Trump Vs DeSantis, Set to Divide the GOP

Okay. Forget it. You have absolutelly not any light idea what you try to speak about. The Netherlanders for example got independent because they had once the problem that they are not Spanish but "from German blood". That's why you call them "dutch" = "German". In a similar sense are Swiss either Italians, French or Germans. Germans are the mayorite there and supress no one. Switzerland is a nation made from the will of the inhabitants and from a common spirit.

Amazing arrogance.

You clowns are worse than the Chinese!
Sorry, pal.
Primaries cost a fortune and Trump has many States already locked up.

Two years before voting? Really?

The problem is, you don't realize how fickle the average GOP voter is. Look how quickly they turned on the Bush Clan.

If Murdoch breaks bad on Trump, it's going to be an outright Republican Civil War.... :popcorn:

The GOP establishment realizes Trump is toxic for their brand, not only in the elections he costs them, but in the party's long term legacy. The smartest thing they could do is get behind DeSantis now.
I am a Catholic German with also Jewish ancestors. And some days ago I had a problem with additions in elliptical curves and a result of about 10^80 apples (but a little less bananas and ananas). So I guess this circles are perhaps elliptical or idiots.
Well you see, my mother was forbidden from marrying her first love because he was Catholic. That's the way it was back then. So she said fuck this and came to America. Her family didn't like her very much at that point. But now, they all wish they were me.

My mother was 20 years old when Hitler thought he could make it across the Alps. Gen Guisan decided to meet Hitler at my grandfather's house, because he had a large relatively flat piece of land with good access. When the General left the room for a moment, Hitler asked my grandfather about a specific mountain pass up near the Gothard, and the story he tells is he started laughing and Hitler didn't like it. One thing led to another and when the General heard the commotion and came back in, grandpa was looking Hitler straight in the eye saying 'there's no way you can make it across that pass. If I can't make it, you can't either. You'll die trying". Which, y'know, in the old way of thinking about things, was basically talking down to Hitler as a less than competent equal. (Germans seem to be sensitive to that kind of thing - some more than others).

Guisan was a musician, did you know that. Like me. :) We're all love and kisses on stage, but we can get fierce when we have too. The spooks love us too, cause we get around. :p
I'm predicting DeSantis sits out 2024.

He's got plenty of time. He's 44 years old.

He sits back and lets Trump destroy the GOP. Then in 2028, he rides in as the GOP savior, to fawning media adulation.

The GOP might not have six years to wait.

The untold story was how young people came out for the Democrats this year. Six more years of young people who identify as Democrats entering the electorate while old MAGAts shuffle off the mortal coil. Time is not on the GOP's side.
Amazing arrogance.

You clowns are worse than the Chinese!

How stupid are Swiss who hate Germans and/or Catholics? And why do you hate Chinese, Germans and whomelse? Who do you love? The former president Donald Trumps not existing first dog?

Question: What do you see here? Swiss or Germans or Chinese sausage dogs?
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How stupid are Swiss who hate Germans and/or Catholics? And why do you hate Chinese, Germans and whomelse? Who do you love? The former president Donald Trumps not existing first dog?

Question: What do you see here? Swiss or Germans or Chinese sausage dogs?

Dimwit, the Swiss aren't Germans for the same reason the Tibetans aren't Chinese.

They divorced. The divorce was final. There is no more sharing of property or interests. The Chinese claim they're the father's of everything Asian and therefore everything belongs to them. Sound familiar?
Dimwit, the Swiss aren't Germans for the same reason the Tibetans aren't Chinese.

They divorced. The divorce was final. There is no more sharing of property or interests. The Chinese claim they're the father's of everything Asian and therefore everything belongs to them. Sound familiar?

China controls Tibet.

The theocracy of the corrupt Dalai Lama was thrown out and everyone is better off for it.
I should also mention, that meeting in question was about MEAT. What was happening is the German soldiers were stealing all the beef from Argentina before it ever got to Switzerland.

