Trump vs. DeSantis….I will vote for the man who promises to be more ‘nazi’ like when dealing with the Left and Leftist policies…Am I alone?

Why don't you breakdown the reason the Rupublican party has embraced Nazi ideology? All across the nation, in red state after red state, are we seeing book banning by state legislatures, which is somewhat similar to Germsny in the 30's.

A vote for Republicans, is a vote for Hitler!

False of course.
You and every trump Nazi should throw their support behind DeSantis. Your cult leader trump's main goal was to line his pockets and become führer with all the trappings enjoyed by Hitler.

However, DeSantis has shown himself to be an enemy of the U.S. Constitution and is following the Nazis' playbook as much as a state governor is permitted. When he closes libraries and begins burning books instead of simply banning them you trump Nazis should descend on Tallahassee, gather the tens-of-thousands of you at the Florida Capitol Complex, and goosestep your way to the Governor's Mansion (about a mile). This will demonstrate your readiness to be his loyal Nazi supporters, prepared to accept any form of oppression he chooses to pile on you.
I don't want someone who burns books. I want someone who burns democrats.
Why don't you breakdown the reason the Rupublican party has embraced Nazi ideology? All across the nation, in red state after red state, are we seeing book banning by state legislatures, which is somewhat similar to Germsny in the 30's.

A vote for Republicans, is a vote for Hitler!
Hitler is better than any democrat.
No American political party would ever, go anywhere near, the authoritarianism required to be Nazi.
Even though I see threads where the comparison is made by both sides, I just grin and bear it.

What else can a poor boy do?

The Democrats are very close.

A rose by any other name --------
Horse Crap.

I know that's your team.
I know that you are convinced, but--

Covid was a great example.

President Trump could have taken immense control, he refused to do that.
Republican Governors refused to do that.

Democrats jumped all over the chance to control literally everything.

Cancel culture
Forced conformity
Control of health care, employment, and travel restrictions- all Democrat.

You love Democrats and believe in them.
It's misplaced but it is your love to give.
Except there is literally no book burning.
That fact harms your position a little.

"There is literally no book burning"? Really? Just last year in TN there was a book burning...............

Last night, Mt. Juliet pastor and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Greg Locke decided to turn it up a notch by organizing an old-fashioned book burning. The books included millennial staples like Harry Potter and Twilight — hits of the early Aughts that were targeted by Christian book burnings back in the day.

In a sermon preceding the bonfire, Locke described beefing with "Free Mason devils" and said "I ain't gonna be 'suiciding myself' no time soon." Locke also said people aren't mad that they were burning books, but mad because of the books they were burning — implying that his critics, even other pastors, were devil and witchcraft supporters.

You can see the footage in Locke's Facebook video of the event — the burning starts about an hour in. (link has a video of the book burning, for some reason it didn't copy to this thread).

And not only that, but there have been LOTS of books that have been banned. "Maus" comes readily to mind. Apparently mice that occasionally appear naked in a comic book depicting the Holocaust is too close to home for the Republicans and conservatives.
That’s what it’s come to for me.
I’m ready to put ‘REAL’ politics on hold for a bit as good, real core Americans get in the trenches, take the gloves off and fully engage in the culture war.
As we get closer to the primaries I will make my decision almost solely on who promises to spend every second of every day attacking and tearing down ALL THINGS Left.
I understand and feel somewhat the same

I thinkTrump is the only one who can.. do what you indicate. . but then... I don't know.. the interview with Levin seemed... It was good @ first and then they started talking about uninteresting things (golfing, etc)

I hope Trump is not turning into a milktoast... I don't think so but... he's been under a lot of pressure...

God knows..

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