Trump Vs DeSantis, Set to Divide the GOP

and just what did he fail to do in your estimation.

My short list from memory.

He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.
He threw out the Pandemic Response plan
He closed down the CDC branch office in Beijing that could have coordinated with Chinese authorities on this during the early stages.
He antagonized the Chinese for years, to the point where they weren't being terribly cooperative on a host of issues.
His advisors were warning him as early as December 2019 this was a potential problem, and he ignored them.

That's before the first sick person even showed up in the US.

Then there was his racist travel ban, which made matters worse in that tens of thousands of people fled back to the US without being screened before all flights stopped.
He didn't call for quarantines in the cities where the first cases appeared, allowing it to spread through the rest of the country.
When the governors tried to contain it on their own, he openly undermined them and made it a political issue.
He repeatedly downplayed the seriousness, saying it would be "gone by Easter" or "Will clear up by the summer".
He held super-spreader events like the one in Tulsa that killed Herman Cain.
He derided mask wearing.
He hawked quack cures like Intervectmin and hydrochloroquinine.
He undermined Dr. Fauci at every turn and promoted quacks like Dr. Oz, Scott Atlas and that woman who thought Covid was caused by Demon Sperm.
He completely fumbled the initial rollout of vaccines, and after Biden straightened that mess out, he made getting the jab a social issue.

There's a whole lot more, but the basic thing is, he completely failed at managing this issue, and we are STILL paying for it.

Now, I know you are going to come up with the whole list of Trump apologetics about why these things weren't so bad. Please, please, please don't bother.
My short list from memory.

He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.
He threw out the Pandemic Response plan

Now, I know you are going to come up with the whole list of Trump apologetics about why these things weren't so bad. Please, please, please don't bother.

I don't want to hear the truth period. YOU are a victim of Media know..the one that Hitler always said that if you repeat a lie long enough that it will be believed. Your first two claims...since apparently you can't handle the truth ARE LIES. But you fall for the left media lies because they MUST DESTROY President Trumpa and you will gleefully go along with that because you have a head full of mush.

I don't want to hear the truth period. YOU are a victim of Media know..the one that Hitler always said that if you repeat a lie long enough that it will be believed. Your first two claims...since apparently you can't handle the truth ARE LIES. But you fall for the left media lies because they MUST DESTROY President Trumpa and you will gleefully go along with that because you have a head full of mush.

Yawn, the truth hurts. Trump's response was beyond incompetent, because being a narcissistic man-child, he just couldn't deal with the scope of the problem.
Yawn, the truth hurts. Trump's response was beyond incompetent, because being a narcissistic man-child, he just couldn't deal with the scope of the problem.
see. it doesn't matter. You are all in for the big lie. LOLOLOL EVEN when you get a brief moment of truth from one of the biggest liars in media you STILL won't pay any attention to it...and WaPo knows this. LOLOLOL pathetic.
see. it doesn't matter. You are all in for the big lie. LOLOLOL EVEN when you get a brief moment of truth from one of the biggest liars in media you STILL won't pay any attention to it...and WaPo knows this. LOLOLOL pathetic.

The problem here is that it's a distinction without a difference.

The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit — responsible for pandemic preparedness — was established in 2015 by Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice ( here ). The unit resided under the National Security Council (NSC) — a forum of White House personnel that advises the president on national security and foreign policy matters.

In May 2018, the team was disbanded and its head Timothy Ziemer, top White House official in the NSC for leading U.S. response against a pandemic, left the Trump administration, the Washington Post reported ( here ). Some members of the global health and security team were merged into other units within the NSC, the article said.

The reorganization followed John Bolton’s appointment as national security advisor, and the departure of Tom Bossert, the homeland security advisor who the Post wrote “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks.”
A partial lie is still a lie bud.

Uh, he got rid of the team.
The guy who headed it up left the administration.
Some of it's functions went to other departments, but they weren't clearly laser focused on it. That was the problem. I'm sorry you can't see that.

I'd show you the lies in the rest of your list but i don't think you could handle it.

