Trump Visits Army Tank Plant — Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video)

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Trump's horrible behavior in regards to his attacks on a deceased veteran will be his legacy. Karma and payback will hammer him. He will be the most disrespected and mocked President in history. There will be dancing in the streets.
Not just being disrespectful to a veteran

But being disrespectful to POWs, disrespectful to Gold Star Families, Disrespectful to the family of soldiers killed in Niger
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

two thoughts came to mind...

1. Has anyone artist ever sucked so much life out of one song as Lee Greenwood as out of that song?

2. Holy fuck, the winter months have not been kind to Trump, he really should avoid turning sideways to the crowd, he has gotten huge.
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.

The American people have overwhelmingly voted in favour of The Affordable Care in three separate elections now. These continual Republican attempts to thwart the will of the American voters in regards to this healthcare bill are completely unconscionable and most undemocratic. Once again, the Republican Party has refused to accept the will of the people, and simply plowed ahead with trying to dismantle the ACA.

They voted for it in 2008, and they voted for in by a landslide in 2012. The entire Presidential election was fought on preserving the Affordable Care Act, and then again as Trump tried to dismantle it 2018. The #1 issue for voters in 2018 was healthcare. That's why voters packed town hall meetings with Republican candidates, to let them know that they wanted to keep the ACA.

John McCain had the good sense to recognize that the People have spoken loud and clear on this issue in every election where it's been foremost on the ballot, and he sided with the voters. I will say it again, John McCain is the ONLY Republican I would every have voted for, even though I disagreed on many of his stands, but because he wasn't an idealogue, but a decent human being who listened to his constituents, and respected their wishes.
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.
That’s where you ran into trouble

It was not about wanting Obamacare dead but replacing it with something better

Removing healthcare coverage for 20 million people is not something better
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

Wait wait wait a minute you telling me an elite draft dodger is insulting a war hero who risked his life for this country amd Sao called Patriots are cheering ? Lol

God works in mysterious ways.

More likes hypocrites will always be hypocrites.
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

What is so admirable about a person who holds a grudge against the dead? Where is Trump’s dignity? Why should he be respected, admired, applauded?

Have his supporters forgotten virtue to embrace vice?

You fuckers hated McShitstain until he became an anti-Trumper.
So shove your virtue where the sun don't shine.

Any respect at all for the dead? Any regret about punching down by Trump? Any human qualities that remain valued?

Or is a bully's best friend another bully?

Respect is an earned quality. Neither Trump nor his sycophantic followers are earning any respect by these tirades.
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

What is so admirable about a person who holds a grudge against the dead? Where is Trump’s dignity? Why should he be respected, admired, applauded?

Have his supporters forgotten virtue to embrace vice?

You fuckers hated McShitstain until he became an anti-Trumper.
So shove your virtue where the sun don't shine.

Any respect at all for the dead? Any regret about punching down by Trump? Any human qualities that remain valued?

Or is a bully's best friend another bully?

Respect is an earned quality. Neither Trump nor his sycophantic followers are earning any respect by these tirades.

Don't preach morality to me, you fake poser!
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

Wait wait wait a minute you telling me an elite draft dodger is insulting a war hero who risked his life for this country amd Sao called Patriots are cheering ? Lol

God works in mysterious ways.

More likes hypocrites will always be hypocrites.

God had a plan for Trump. :)
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.
That’s where you ran into trouble

It was not about wanting Obamacare dead but replacing it with something better

Removing healthcare coverage for 20 million people is not something better

Maybe the 20m people who got free healthcare love Obamacare, but the 30m who can't afford to take their kids to the doctor because the deductibles are so high want their old healthcare back. Paying healthcare premiums and then huge deductibles isn't healthcare. Thanks for nothing John...
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.
That’s where you ran into trouble

It was not about wanting Obamacare dead but replacing it with something better

Removing healthcare coverage for 20 million people is not something better

Maybe the 20m people who got free healthcare love Obamacare, but the 30m who can't afford to take their kids to the doctor because the deductibles are so high want their old healthcare back. Paying healthcare premiums and then huge deductibles isn't healthcare. Thanks for nothing John...
20 million did not get free healthcare. They were able to afford healthcare when they couldn’t before

Republicans voted to take it away.....Let em die
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

What is so admirable about a person who holds a grudge against the dead? Where is Trump’s dignity? Why should he be respected, admired, applauded?

