Trump Vs DeSantis, Set to Divide the GOP

Bullshit, sale person.
Everyone I know did great under Trump.
Everyone I know did great the second half of Obama. He handed Trump a great economy.

Funny. Trump's trade war with China hurt me and hurt the manufacturing industry. USMB Republicans told me I'd have to bite the bullet and Trump was righting the trade imbalance. He wasn't. He lost that war. Or it wasn't worth what WE paid. And I can prove it. After Trump's historic tax break in 2018, he only had 2.3% gdp. He made fun of Obama for 2.2% growth. Said he would give us 4, 5 maybe even 6% growth.

So "everyone you know"? I remember you guys said the Bush economy was great too. Until it wasn't. Then you wanted us to vote for McCain. Remember that era?
I'm predicting DeSantis sits out 2024.

He's got plenty of time. He's 44 years old.

He sits back and lets Trump destroy the GOP. Then in 2028, he rides in as the GOP savior, to fawning media adulation.
Everyone I know did great the second half of Obama. He handed Trump a great economy.

Funny. Trump's trade war with China hurt me and hurt the manufacturing industry. USMB Republicans told me I'd have to bite the bullet and Trump was righting the trade imbalance. He wasn't. He lost that war. Or it wasn't worth what WE paid. And I can prove it. After Trump's historic tax break in 2018, he only had 2.3% gdp. He made fun of Obama for 2.2% growth. Said he would give us 4, 5 maybe even 6% growth.

So "everyone you know"? I remember you guys said the Bush economy was great too. Until it wasn't. Then you wanted us to vote for McCain. Remember that era?
You are, by far, in the minority.
Everyone did great and now everyone's bitching.
Sorry, pal.
Primaries cost a fortune and Trump has many States already locked up.
Why are you such a trump bootlicker?

If Trump won the last election, we wouldn't have food shortages or be sending billions to Ukraine.
You’re too old fart to understand that I support Trump’s Platform.
LOLLLOOOLLLL, what Platform, the platform of "No, I take don't take ANY responsibility at all." That's a good one to support.
Why are you such a trump bootlicker?

LOLLLOOOLLLL, what Platform, the platform of "No, I take don't take ANY responsibility at all." That's a good one to support.
The Platform is simple and worked...
No trespassers taking jobs away from US citizens.
Obviously, you love trespassers.

No Business Visas taking jobs away from US citizens.
Obviously, you love Business Visas.

Discourage Off-Shoring.
Obviously, you love cheap slave labor.

No giving US taxpayer money to foreign nations that give nothing in return.
Obviously, you love sending our money to nations that produce nothing.

What planet are you living on that you don't know Trump's platform?

I know what planet you live on...the planet of emotional disturbance where you can't deal with anyone who disagrees with you.
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You are, by far, in the minority.
Everyone did great and now everyone's bitching.
Smellybozo and his lesbo wife penelope try to convince themselves they are right and all the thousands marching in the streets of Michigan protesting the witch whitmere,are all wrong,they love that deserted island they live on. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:and it gets even better than thst,also try’s to convince himself whistleblowers lied about the 2020 election fraud and there are not thousands in nfl stadiums and marching in the streets chanting fuck joe biden.he thinks they are chanting let’s go Brandon because most the people in the country voted fir biden. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: He sure is looking forward to going to hell taking payoffs for the dnc to spread lies.:rofl:
The Platform is simple and worked...
No trespassers taking jobs away from US citizens.
Obviously, you love trespassers.

No Business Visas taking jobs away from US citizens.
Obviously, you love Business Visas.

Discourage Off-Shoring.
Obviously, you love cheap slave labor.

No giving US taxpayer money to foreign nations that give nothing in return.
Obviously, you love sending our money to nations that produce nothing.

What planet are you living on that you don't know Trump's platform.

I know what planet you live on...the planet of emotional disturbance where you can't deal with anyone who disagrees with you.
This is a shill from Langley your wasting your time on.
a new hope.jpg
When the establishment is colluding with liberals to back DeSantis it really should raise some red flags. DeSantis will go the way of McCain and Romney, as is the fate of those that let liberals decide who the GOP should run.
When the establishment is colluding with liberals to back DeSantis it really should raise some red flags. DeSantis will go the way of McCain and Romney, as is the fate of those that let liberals decide who the GOP should run.
That would be sad and a waste.
My daughter's family lives in Miami and I want DeSantis to be their Gov.
Trump is all ready calling DeSantis names, Fox news is declaring DeSantis the front runner.
This is going to get ugly

DeSantis will win the primary, Trump will go crazy and throw another tantrum, then Trump will try to sabotage the DeSantis Presidential campaign.

People are soon going to see what a total piece of garbage Trump is, he's not going to go quietly.
This will get ugly.

Mr Trump said he would reveal "things about him that won't be very flattering - I know more about him than anybody - other than, perhaps, his wife".
"There's not a tiff with me, and I'm way up in the polls," he said.

YOu're 6 years late,

Trump split the GOP, dividing the sane and trumpers in 2016
There were border crossings under the trump administration.
Don't turn the blind eye.

Foreign Aid was supplied under the trump administration.

Get your fact straight, bootlicker.
Of course there were Border Crossings...the D run House wouldn't supply the funds...that's on your heroes.
Foreign Aid was supplied under the Trump Administration because there were enough Ds to override Trump's veto...that's on your heroes.

By the way, you suck at this.

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