Trump Vs DeSantis, Set to Divide the GOP

Obviously, Trump still consumes the leftards

Top six threads about Trump.

The TDS crowd is still very, very scared
You mean I should blame Trump for the current pilfering by Putin, Biden and Zelensky?

I think Trump is a stupid criminal and/or criminally stupid. I never understood why this narcissist got more than only one vote. And I think Donald Trump is an enemy of the whole western world - specially also an enemy of the USA who is a child of the European enlightenment. And I do not say he is a Nazi when I say I fear he will lead the USA into a dark age how Germany was lead from Hitler into a dark age. The dark tyranny of Hitler was only 12 years ... but it really feels as if it had been never ending thousand years. I do not like to have to see in my life how the American dream starts to become an American nightmare.

Oh :.. I guess this is a moment now to say a some pathetic words. Untypically for a German like me - but why not? God bless the USA!

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I think Trump is a stupid criminal and/or criminally stupid.

Stupid he's not. If he's a criminal as you say, and he's not in jail, then he's not stupid

I never understood why this narcissist got more than only one vote.

That's because you've never met Hillary Clinton.

Very few people voted "for" Trump, they mostly voted "against" Hitlery.

And I think Donald Trump is an enemy of the western world.

Why? Cause he made you pay a few extra pennies for the missiles? :p
Stupid he's not. If he's a criminal as you say, and he's not in jail, then he's not stupid

That's because you've never met Hillary Clinton.

Very few people voted "for" Trump, they mostly voted "against" Hitlery.

Why? Cause he made you pay a few extra pennies for the missiles? :p
By the way: Donald Trump never spoke anyting else than hateful nonsense and absolute bullshit about the Germany in his personal Andromeda galaxy. Everything what he said about Germany is as absurde as his weird stories about his stolen election.
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By the way: Donald Trump never spoke anyting else than hateful nonsense and absolute bullshit about the Germany in his personal Andromeda galaxy. Everything what he said about Germany is as absurde as his weird stories about his stolen election.

We won't get into the Germany thing again

Suffice it to say you people haven't changed in 700 years, and Trump knows all about it and so do I.
We won't get into the Germany thing again

Suffice it to say you people haven't changed in 700 years, and Trump knows all about it and so do I.

That's exactly what Donald Trump is doing. He makes votes with hate on Germany.

And about 700-800 years ago "we" founded what is today called Switzerland with the consent of this what we could call today Italy, France and Germany. If you should think this is not the history of the USA then you are totally wrong. And the history of the USA is also history here.

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That's exactly what Donald Trump is doing. He makes votes with hate on Germany.

And about 700-800 years ago "we" founded what is today called Switzerland with the consent of this what we could call today Italy, France and Germany. If you should think this is not the history of the USA then you are totally wrong. And the history of the USA is also history here.

You're trying to educate me about William Tell?


The real story is more interesting than the legend. I know all about it, my family was there.

You didn't start Switzerland, WE did, you lying sack of nationalist bullshit.

Gessler was in Uri, where my family's from. Switzerland started when Uri got together with Schwyz and Unterwald.

And you would KNOW this if you weren't an arrogant German. Half my family would skin you alive if they heard a German started Switzerland. lmao !!!
DeSantis is probably gonna sit it out many die hard Trump supporters
Nope, the die hard trump supporters, will change their mind eventually, Trump's clown show is on its last legs when another one of his favorite idiots Walker gets defeated in Georgia
You're trying to educate me about William Tell?


The real story is more interesting than the legend. I know all about it, my family was there.

You didn't start Switzerland, WE did, you lying sack of nationalist bullshit.

You have absolutelly hot any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it? Tell me what I said about Wilhelm Tell here for example. Nothing or nothing? But let me say now: William Tell is inded an important "person" because never any idiot was, is and will be able to execute him. And if you would read the story of the "Rütlischwur" which Schiller had written in 1804 then you would be confronted with many "revolutionary" ideas about "unalienable rights". Where from do you think got Schiller this ideas? And why do you think fit such ideas perfectly into this story?

Gessler was in Uri, where my family's from. Switzerland started when Uri got together with Schwyz and Unterwald.

That's exactly what the video shows, shame of your own Swiss ancestors.

And you would KNOW this if you weren't an arrogant German. Half my family would skin you alive if they heard a German started Switzerland. lmao !!!

Good grief. You are really an idiot who has not any idea what he tries to speak about. Do you think Austrians are also not Germans? Or Anglo-Saxons are not Germans? Or Franks or Langobards are not Germans?
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You have absolutelly hot any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it? Tell me what I said about Wilhelm Tell here for example. Nothing or nothing? But Let me say now: William Tell is inded an importnat "person" because never any idiot was, is and will be able to execute him. And if you would read the story of the "Rütlischwur" which Schiller had written in 1804 then you would be confronted with many "revolutionary" ideas about "unalienablöe rights". Where from do you think got Schiller this ideas?

Now you want to educate me about Schiller?

You really are an arrogant little prick, aren't you?

