Trump Vs DeSantis, Set to Divide the GOP

Bullshit, sale person.
Everyone I know did great under Trump.

That's the basic problem of the Republicans of the USA. They are Republicans under king Donald Trump the 1st. And if they will "kill" this Cesar - what will happen?
It's not Trump vs Desantis, it's Desantis, Abbot, and Nikki is probably going to come on board against Trump
That's the basic problem of the Republicans of the USA. They are Republicans under king Donald Trump the 1st. And if they will "kill" this Cesar - what will happen?
I said everyone I know, which include Democrats and LibTards.
Yep, LibTards can’t tolerate the “R” even when they’re making a fortune.
It's not Trump vs Desantis, it's Desantis, Abbot, and Nikki is probably going to come on board against Trump

Nope Nikki Haley would be a fool to go with Trump. She's smarter than that. His track record with Pence is abusive.
It's due to Biden being a pussy and backing Ukraine.
Trump and Putin planned the invasion of Ukraine when they met in private. Trump may not even realize he gave Putin the green light. That's why someone else should have been in the room. Trump was in way over his head. Think about it. A KGB ruthless dictator who chews Russian guys tougher than Trump up and spits them out every day. A clever cunning man. Speaks multiple languages. Now think of cocky ignorant spoiled loser trump who thinks he is a great negotiator. Bullshitter, bluffer, stupid. I mean, really stupid. I can't believe Republicans think Trump is a bright guy. If he would have just invested the money at 4% that daddy gave him he'd have more than he does now after all the years of wheeling and dealing and bankruptsys. You Republicans are so stupid. But I bet if he duped you, you think he's more clever than Putin. Well you are wrong.

He may have even told Putin to invade because Ukraine didn't dig up fake dirt on Biden's son.
It's global since before Putin invaded Ukraine.

Tell me why Donald Trump cancelled the INF-treaty and increased in this way the danger of the USA to be attacked with intercontinental nukes from the Russians in case any mid-range rocket will be shot from Europe direction Russia. Inform yourselve in this context about the Russian intercontinental model "Satan 2" for example. And take serios what you read about this machine. It's damned deadly.

So do me the favor please to make someone else to the next president of the USA - and not a super-idiot like Donald Trump and his anti-American Borg Queen - whoever this is.
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Do you laugh about that something what is so damned unimportant could be a reason for Donald Trump to act and to react extremely? Your laughter in gods ear canal!
Could you post that in a language comprehensible to humans?

You will understand what I said here the moment you will die - as for example some people did do who did not like to be vaccinated in the early times of covid-19.

But if you have a concrete question about anything what I said: God gave you the ability to ask!

Here an automatized (=automated) translation:
"Are you laughing that something so damn unimportant could be a reason for Donald Trump to act and react in an extreme way? Your laughter in God's ear canal!"
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You will understand what I said here the moment you will die - as for example some people did do who did not like to be vaccinated in the early times of covid-19.

But if you have a concrete question about anything what I said: God gave you the ability to ask!

Here an automatized (=automated) translation:
"Are you laughing that something so damn unimportant could be a reason for Donald Trump to act and react in an extreme way? Your laughter in God's ear canal!"
You mean I should blame Trump for the current pilfering by Putin, Biden and Zelensky?

DeSantis will wait, unless he's pressed into service.

I don't think he'll agree to be Trump's VP.
I think you may be on to something

Give trump voters another shot at the white house that was denied them in 2016 and 2020.

Win or lose this will be trumps last campaign
You will understand what I said here the moment you will die - as for example some people did do who did not like to be vaccinated in the early times of covid-19.

But if you have a concrete question about anything what I said: God gave you the ability to ask!

Here an automatized (=automated) translation:
"Are you laughing that something so damn unimportant could be a reason for Donald Trump to act and react in an extreme way? Your laughter in God's ear canal!"
It still doesnt make any sense
I'm not a LibTard; I can think for myself.
For a party that cannot even discern the evil in the party they support, they are hardly capable of analyzing the intent or quality of their opposition. WOE to those that call evil good and good evil.
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Trump cares enough to keep is campaign promises

If you want the dems in power thats your privilege

My question is do all the phony DeSantis supporters care enough to support trump if he wins the nomination?

Or will they selfishly walk away?
All the left is doing is trying to cause division in the trump supporters. Note all the inside info is from 'ANONYMOUS' Sources. President Trump and Mrs. Trump voted for DeSantis last tuesday.

like this lunacy.....expect these insanes to get behind this.

that's all we need. or even A Biden/Fetterman candidacy. LOLLOLOLOLOLOL
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Doubtful, that.

Normal Repubs had their chance. And what did we get? Torture. Foreign wars of aggression. That stupid lying bastard Powell waving that little vial of fake anthrax in everyone's face.

No thanks. Neo-Cons are evil scum, and RINOs are generally too worthless and lazy to even rise to that level.

You don't understand. All the genuine righties are really, really pissed.
What is a genuine Rightie?

Neocons? I though Dick Cheney and Wolfowitz were long gone.
Um, if this is how things play out it will be on DeSantis to win over TRUMP voters. It's amusing how never-TRUMPer's think it's TRUMP job to get other people elected.
They think all the Trump voters owe them their vote just because they voted Republican. Hate to break it to them…it’s not a given.

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