Trump VS. Clinton

Who would you vote for in the Presidential election if your two choices were Trump and Clinton?

  • Trump

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 9 47.4%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Who would you vote for in the Presidential election if your two choices were Trump and Clinton?
Clinton vs Trump.jpg
I would be forced to vote for Trump. I see that a business person is needed to run the United States if the choice is between a failed senator, and a successful businessperson. What has gotten us into this mess is people trying to get re-elected, and not doing the business of the American people.

Do I trust either of them? No! But what if I have to vote between someone who has 5 or 10 billion as opposed to someone who has 150 million, I am voting for the person who can't be purchased by lobbyists.

If Trump was to get elected, (which isn't likely) everything would change. He is supported by democrats as much as republicans. He is more of the populist candidate than anyone else, which is exactly why both parties want to get rid of him so badly.

If only the man knew how to speak without pissing people off, he might very well be our next President, and I personally believe, that both republicans and democrats would be satisfied with him. Now that would be a massive WIN for our nation, especially the working person, who foots all the bills.
I would be forced to vote for Trump. I see that a business person is needed to run the United States if the choice is between a failed senator, and a successful businessperson. What has gotten us into this mess is people trying to get re-elected, and not doing the business of the American people.

Do I trust either of them? No! But what if I have to vote between someone who has 5 or 10 billion as opposed to someone who has 150 million, I am voting for the person who can't be purchased by lobbyists.

If Trump was to get elected, (which isn't likely) everything would change. He is supported by democrats as much as republicans. He is more of the populist candidate than anyone else, which is exactly why both parties want to get rid of him so badly.

If only the man knew how to speak without pissing people off, he might very well be our next President, and I personally believe, that both republicans and democrats would be satisfied with him. Now that would be a massive WIN for our nation, especially the working person, who foots all the bills.
Sometimes you have to piss people off to get them to talk.
According to Real Clear Politics - all the polls show Hillary crushing Trump.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

If Trump stays in and is winning, come back in 6 months and we will talk! I do NOT support him, but after watching the video AND will watch the debate, I could change my mind. So could many Americans.

Take off the D or R hat and pay attention for once. Forget the blue dress, was Clinton ok? Yep! Forget the air traffic controllers, was Reagan ok? Oh yes! So you see, good Presidents don't reside soley in either party. Neither do horseshit ones. Wake up dude/chick! We gotta save ourselves before we worry about everything else.

We know Hilly is a hack, Jebster is a hack, and Christie is a hack. So, why not open our minds at look at all the rest? Or do you insist we keep the D and R hats on, and to hell with what is best for America!
Who cares....

The house stays GOP.....

That means government will stall for another four years......
According to Real Clear Politics - all the polls show Hillary crushing Trump.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

If Trump stays in and is winning, come back in 6 months and we will talk! I do NOT support him, but after watching the video AND will watch the debate, I could change my mind. So could many Americans.

Take off the D or R hat and pay attention for once. Forget the blue dress, was Clinton ok? Yep! Forget the air traffic controllers, was Reagan ok? Oh yes! So you see, good Presidents don't reside soley in either party. Neither do horseshit ones. Wake up dude/chick! We gotta save ourselves before we worry about everything else.

We know Hilly is a hack, Jebster is a hack, and Christie is a hack. So, why not open our minds at look at all the rest? Or do you insist we keep the D and R hats on, and to hell with what is best for America!

T-Rump is the ultimate hack.

He is the know-nothing candidate.

He lacks honesty and integrity and yes, so do the majority of the rest of the candidates, but there is no way I would trust T-Rump getting his greedy hands on the Treasury.

He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc.

And no, I don't want a blowhard dealing with nations like Russia, China and North Korea who all just happen to have nukes.

T-Rump is untrustworthy and that is why I will vote against him no matter how much he panders to the lowest common denominator of the electorate.
According to Real Clear Politics - all the polls show Hillary crushing Trump.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

If Trump stays in and is winning, come back in 6 months and we will talk! I do NOT support him, but after watching the video AND will watch the debate, I could change my mind. So could many Americans.

Take off the D or R hat and pay attention for once. Forget the blue dress, was Clinton ok? Yep! Forget the air traffic controllers, was Reagan ok? Oh yes! So you see, good Presidents don't reside soley in either party. Neither do horseshit ones. Wake up dude/chick! We gotta save ourselves before we worry about everything else.

We know Hilly is a hack, Jebster is a hack, and Christie is a hack. So, why not open our minds at look at all the rest? Or do you insist we keep the D and R hats on, and to hell with what is best for America!

T-Rump is the ultimate hack.

He is the know-nothing candidate.

He lacks honesty and integrity and yes, so do the majority of the rest of the candidates, but there is no way I would trust T-Rump getting his greedy hands on the Treasury.

He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc.

And no, I don't want a blowhard dealing with nations like Russia, China and North Korea who all just happen to have nukes.