That's exactly what the video shows, shame of your own Swiss ancestors.

The Germans were NOWHERE IN SIGHT, dumb shit

Good grief. You are really an idiot who has not any idea what he tries to speak about. Do you think Austraisn are not Germans? Or Anglo-Saxons are not Germans?

The Swiss consider Austrians and Germans to be cut from the same cloth.

There is a guarded tolerance until either of them start wearing jackboots again, and then suddenly the F-35's come out of the barns and out of the sides of mountains.

My grandfather faced down Adolf Hitler. We're not scared of you lot. We'll find a way to place a bomb at your feet, if it comes down to that
Now you want to educate me about Schiller?

No. I love Schiller that's all. But you started to speak (indirectly) about him - not so I. I answered only.

You really are an arrogant little prick, aren't you?

The Germans were NOWHERE IN SIGHT, dumb shit

About 60% of all Swiss are Germans.

The Swiss consider Austrians and Germans to be cut from the same cloth.

The German equivalent is "made from the same wood" and exactly this expression is as well used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This is able to be a positive or a negative expression - depending on the context.

There is a guarded tolerance until either of them start wearing jackboots again, and then suddenly the F-35's come out of the barns and out of the sides of mountains.

My grandfather faced down Adolf Hitler. We're not scared of you lot. We'll find a way to place a bomb at your feet, if it comes down to that

If I am right then you say here to me that you will murder every German whenever you will like to do so because your grandfather "faced Hitler". Where did he face him? Licking the ass of Hitler, Nazi? Or are you still nothing else than a shame for your Swiss ancestors as well as you are a shame for the USA?
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No. I love Schiller thtaspöü all. you sopelk ab9out hijm - not so I. I answered only.

Most of the scuttlebutt about the Swiss Air Force comes from the Mirage-3's that were around for a while - butt look here, not many people know about this stuff. This one here, is called the P-16 Dusenstorch. It's about 1955 time frame.


About 60% of all Swiss are Germans.

No. They're Swiss. Not German.

My aunt married a German. They made her move to the Schwarzwald.

Being German is much worse than being Catholic in some circles.

The German equivalent is "made from the same wood" and exactly this expression is as well used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

We're all made from the same wood. Beyond the veneer, the resemblances stop.

If I am right then you say here to me that you will murder every German whenever you will like to do so because your grandfather "faced Hitler".

Faced DOWN, pal. Not just faced.

Faced down the raving German madman.

Where did he face him?

Just outside of Bern.

Licking the ass of Hitler, Nazi? Or are you still nothing else than a shame for your Siss ancestors as well as you are a shame for the USA?

Moralism again.

You Germans haven't learned a goddamn thing, have you?

You've gotten your national asses kicked TWICE because of this stupid shit, and you don't learn. That's because it's in your culture, which is why the Swiss keep you at arm's length.
Most of the scuttlebutt about the Swiss Air Force comes from the Mirage-3's that were around for a while - butt look here, not many people know about this stuff. This one here, is called the P-16 Dusenstorch. It's about 1955 time frame.

View attachment 724047

No. They're Swiss. Not German. ...

Okay. Forget it. You have absolutelly not any light idea what you try to speak about. The Netherlanders for example got independent because they had once the problem that they are not Spanish but "from German blood". That's why you call them "dutch" = "German". In a similar sense are Swiss either Italians, French or Germans. Germans are the mayorite there and supress no one. Switzerland is a nation made from the will of the inhabitants and from a common spirit.
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Most of the scuttlebutt about the Swiss Air Force comes from the Mirage-3's that were around for a while - butt look here, not many people know about this stuff. This one here, is called the P-16 Dusenstorch. It's about 1955 time frame.

View attachment 724047

No. They're Swiss. Not German.

My aunt married a German. They made her move to the Schwarzwald.

Being German is much worse than being Catholic in some circles.

We're all made from the same wood. Beyond the veneer, the resemblances stop.

Faced DOWN, pal. Not just faced.

Faced down the raving German madman.

Just outside of Bern.

Moralism again.

You Germans haven't learned a goddamn thing, have you?

You've gotten your national asses kicked TWICE because of this stupid shit, and you don't learn. That's because it's in your culture, which is why the Swiss keep you at arm's length.

Your hate on Germany is totally uninteresting for me. I ask myselve only why it is so easy in the USA to make votes with hate on Germany. What helps this in any of the real US-American problems? And what helps it your own person to be a structural Nazi?
Trump isn’t letting up.

No doubt this whole circus has massive entertainment potential, but I'm not convinced it will matter in 2024. These people still think they're "saving" America from Da Debbil, and Hitler, and the commies, and evil 'n stuff.

If that's the case, the Dems still have to present an attractive overall product.
Being German is much worse than being Catholic in some circles.

I am a Catholic German with also Jewish ancestors. And some days ago I had a problem with additions in elliptical curves and a result of about 10^80 apples (but a little less bananas and ananas). So I guess this circles are perhaps elliptical or idiots.

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