Have his supporters forgotten virtue to embrace vice?

You fuckers hated McShitstain until he became an anti-Trumper.
So shove your virtue where the sun don't shine.

Any respect at all for the dead? Any regret about punching down by Trump? Any human qualities that remain valued?

Or is a bully's best friend another bully?

Respect is an earned quality. Neither Trump nor his sycophantic followers are earning any respect by these tirades.

Don't preach morality to me, you fake poser!

Not the morality of respecting the dead? Not the morality of screwing porn stars while your third trophy wife gives birth to your son? Not the morality of insulting swathes of people at a time? Not the morality of recognizing the sacrifice of Fold Star families? Not the morality of mocking the disabled? Not the morality of siding with Russians over our own intelligence community?

The situation seems to be one side of the political spectrum has abandoned morality in favor of a braggadocio who cannot distinguish between Americans who reject his lack of moral fiber.

What does Trump and his simple-minded followers have to offer that is respectable, admirable, exemplary?

Would you want your own children to behave as Trump does? Would they earn any respect by following his example?
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.

The American people have overwhelmingly voted in favour of The Affordable Care in three separate elections now. These continual Republican attempts to thwart the will of the American voters in regards to this healthcare bill are completely unconscionable and most undemocratic. Once again, the Republican Party has refused to accept the will of the people, and simply plowed ahead with trying to dismantle the ACA.

They voted for it in 2008, and they voted for in by a landslide in 2012. The entire Presidential election was fought on preserving the Affordable Care Act, and then again as Trump tried to dismantle it 2018. The #1 issue for voters in 2018 was healthcare. That's why voters packed town hall meetings with Republican candidates, to let them know that they wanted to keep the ACA.

John McCain had the good sense to recognize that the People have spoken loud and clear on this issue in every election where it's been foremost on the ballot, and he sided with the voters. I will say it again, John McCain is the ONLY Republican I would every have voted for, even though I disagreed on many of his stands, but because he wasn't an ideologue, but a decent human being who listened to his constituents, and respected their wishes.

You're right, in 2018 the voters put the dems in to fix healthcare. I don't see them fixing healthcare. They may want to go single payer ala Medicare, but that won't work. Medicare is going bankrupt. Besides, single payer is also known as "rationed care". They are not fixing healthcare. In 2020 Trump and the GOP can run on fixing healthcare.

John was a warrior, but he dropped the ball on ending Obamacare. Now we pay healthcare premiums, but can't afford to get healthcare. That's a crime.
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

Trump is a jerk.

He was a jerk while McCain was in a POW camp in Nam.

He was a Jerk in the 80s
he was a jerk in the 90s
He was a jerk before the turn of the century, he's still jerk after the turn of the century.

and now he's showing off his BB sized balls by trashing an American Hero after his death.

As far as I'm concerned, the only way someone could look up to him is if they had his dick in their mouth.

Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.

The American people have overwhelmingly voted in favour of The Affordable Care in three separate elections now. These continual Republican attempts to thwart the will of the American voters in regards to this healthcare bill are completely unconscionable and most undemocratic. Once again, the Republican Party has refused to accept the will of the people, and simply plowed ahead with trying to dismantle the ACA.

They voted for it in 2008, and they voted for in by a landslide in 2012. The entire Presidential election was fought on preserving the Affordable Care Act, and then again as Trump tried to dismantle it 2018. The #1 issue for voters in 2018 was healthcare. That's why voters packed town hall meetings with Republican candidates, to let them know that they wanted to keep the ACA.