Chronologically this would have been sometime between France and Barbarossa. My grandpa was convinced that the only reason Hitler didn't invade was because of the money. Which is why the meeting happened at all. (Otherwise Hitler would have told Guisan to go fuck off).

The Catholic Church apparently played a role in this meeting. What role, I can't say, I don't know. I asked repeatedly and never got an answer. I don't suspect it was something grandpa was particularly proud of, that was the only time he ever shut up lol
No doubt this whole circus has massive entertainment potential, but I'm not convinced it will matter in 2024. These people still think they're "saving" America from Da Debbil, and Hitler, and the commies, and evil 'n stuff.

If that's the case, the Dems still have to present an attractive overall product.
True, this is just the other half of the equation.
Two years before voting? Really?

The problem is, you don't realize how fickle the average GOP voter is. Look how quickly they turned on the Bush Clan.

If Murdoch breaks bad on Trump, it's going to be an outright Republican Civil War.... :popcorn:

The GOP establishment realizes Trump is toxic for their brand, not only in the elections he costs them, but in the party's long term legacy. The smartest thing they could do is get behind DeSantis now.
The Bushes caused millions of people to lose everything.
Dimwit, the Swiss aren't Germans for the same reason the Tibetans aren't Chinese. ...

What a nonsense. The Tibetans are no Han - but 60% of the Swiss are Germans like the Alemans for example are Germans. But indeed many Swiss are angry that so many Germans from Germany have a job in Switzerland. And Switzerland is the emigration country #1 of Germans from Germany. And some of them are really assholes. I know very well what a "Prussian" who lived in Bern said about the mentality of the people of Bern. What an unbelievable asshole. But I am very sure he will learn one day not to believe in the own stupidity - if not by his own mind then life will teach him what's true.
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Dimwit, the Swiss aren't Germans for the same reason the Tibetans aren't Chinese.

They divorced. The divorce was final.

When children leave a family they are still the children of the family. That's why Germans never had been angry about their US-American children and grandchildren. But it is really very strange that you murdered millions of Germans although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA.

There is no more sharing of property or interests. +

Countries are not asteroids in a vacuum.

The Chinese claim they're the father's of everything

On reason of a lack of self-respect, I guess. Perhaps this is a side-effect of the time of colonialism. But indeed the Chinese invented lots of things and they have very rich traditions. China is one of the most interesting countries in the world.

Asian and therefore everything belongs to them. Sound familiar?

No. We are not US-Americans.
China controls Tibet.

The theocracy of the corrupt Dalai Lama was thrown out and everyone is better off for it.

Or with other words: Meanwhile the world seems to accept the very heavy crime of China to occupy and to annex Tibet.
... My mother was 20 years old when Hitler thought he could make it across the Alps. Gen Guisan decided to meet Hitler at my grandfather's house, because he had a large relatively flat piece of land with good access. When the General left the room for a moment, Hitler asked my grandfather about a specific mountain pass up near the Gothard, and the story he tells is he started laughing and Hitler didn't like it. One thing led to another and when the General heard the commotion and came back in, grandpa was looking Hitler straight in the eye saying 'there's no way you can make it across that pass. If I can't make it, you can't either. You'll die trying". Which, y'know, in the old way of thinking about things, was basically talking down to Hitler as a less than competent equal. (Germans seem to be sensitive to that kind of thing - some more than others).

Guisan was a musician, did you know that. Like me. :) We're all love and kisses on stage, but we can get fierce when we have too. The spooks love us too, cause we get around. :p

What for heavens sake is wrong with you? Do you believe this absurde story?
Trump is a has been. Threatening Desantis is your proof.
yeah it looks like there may be a battle for the nomination looming .... thats politics ... remember when Harris said that Biden was against bussing black kids implying pointing out his racial bias during the primaries ?? or how Trump and Cruze and Graham attacked each other during the 2016 primaries both of whom became staunch Trump supporters ... nothing unusual at all about that in politics ... the left has a much much bigger problem if they primary the first female African American VP .

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