. Trump himself donated $100k to it, so how bad could it be?
What i would want to know first is if these are actual crimes, or just procedural issues that are being blown out of proportion for political reasons.

It would also be interesting to see if the Clinton foundation did the same thing or not.
Well from what I read, I guess they are saying that he used donation funds to pay for his legal bills and campaign expenses which under state and federal law -- is illegal -- but not in the sense anyone should go to jail.

We will never know until the Clinton foundation is investigated what crimes they committed, but we do know they committed crimes -- not saying they haven't already been investigated -- but since those investigations turned up no evidence of crimes --- that is just more reason to investigate them --

Sessions announced a new round of investigations at the beginning of the year -- no word yet on what they have found.

If Sessions doesn't charge Hillary with something --- that is just more reason to prove that she is guilty and is being protected
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What i would want to know first is if these are actual crimes, or just procedural issues that are being blown out of proportion for political reasons.

It would also be interesting to see if the Clinton foundation did the same thing or not.
Well from what I read, I guess they are saying that he used donation funds to pay for his legal bills and campaign expenses which under state and federal law -- is illegal -- but not in the since anyone should go to jail.

We will never know until the Clinton foundation is investigated what crimes they committed, but we do know they committed crimes -- not saying they haven't already been investigated -- but since those investigations turned up no evidence of crimes --- that is just more reason to investigate them --

Sessions announced a new round of investigations at the beginning of the year -- no word yet on what they have found.

If Sessions doesn't charge Hillary with something --- that is just more reason to prove that she is guilty and is being protected

In the end this may become something Trump can run on. One of the points people who think we are over-governed make is that we have so many laws that a lot of people commit "crimes" without even realizing it. I italicise crimes not to lessen their seriousness, but to admit the fact that most of these things aren't criminal, but actually civil violations.
In the end this may become something Trump can run on. One of the points people who think we are over-governed make is that we have so many laws that a lot of people commit "crimes" without even realizing it. I italicise crimes not to lessen their seriousness, but to admit the fact that most of these things aren't criminal, but actually civil violations.

Except for when libs do it -- then its sinister and diabolical...

Conservatives do the same thing --- its a "ooopsies"

Then you wonder why corruption metastasizes -- because everyone feels the crimes are only crimes contingent on what letter is by the person's name.
The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?

Do I Care????

Not in the least, nor do I believe it.
The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?

You're a lying sack of shit....most of the money Trump put in himself and no member of the family took a dime of it...there are no expenses listed because there were none.
In the end this may become something Trump can run on. One of the points people who think we are over-governed make is that we have so many laws that a lot of people commit "crimes" without even realizing it. I italicise crimes not to lessen their seriousness, but to admit the fact that most of these things aren't criminal, but actually civil violations.

Except for when libs do it -- then its sinister and diabolical...

Conservatives do the same thing --- its a "ooopsies"

Then you wonder why corruption metastasizes -- because everyone feels the crimes are only crimes contingent on what letter is by the person's name.

It would be a moot point of laws were shaved down to the point that people could actually understand them.

A crime should be easy to figure out as a crime, it shouldn't take a team of lawyers to figure out if someone is following the law or not.
A deflection at best, to divert attention from Trump's success with North Korea and divert attention from the IG report on Comey and the corrupt FBI. You did not have to be Nostradamus to see this coming.

Bingo. The Democrats have absolutely nothing to offer for the midterms, so they will continue to try to run Trump down.

Trump stated this morning that Obama lost Crimea, which is true. Watch the Democratic media try to defend.
The Trump Foundation's Violations of the Law - The Atlantic

I am sure most of you know by now about the New York AG's lawsuit against the Trump foundation -- people who support trump will call it fake news or deep state conspiracy -- people who are anti-trump will say this proves he is corrupt and its just part of a long history of corruption.

...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??

Take for instance the Clinton foundation -- yea, they supposedly have been investigated and audited numerous times -- but do you really believe the Clintons are not using the money from that foundation for their own personal enrichment?? and if they were, do you really care?

So if it is the case that Trump used charity donations under the guise of giving money to military vets but then pocketing that money for his own personal benefit -- should that even be illegal? Especially if the person is in a really important position that is critical to the country?
More lying, cheating, and stealing.
I am not happy about it but it's hardly a surprise as that is his SOP.
...but my question is -- does it even matter? Meaning, should it even be illegal to use money you received thru your charity foundation for your own use??
Exactly, after all it is the CHRISTIAN thing to do! We see all the televangelists collecting money for "charitable" works and then use the money to buy themselves mansions, jet planes, Rolls-Royces, so if spending money on yourself collected for charity is doing God's work, why should it be illegal?
You're a lying sack of shit....most of the money Trump put in himself and no member of the family took a dime of it...there are no expenses listed because there were none.
And just how STUPID do you have to be to believe that BULLSHIT!

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