T-Rump is untrustworthy and that is why I will vote against him no matter how much he panders to the lowest common denominator of the electorate.
"He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc."
YOU just described Obama. And you trusted him?
According to Real Clear Politics - all the polls show Hillary crushing Trump.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

If Trump stays in and is winning, come back in 6 months and we will talk! I do NOT support him, but after watching the video AND will watch the debate, I could change my mind. So could many Americans.

Take off the D or R hat and pay attention for once. Forget the blue dress, was Clinton ok? Yep! Forget the air traffic controllers, was Reagan ok? Oh yes! So you see, good Presidents don't reside soley in either party. Neither do horseshit ones. Wake up dude/chick! We gotta save ourselves before we worry about everything else.

We know Hilly is a hack, Jebster is a hack, and Christie is a hack. So, why not open our minds at look at all the rest? Or do you insist we keep the D and R hats on, and to hell with what is best for America!

T-Rump is the ultimate hack.

He is the know-nothing candidate.

He lacks honesty and integrity and yes, so do the majority of the rest of the candidates, but there is no way I would trust T-Rump getting his greedy hands on the Treasury.

He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc.

And no, I don't want a blowhard dealing with nations like Russia, China and North Korea who all just happen to have nukes.

T-Rump is untrustworthy and that is why I will vote against him no matter how much he panders to the lowest common denominator of the electorate.
"He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc."
YOU just described Obama. And you trusted him?

Name Obama's "failures" in those areas, baby huey.
According to Real Clear Politics - all the polls show Hillary crushing Trump.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

If Trump stays in and is winning, come back in 6 months and we will talk! I do NOT support him, but after watching the video AND will watch the debate, I could change my mind. So could many Americans.

Take off the D or R hat and pay attention for once. Forget the blue dress, was Clinton ok? Yep! Forget the air traffic controllers, was Reagan ok? Oh yes! So you see, good Presidents don't reside soley in either party. Neither do horseshit ones. Wake up dude/chick! We gotta save ourselves before we worry about everything else.

We know Hilly is a hack, Jebster is a hack, and Christie is a hack. So, why not open our minds at look at all the rest? Or do you insist we keep the D and R hats on, and to hell with what is best for America!

T-Rump is the ultimate hack.

He is the know-nothing candidate.

He lacks honesty and integrity and yes, so do the majority of the rest of the candidates, but there is no way I would trust T-Rump getting his greedy hands on the Treasury.

He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc.

And no, I don't want a blowhard dealing with nations like Russia, China and North Korea who all just happen to have nukes.

T-Rump is untrustworthy and that is why I will vote against him no matter how much he panders to the lowest common denominator of the electorate.
"He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc."
YOU just described Obama. And you trusted him?

Name Obama's "failures" in those areas, baby huey.
Once again you expect someone else to do YOUR leg work to educate you. You are a TRUE democrat.
Who would you vote for in the Presidential election if your two choices were Trump and Clinton?
I wouldn't vote.

If I could vote against someone, it would be against hill, but I wouldn't vote fore trump
According to Real Clear Politics - all the polls show Hillary crushing Trump.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

If Trump stays in and is winning, come back in 6 months and we will talk! I do NOT support him, but after watching the video AND will watch the debate, I could change my mind. So could many Americans.

Take off the D or R hat and pay attention for once. Forget the blue dress, was Clinton ok? Yep! Forget the air traffic controllers, was Reagan ok? Oh yes! So you see, good Presidents don't reside soley in either party. Neither do horseshit ones. Wake up dude/chick! We gotta save ourselves before we worry about everything else.

We know Hilly is a hack, Jebster is a hack, and Christie is a hack. So, why not open our minds at look at all the rest? Or do you insist we keep the D and R hats on, and to hell with what is best for America!

T-Rump is the ultimate hack.

He is the know-nothing candidate.

He lacks honesty and integrity and yes, so do the majority of the rest of the candidates, but there is no way I would trust T-Rump getting his greedy hands on the Treasury.

He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc.

And no, I don't want a blowhard dealing with nations like Russia, China and North Korea who all just happen to have nukes.

T-Rump is untrustworthy and that is why I will vote against him no matter how much he panders to the lowest common denominator of the electorate.
"He is clueless when it comes to the Constitution, diplomacy, military, foreign relations, religion, infrastructure, etc, etc."
YOU just described Obama. And you trusted him?

Name Obama's "failures" in those areas, baby huey.
Once again you expect someone else to do YOUR leg work to educate you. You are a TRUE democrat.

Thanks for admitting that you were lying about Obama again, baby huey.

T-Rump makes Hillary look like a political rock star.
My feelings are mixed but it depends on who supports infrastructure, science, r&d, education and good leadership.
Who would you vote for in the Presidential election if your two choices were Trump and Clinton?
I wouldn't vote.

If I could vote against someone, it would be against hill, but I wouldn't vote fore trump

Why? Does he want us to have science insitutions or something? What a fucking creep you haiti loving faggots are.
Why; b/c I think he's nothing but a poser that wants the camera on him
Does he want us to have science insitutions or something; We already have those, so I don't know what you are blithering on about.
What a fucking creep you haiti loving faggots are; I have never been to haiti and haven't said much about that place in my life

don't be suck a biggot

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