Nope, there's no way you can paint Trump Criminal incompetence on Covid as anything else.
Sorry, pal.
Primaries cost a fortune and Trump has many States already locked up.
Soon, Trump's mug will decorate every Post Office wall in the Country when he goes into hiding following a treason & espionage indictment.
What for heavens sake is wrong with you? Do you believe this absurde story?
Fuck you, asshole. You know jack shit about anything that matters. You're an arrogant little prick which is not surprising in the least. Tell you what, just for that you're going on the ignore list. I have no further interest in you. You're dismissed.

You're the one who's here complaining about my politics from 7000 miles away

I have a war nearly directly in front of my house - a war which would not exist if the USA had not given a big part of the world to Stalin and Mao. And jihad-Putin is also using help from extremist fake-Muslims in this war - who also would not exist if stupid US-Americans had not destroyed the multi-national Austrian-Hungarian empire and the Osman empire. And the USA would not be under threat to be wiped out with intercontinental nukes like "Satan-2" if you had not murdered all people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nukes. And still you are proud on the US-American world politics like a racoon who found a piece of sugar.

Do not "hang Pence" like Trump said - "hang" Trump because of high treason. And dear Mr. Pence: Why for heavens sake do you have still to work for Donald Trump against the USA? Whom do you protect from what with this slavish behavior - ah sorry: "loyalty" to the person Trump - and is this worth this price?
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Fuck you, asshole.

I guess this means you are gay and you like to do anal sex with me. Sorry: But anal sex is a sin and in my eyes anal sex is no sex at all but only a delusion. So my answer to this offer is "no". And you are mentally "ein armseliger Volldepp" if you think you are able to hurt a foreigner with so called "swearwords" which are indeed only spearwords. But looks like if anyone makes a mistake in your culture then everyone else has to make the same mistake.

You know jack shit about anything that matters. You're an arrogant little prick which is not surprising in the least. Tell you what, just for that you're going on the ignore list. I have no further interest in you. You're dismissed.

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Be specific.
And don't forget to include Anthony Fauci who didn't do his job or the 15 Democrat MDs in Congress who didn't do their job.

Anthony Fauci is not a poltitician but a scientist and he did do his job. I admired very much how he tried to do his best for the safety and sanity of the USA - even if this meant to be a spitlicker of Donald Trump. But as well Anthony Fauci and the honorable Senator John McCain - and perhaps many others - failed in the balancing act to be spitlickers of Donald Trump or to be children of god. They decided to be children of god and I am very proud on them. I hope no one of their families and friends suffers when they have to pay the price to be continously attacked from an agressive weaponed mob who likes to reduce the USA to the stupid and/or criminal tyrant and narcissist Donald Trump.

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Anthony Fauci is not a poltiticina but a scietost and he did do his job. I admired very much how he tried to do hius best for the safety and sanity of the USA even if thsio meatpot be a spitlicker of Donald Trump. But as well Anthony Fauci and the honorable Senator faIled in the balancing act to be spitlickers of Donald Trump or to be children of god. They decided to be children of god am I very proud on them. I hope enooebn of their families sosffer adna oir ios oinyl slirtetl nunjapapy when the yhave top pay the price to be continously attacked from an agressive mob who like to reduce the USA to the tyrant narcissist Donald Trump.
Damn, you are dumber than dog shit.
Fauci did not do his job; your MD does not let people die.
Damn, you are dumber than dog shit.
Fauci did not do his job; your MD does not let people die.

The USA lost more people because of covid-19 than the USA lost in all wars of the USA. And one of the main factors for this had been the intentional ignorance and criminal stupidity of Donald Trump. We are only lucky now that god had helped us all in case of this dangerous virus so it became much more harmless now as it had been under Donald Trump. But this justifies not any of the stupid ideas of this time and the betraying on and death of so many people who folllowed the wrong way to a not existing Tipperary.

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The USA lost more people because of covid-19 than the USA lost in all wars of the USA. And one of the main factors for this had been the intentional ignorance and criminal supidity od Donald Trump. We are only lucky now that god had helped us all in case of this dangerous virus so it became much more harmless now as it had been under Donald Trump. But this justifiesa not any of the stupid ideas of this time and the betraying on and death of so many people who folllowed the wrong way to a not existing Tipperary.

So much bullshit in so few words.

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