John McCain had the good sense to recognize that the People have spoken loud and clear on this issue in every election where it's been foremost on the ballot, and he sided with the voters. I will say it again, John McCain is the ONLY Republican I would every have voted for, even though I disagreed on many of his stands, but because he wasn't an ideologue, but a decent human being who listened to his constituents, and respected their wishes.

You're right, in 2018 the voters put the dems in to fix healthcare. I don't see them fixing healthcare. They may want to go single payer ala Medicare, but that won't work. Medicare is going bankrupt. Besides, single payer is also known as "rationed care". They are not fixing healthcare. In 2020 Trump and the GOP can run on fixing healthcare.

John was a warrior, but he dropped the ball on ending Obamacare. Now we pay healthcare premiums, but can't afford to get healthcare. That's a crime.
All insurance is rationed care
McCain: Classy to the end

McCain was like a quarterback whose team just drove 99 yards to the 1-inch line with time for one more play, and then he hands the ball off to the other team. We all wanted Obamacare dead, it doesn't work, the deductibles are unaffordable. McCain was a war hero, but his ego, or something else, hurt his teammates.

The American people have overwhelmingly voted in favour of The Affordable Care in three separate elections now. These continual Republican attempts to thwart the will of the American voters in regards to this healthcare bill are completely unconscionable and most undemocratic. Once again, the Republican Party has refused to accept the will of the people, and simply plowed ahead with trying to dismantle the ACA.

They voted for it in 2008, and they voted for in by a landslide in 2012. The entire Presidential election was fought on preserving the Affordable Care Act, and then again as Trump tried to dismantle it 2018. The #1 issue for voters in 2018 was healthcare. That's why voters packed town hall meetings with Republican candidates, to let them know that they wanted to keep the ACA.

John McCain had the good sense to recognize that the People have spoken loud and clear on this issue in every election where it's been foremost on the ballot, and he sided with the voters. I will say it again, John McCain is the ONLY Republican I would every have voted for, even though I disagreed on many of his stands, but because he wasn't an ideologue, but a decent human being who listened to his constituents, and respected their wishes.

You're right, in 2018 the voters put the dems in to fix healthcare. I don't see them fixing healthcare. They may want to go single payer ala Medicare, but that won't work. Medicare is going bankrupt. Besides, single payer is also known as "rationed care". They are not fixing healthcare. In 2020 Trump and the GOP can run on fixing healthcare.

John was a warrior, but he dropped the ball on ending Obamacare. Now we pay healthcare premiums, but can't afford to get healthcare. That's a crime.
All insurance is rationed care

True, but we got better healthcare rations before Obamacare.
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

Completely agree. The never-TRUMPer's in Congress need to back TRUMP up on McCain being the one who saved Obamacare.
It's hard to believe they're screwing up on funding the border and TRUMP is having to bail them out by finding other ways to fund the wall.
I don't think they realize come 2020 a lot of people are not going to see much benefit for TRUMP to have a republican controlled house and or Senate.
How savage and brutal this was earlier. Loved every minute of it. Good Job President Trump , God Bless You!

UNPLUGGED: Trump Visits Army Tank Plant -- Destroys Sen. John McCain During Live Feed (Video) – True Pundit

Completely agree. The never-TRUMPer's in Congress need to back TRUMP up on McCain being the one who saved Obamacare.
It's hard to believe they're screwing up on funding the border and TRUMP is having to bail them out by finding other ways to fund the wall.
I don't think they realize come 2020 a lot of people are not going to see much benefit for TRUMP to have a republican controlled house and or Senate.

McCain never supported Trumps wall
Ever wonder why Trump cites so many threats and enemies?

McCain, Hillary, Latinos, Canada, the EU, any Democrat, Blacks, POWs, the disabled, anyone who once worked for him.

Is he paranoid? Or is the only brand of politics he knows is to gin up fear and play to the darkest instincts of the simple minded?

Not a whiff of inspiration. Only instigation.

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