Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

[ Trump's foot soldiers still out there, to attack any and all he dims to be Trump's enemies. Good thing this one was caught. ]

Twitter has become a cess pool of right wing ideologies. It is slowly dying due to Musk's ignorance.
The report concluded that Giuliani’s “misconduct here sadly transcends all his past accomplishments. It was unparalleled in its destructive purpose and effect. He sought to disrupt a presidential election and persists in his refusal to acknowledge the wrong he has done." That’s a ringing condemnation from people who carefully considered the facts.

The bar grievance process began with a panel, here consisting of two lawyers who are members of the District of Columbia Bar and one resident of the District who is not a lawyer. They took months to assess the evidence they’d gathered, including a week of hearings and testimony from Giuliani himself, before producing their 38-page decision. I sat on a similar committee for the Birmingham, Alabama Bar Association, and know from that experience that the work done by these committees is thorough and detailed. There is an emphasis on finding ways to help lawyers who are struggling and rehabilitate them. So it speaks volumes that that isn’t what happened here.

The panel decision must be considered by the full bar grievance committee in the District of Columbia before it becomes final, and that decision can be taken to the D.C. court of appeals. The panel focused on Giuliani's all out push to disqualify more than 600,000 Pennsylvania voters’ ballots. They wrote, "His hyperbolic claims of election fraud and the core thesis of the Pennsylvania litigation were utterly false, and recklessly so." But they also focused on the larger picture surrounding Giuliani’s misconduct in a passage near the end of the report that should be widely circulated and discussed:

“Finally, public confidence in our courts, the law, and the legal profession are very much at stake in this unprecedented case. We cannot blind ourselves to the broader context in which Mr. Giuliani’s misconduct took place. It was calculated to undermine the basic premise of our democratic form of government: that elections are determined by the voters. The Pennsylvania claims were carefully calibrated to blend into a nationwide cascade of litigation intended to overturn the presidential election. Since John Adams established the precedent in 1800, no president – until 2020 – refused to accept defeat and step away from that office. And no lawyer – until 2020 – used frivolous claims of election fraud to impede the peaceful transition of presidential power and disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters.

Mr. Giuliani’s effort to undermine the integrity of the 2020 presidential election has helped destabilize our democracy. His malicious and meritless claims have done lasting damage and are antagonistic to the oath to ‘support the Constitution of the United States of America’ that he swore when he was admitted to the Bar. This is not a partisan political view; prominent conservatives who spent ‘most of [their] adult lives working to support the Constitution and the conservative principles upon which it is based’ have concluded that ‘[r]epetition of these false charges causes real harm to the basic foundations of the country, with 30 percent of the population lacking faith in the results of our elections” and “is not sustainable in a democracy.’”

This is a detailed report produced by a group that is, by its very nature, bipartisan. It’s not a witch hunt. But unfortunately, this is the type of report that tends to get lost in our fast-paced news cycles. This one is too important to lose track of. This line from the paragraphs above really stands out: “Mr. Giuliani’s effort to undermine the integrity of the 2020 presidential election has helped destabilize our democracy.” Giuliani was not doing that work on his own behalf. He was doing it in the service of his client, Donald Trump. Seeing the conclusions based on the evidence against Giuliani also lays bare, perhaps in a way some of his supporters, or people who continue to tolerate him, may not have been previously exposed to, Trump’s complicity in election interference.

(full article online)


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