Trump vs. DeSantis….I will vote for the man who promises to be more ‘nazi’ like when dealing with the Left and Leftist policies…Am I alone?

Trump v DeSantis.

Best President of modern times against the best Governor in the US.

Who do the Democrats have? The Potatoead failure running again? LOL! That idiot from California that is the worst Governor in the country? LOL! This RFK Jr piece of shit? LOL!
Hey BrokeLoser, I'm talkin' to you! Why should lefties be killed? You got the balls to answer that question? Or are you just gonna run?
There is no bigger threat to this nation…If left unimpeded, Leftists and their destructive policies will lie at the root of America’s demise….Again, this is evidenced in ALL disgusting, dangerous, diverse, divided, hostile and chaotic blue shitholes in America.

John Edgar Slow Horses
That’s what it’s come to for me.
I’m ready to put ‘REAL’ politics on hold for a bit as good, real core Americans get in the trenches, take the gloves off and fully engage in the culture war.
As we get closer to the primaries I will make my decision almost solely on who promises to spend every second of every day attacking and tearing down ALL THINGS Left.
Of course you will. This is not a surprise to anyone here.
How has doing it the “right way” been working?
Haven’t conservatives handed the nation over to the left by doing it their way?

Maybe, if you think you need to do things the ‘wrong’ way, you should take a look at what it is you want to accomplish, and what you truly consider to be right and wrong.

Then again, there’s every chance you don’t actually believe the things you post on this anonymous message board. 🤷
Hahaha…I’ll play along…I enjoy enlightening self manipulated fools playing pretend.
”Real Americans” or ‘core Americans‘ as I like to call them can easily articulate the english language, most share the last names with those who died in our world wars, ALL have a 100% LEGAL lineage, they practice and live our core values, principles and moral order, they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played, they ALL know exactly what “American Culture“ is.
Oh....last names, eh? :heehee:
Maybe, if you think you need to do things the ‘wrong’ way, you should take a look at what it is you want to accomplish, and what you truly consider to be right and wrong.
Who defines right and wrong in this context?
The Left have been doing it wrong for decades and yet they’ve handed the Right their ass.
Then again, there’s every chance you don’t actually believe the things you post on this anonymous message board.
I believe conservatives have conceded to the left by not being tougher…I believe it’s time conservatives find their nuts.
Oh, the cons and the MAGA really do not want to do that, BrokeLoser. Charlottesville and J6 are only minor events in comparison to the disasters that await the right if it gets violent.
Well, NEITHER is "Nazi" but to a leftist any opponent is a nazi
Who flew these?

That’s what it’s come to for me.
I’m ready to put ‘REAL’ politics on hold for a bit as good, real core Americans get in the trenches, take the gloves off and fully engage in the culture war.
As we get closer to the primaries I will make my decision almost solely on who promises to spend every second of every day attacking and tearing down ALL THINGS Left.
Time to fight fire WITH fire. To date ... the rank and file GOP slugs haven't impressed me much. They have no gonads, and their jellyfish responses to the Marxist-Democrat Party has been less than lackluster.
One of the defining traits of any sort of fascist movement is the demand for absolute conformity and intolerance for any view but their own. Woke certainly exhibits this characteristic to the extreme. but the answer does not lie in an equal, but opposite extreme.

The answer lies in educating people on WHY the demand for absolute conformity is inimical to the values upon which this country was founded.
That’s what it’s come to for me.
I’m ready to put ‘REAL’ politics on hold for a bit as good, real core Americans get in the trenches, take the gloves off and fully engage in the culture war.
As we get closer to the primaries I will make my decision almost solely on who promises to spend every second of every day attacking and tearing down ALL THINGS Left.
So you and Trump agree on suspending the Constitution. Do you consider yourself a Great American? Or even an American at all?

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