TRUMP VP: Rodrigo Duterte- non-white immigrant! Great ambassador to humanity!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Philippines election: Rodrigo Duterte in quotes - BBC News

This is the man Trump needs as VP. A non white would-be immigrant. This magnificent ambassador to humanity is no other than Rodrigo Duterte....newly elected president of the Philippines!

He vows to kill 100,000 violent criminals in his first year and "fatten the fish of Manila Bay" by dumping their bodies in it!
He called the Pope "son of a whore" and told him never return because his visit clogged traffic.

He offered himself as a prize to brides at a wedding....but said he has nothing to offer the grooms because he's "not a queer".
John Oliver: If You Think Trump Is Bad, Wait Till You Meet Rodrigo Duterte

He vows to fight Chinese encroachment on Pacific islands by riding a jet ski across the ocean while holding a Phillipines flag then planting it on the island to tell China it's his...not theirs!

He vows that after killing all the criminals he will "pardon Rodrigo Duterte foe the crime of 'multiple murder'...signed by Rodrigo Duterte".

There's much more.

We need to immediately grant this hero full citizenship....and this great humanitarian should be the next VP.



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i thought you knew about our laws buc?.....a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President.......
i thought you knew about our laws buc?.....a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President.......

I do! Change it!!! Fuck it...we're just changing everything else these days without going through the process. Obama should immediately make it legal for all non whites to come and be eligible.

We need this minister of honor as our VP!
Wow...................conservatives bitched about Obama possibly not being a citizen, and now bucs90 is hoping for a foreigner as VP!

My how things change.
Wow...................conservatives bitched about Obama possibly not being a citizen, and now bucs90 is hoping for a foreigner as VP!

My how things change. 2008 cross dressing perverts couldn't go frolicking around in the girls locker room either. But times change.

Bring this great leader to America and make him our VP!! At a minimum make him Secretary of State!
Bloody drug policy has achieved sky-high approval ratings...

The Philippines' president has sky-high approval ratings, but his brutal drug war could backfire
The war on the drug trade that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte kicked off when he took office this summer has killed more than 3,600 lives since June 30, the majority of them slain by unknown killers. During that time, Duterte has achieved sky-high approval ratings.
After the first three months of his presidency, his +64 net approval rating is the second-highest at that point in any Philippine presidency since 1986, according to a late-September survey conducted Manila-based polling group Social Weather Stations. Another survey conducted in October found that 84% of Filipinos supported his drug crackdown, even if most of them thought it was important to arrest suspects alive. All of this comes despite the considerable criticism he has received from countries and organizations around the world for his blunt, often offensive talk, including swearing at US President Barack Obama and making a favorable comparison between his drug war and the Holocaust.


Artwork featuring the image of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte with the letters D U and the number 3, a word play on the President's surname, "DU30", is seen on a rice paddy in Los Banos city, Laguna province, south of Manila​

His tirades have even imperiled some of the Philippines' longstanding relationships and sent a chill through the country's economy. Duterte's popularity has come a long way. Prior to the May presidential election, in which he won 39% of votes in the five-way race, he had one of the lowest trust ratings. He has won over Filipinos for a number of reasons. He surged to victory in the polls in May "as a tough-talking outsider who astutely tapped into the anti-establishment sentiment of the Philippine electorate," Richard Javad Heydarian, a political science professor at De La Salle University in the Philippines, wrote late last month.


Catholic faithful hold religious statues during an open-air mass led by Pope Francis at Rizal Park in Manila​

Filipinos have flocked to his blunt talk, name-and-shame drug campaign, and willingness to antagonize the country's elites, and the abuses his policies have lead to "matter little so long as he continues to be seen publicly as the antidote to the country's overwhelmed legal system, sclerotic public institutions and corrupt elites," Stratfor argued in late August.

'This is a huge disappointment'
Duterte gonna show how to deal with Mooslamic jihadis...

Duterte says if Islamic State comes to Philippines, forget human rights
Tuesday 15th November, 2016: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned on Monday (Nov 14) that Islamic State militants driven out of Syria and Iraq could set up in his country, and if that happened he would forego human rights obligations to keep his people safe.
Duterte said the southern Philippine province of Mindanao was already a hotbed of rebellion and banditry and he was worried about "looming terrorism" and an influx of extremists who could exploit the insecurity. "Once the terrorists of the Middle East are deprived of the land area, the real estate area where they can sleep ... they will wander to other places and they will come here and we have to prepare for that," he said during a speech at a law enforcement agency. "Remember, these guys, they do not have an iota of what is human rights, believe me. I will not just simply allow my people to be slaughtered for the sake of human rights, that's bulls***."

Human rights have been a touchy subject for Duterte, who has vented daily fury at activists and Western governments that have shown concerns about his war on drugs and the high death toll. A native of Mindanao and mayor of Davao City for 22 years, Duterte said there was a "very strong" Islamist rebellion there and Abu Sayyaf rebels were taking hostages almost every day. Abu Sayyaf is holding 21 captives, most of them foreign, and despite an ongoing military offensive to wipe them out, its piracy and kidnappings continue unabated. Duterte said the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia were working closely to keep foreign extremists at bay.

On Friday, he warned that he may use his executive power to tackle lawlessness in the Philippines by suspending habeas corpus, a legal safeguard against arbitrary arrest and detention. The constitution allows 60-day suspensions "in case of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety requires it" and would permit arrests without warrant and detention without charge for three days. Duterte mentioned habeas corpus on Friday in the context of both the southern unrest and his war on drugs and said building cases for arresting suspects took too much time and resources. The president's office on Monday issued a statement saying Duterte was giving a stern warning to those behind violent acts that he could take "more drastic action" to stop them.

Duterte says if Islamic State comes to Philippines, forget human rights
Duterte's tackling his country's very serious problems. And he's doing it his way. He's sick of the US calling all the shots in his country. He wants the US out.

I respect Duterte. He's risking his life standing up to the US. I think we should leave the Philippines. 100yrs is enough. Time to come home.
He should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity.

Extra-judicial killings is a crime. He is a mass murderer.
He should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity.

Extra-judicial killings is a crime. He is a mass murderer.

Your own Government is the biggest mass murderer on the planet. Duterte isn't in that league. But regardless, it's his country. We should leave. 100yrs is enough. Time to give the Filipino People their nation back.
He should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity.

Extra-judicial killings is a crime. He is a mass murderer.

Your own Government is the biggest mass murderer on the planet. Duterte isn't in that league. But regardless, it's his country. We should leave. 100yrs is enough. Time to give the Filipino People their nation back.

Our leader does not advocate for the murder of our own citizens on the mere suspicion of a crime. There has to be evidence and trial by jury.

You've heard those things about us, right?

What are you gong to defend next, killing witches?
He should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity.

Extra-judicial killings is a crime. He is a mass murderer.

Your own Government is the biggest mass murderer on the planet. Duterte isn't in that league. But regardless, it's his country. We should leave. 100yrs is enough. Time to give the Filipino People their nation back.

Our leader does not advocate for the murder of our own citizens on the mere suspicion of a crime. There has to be evidence and trial by jury.

You've heard those things about us, right?

What are you gong to defend next, killing witches?

None of your business. It's Duterte's country, not yours. We should leave the Philippines immediately. Give Filipinos their country back. 100yrs of Imperialist-Rule is enough. DO realize that we don't "rule" the Philippines, right? They have their own government.

All we have over there are bases (which are an economic boon to their country), that are not only important to them, but important to us as well.

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