Trump vs. DeSantis….I will vote for the man who promises to be more ‘nazi’ like when dealing with the Left and Leftist policies…Am I alone?

That’s what it’s come to for me.
I’m ready to put ‘REAL’ politics on hold for a bit as good, real core Americans get in the trenches, take the gloves off and fully engage in the culture war.
As we get closer to the primaries I will make my decision almost solely on who promises to spend every second of every day attacking and tearing down ALL THINGS Left.
That’s what it’s come to for me.
I’m ready to put ‘REAL’ politics on hold for a bit as good, real core Americans get in the trenches, take the gloves off and fully engage in the culture war.
As we get closer to the primaries I will make my decision almost solely on who promises to spend every second of every day attacking and tearing down ALL THINGS Left.
And this point I'll vote for anyone who cracks down on anti white racists, trans supremacist and 3rd wave feminists whatever party they're in I don't care.

10 years ago I can't believe I was a left leaner Bernie guy. 2015 caused a big awakening for me. Im happy I voted Trump twice and I'll vote for him again
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List your rationale'. Typing nonsense doesn't get it.
Trump and DeSantis are among the most reprehensible of politicians – both have contempt for the Constitution and the rights of the people, both are hateful bigots and racists, and both are authoritarian enemies of our democratic institutions.

Anyone who supports either is just as reprehensible and wrong – there’s no other reasonable explanation.
There's a reason conservatives are so desperate to limit voting and convince us we're not a democracy.

The sad irony of these collaborators trying to claim that conservatives 'worship the constitution' in a thread called 'I will vote for the man who promises to be more nazi-like' is not lost on anyone.
The ‘constitution’ conservatives worship, of course, is the one that recognizes only the rights of white male property owners.
And that sounds like the majority of Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans I have met too. . .

. . . interesting.

Hahaha…you feelgooders are hilarious…you’ll make all kinds of crazy shit up if it feels good to say.
So all 23 you met conveyed to you exactly how they feel about America , its constitution, its rich history, its culture, it’s value system and moral order? Are you fucking serious? You expect sane people to believe that bullshit? COME ON MAN!

Golfing Gator

Trump vs. DeSantis….I will vote for the man who promises to be more ‘nazi’ like when dealing with the Left and Leftist policies…Am I alone?​


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Recent study results show that two out of three Trump supporters are just as stupid as the other two.
Hahaha…I’ll play along…I enjoy enlightening self manipulated fools playing pretend.
”Real Americans” or ‘core Americans‘ as I like to call them can easily articulate the english language, most share the last names with those who died in our world wars, ALL have a 100% LEGAL lineage, they practice and live our core values, principles and moral order, they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played, they ALL know exactly what “American Culture“ is.
That’s what it’s come to for me.
I’m ready to put ‘REAL’ politics on hold for a bit as good, real core Americans get in the trenches, take the gloves off and fully engage in the culture war.
As we get closer to the primaries I will make my decision almost solely on who promises to spend every second of every day attacking and tearing down ALL THINGS Left.
Unfortunately, you are not alone.

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