Trump Wall:only time in the history of the universe the Democrats have said something costs too much

After they managed to take as much debt as every prior administration combined.... they now complain about spending.


The wall will pay itself back anyway.
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build the damn wall!

When both Barack, the DNC, Hillary and Schumer ad nauseaum are all repeatedly, consistently always diametrically opposed to everything in the universe that is good and better and makes clear sense for the American People, it boggles the imagination that it could all be just a coincidence.
I wonder if the Trumpster (or one of his minions) could figure out how to assess 10% of all remittances back to Mexico by illegals. That would pay for the wall within a few years and, in effect, Mexico would be paying for it.
build the damn wall!

Michael Savage invented a new jingle today:

BUILD THE WALL, DEPORT THEM ALL (he is upset they stacked the SF jury with illegals? Immigrants? Let that killer go free. Savage used to have more sympathy for hard-working decent Mexicans.)
build the damn wall!
Things Democrats are willing to spend money on:

Healthcare for millions of Americans.

Healthcare for children.

Job training.



School lunches


All things the GOP feels is wasteful and mocks Democrats for wanting to spend money on.

We are being mocked by the party of the Child Molester.

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