Trump Visits Army Tank Plant — Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video)

People trash Hitler all the time and Hitler is dead also. McCain attacked our democracy and tried to steal our votes for President Trump by being a key player in the fake Russia Hoax, otherwise known as the "Insurance Policy." McCain makes Benedict Arnold, the Rosenbergs, and other filthy traitors look like American patriots! It is hilarious Cryin' Chuck Schumer wants to rename the Senate building after this traitor just to try to annoy those of us who do not have TDS. :p

You do have TDS. This post shows how stupid and obnoxious you are. Trump and his supporters are the traitors and we need to have a old fashioned neck tie party for everyone of them. You are a disgusting pig and it is clear you are unpatriotic.
^ Are you denying McCain attacked our country by participating in the Russian Hoax? :auiqs.jpg: Japanese Emperor Hirohito attacked our country also, so maybe Hirohito would be a better analogy if that makes you feel better. :p

What were Donald Trump Jr, Manafort and others doing meeting with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton?
Why was Manafort getting money from Russian interests in Ukraine?
How did Roger Stone know that the Russian hacked Podesta e-mails would show up on WikiLeaks BEFORE they actually did?

Trump helped Russia attack this country.
^ Are you denying McCain attacked our country by participating in the Russian Hoax? :auiqs.jpg: Japanese Emperor Hirohito attacked our country also, so maybe Hirohito would be a better analogy if that makes you feel better. :p

What were Donald Trump Jr, Manafort and others doing meeting with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton?
Why was Manafort getting money from Russian interests in Ukraine?
How did Roger Stone know that the Russian hacked Podesta e-mails would show up on WikiLeaks BEFORE they actually did?

Trump helped Russia attack this country.

BS, Trump can't attack anything and is a blowhard.
Did trump just say he didn't get a thank you from Mccain about his funeral ? HAHAHAHAHAHA
America wtf is going on? This guy is beyond lost it.
And let's assume he meant McCain's family, what kind of a decent person asks for a thank you in those circumstances...and to top it all he was telling a bunch of so called Patriots how is not a fan of a war hero ? Hahahahaha fuuuuuck you just can't make this stuff up.
You still don't know why Trump was elected.
Listen up retardo, Trump is an ALPHA male. I know YOU have never encountered one and if you had, he would have scared the shit out of you. You tards need to take your shit and stand over there in the pussy line and shut the fuck up.
Ha, ha, McCain is kicking Trump's ass even when he is dead. Trump will never amount to the man McCain was. He will go to his grave as a pathetic low-class characterless silver spoon horrible arrogant coward.
Ever wonder why Trump cites so many threats and enemies?

McCain, Hillary, Latinos, Canada, the EU, any Democrat, Blacks, POWs, the disabled, anyone who once worked for him.

Is he paranoid? Or is the only brand of politics he knows is to gin up fear and play to the darkest instincts of the simple minded?

Not a whiff of inspiration. Only instigation.
Trump lives on crisis
Most of his own doing
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.

The American people have overwhelmingly voted in favour of The Affordable Care in three separate elections now. These continual Republican attempts to thwart the will of the American voters in regards to this healthcare bill are completely unconscionable and most undemocratic. Once again, the Republican Party has refused to accept the will of the people, and simply plowed ahead with trying to dismantle the ACA.

They voted for it in 2008, and they voted for in by a landslide in 2012. The entire Presidential election was fought on preserving the Affordable Care Act, and then again as Trump tried to dismantle it 2018. The #1 issue for voters in 2018 was healthcare. That's why voters packed town hall meetings with Republican candidates, to let them know that they wanted to keep the ACA.

John McCain had the good sense to recognize that the People have spoken loud and clear on this issue in every election where it's been foremost on the ballot, and he sided with the voters. I will say it again, John McCain is the ONLY Republican I would every have voted for, even though I disagreed on many of his stands, but because he wasn't an ideologue, but a decent human being who listened to his constituents, and respected their wishes.

You're right, in 2018 the voters put the dems in to fix healthcare. I don't see them fixing healthcare. They may want to go single payer ala Medicare, but that won't work. Medicare is going bankrupt. Besides, single payer is also known as "rationed care". They are not fixing healthcare. In 2020 Trump and the GOP can run on fixing healthcare.

John was a warrior, but he dropped the ball on ending Obamacare. Now we pay healthcare premiums, but can't afford to get healthcare. That's a crime.

They won't because Republicans refuse to compromise. The Republicans need a plan since their past plans were extremely unpopular and pitted groups of Americans against each other.

McCain did not drop the ball. The GOP did in trying to repeal it instead of fixing it. Moderates like Manchin and Angus King tried to broker a compromise but Republicans only wanted to ram their version which was going back to the old ways.
McCain voted for the first Repeal and Replace bill regardless of what a bad plan it was

It was only when Republicans proposed repeal and eventually we may get around to replace it, that McCain said.......Thumbs Down

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