Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

A pair of conservative legal scholars argue in a newly released paper that, under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, former President Donald Trump is disqualified to hold office again, echoing a case long made by progressive experts and watchdogs.

In an in-depth analysis of Section 3, William Baude of the University of Chicago and Michael Stokes Paulsen of the University of St. Thomas contend that the clause "remains of direct and dramatic relevance today" even though it arose from "a particular historical situation and acute problem arising in the aftermath of the Civil War"—namely, the decision by Southern states to send supporters of secession and rebellion to Congress.

"Fast-forward a century and a half. The events surrounding efforts to overturn the result of the presidential election of 2020 have sparked renewed scholarly, judicial, and political interest in Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment," noted Baude and Paulsen, both active members of the right-wing Federalist Society. "Several of the people involved in these events—most notably the defeated president, Donald Trump—had previously taken oaths to support the Constitution."

"If they engaged in or gave aid and comfort to an insurrection against the constitutional government," they added, "Section 3 would appear to bar them from holding office again."

Trump, the frontrunner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, is currently facing a number of felony charges stemming from his role in attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election and inciting the January 6, 2021 insurrection, including conspiracy to defraud the United States and "conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one's vote counted."

Special Counsel Jack Smith, who laid out the charges last week in a 45-page indictment, has proposed a January 2, 2024 trial date.

But legal experts and historians have argued that Trump is disqualified for office under Section 3 whether or not he is convicted.

The clause states that "no person shall be a senator or representative in Congress, or elector of president and vice president, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

Only a two-thirds vote by both chambers of Congress can lift the disqualification.

"Trump is disqualified from holding any public office, including the office of the president, under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment."

In their new paper, Baude and Paulsen wrote that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment—known as the insurrection clause—is "self-executing, operating as an immediate disqualification from office, without the need for additional action by Congress."

"It can and should be enforced by every official, state or federal, who judges qualifications," Baude and Paulsen argued, rejecting the notion that the First Amendment shields those who have engaged in or incited insurrection from disqualification under Section 3.

The clause, the pair added, "covers a broad range of former offices, including the presidency. And in particular, it disqualifies former President Donald Trump, and potentially many others, because of their participation in the attempted overthrow of the 2020 presidential election."

John Bonifaz, co-founder and president of Free Speech for People, called the new paper a "must-read for every secretary of state" and "chief election official in the country."

"As this article makes clear, they must follow the mandate of 14.3 [and] bar Trump from the ballot," Bonifaz wrote. "If they do not, we will sue."

Free Speech for People is one of several advocacy groups preparing to take legal action if Trump is not disqualified.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington argued in a reportthat "overwhelming evidence establishes that President Trump was the central cause of and a participant in the insurrection. Because of that, Trump is disqualified from holding any public office, including the office of the president, under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment."

Last September, a New Mexico judge ordered the removal of a county commissioner who took part in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The decision marked the first time since 1869 that a court disqualified a public official under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

(full article online)

One indication of the general competence of the Donald Trump-backing legal team that planned out and attempted to execute an actual coup rather than abiding Trump's 2020 presidential election loss might be the unfathomable inability of coup architect John Eastman to shut the hell up.

It seems almost certain that Eastman, described as Co-Conspirator 2 in the federal indictment of Trump for attempting to overturn the legitimate election results, will himself be charged by the still-working grand jury. In a newly released interview, Eastman seems bent on providing that grand jury with as much evidence of his intent as possible.

In a newly released installment of an interview with Claremont Institute Chairman Thomas Klingenstein, Eastman made it clear that his motive in overturning the election was the "existential threat" posed by the "Democrat Party." In his mind, this justified the extreme measures the co-conspirators took to block Trump's loss even if every courtroom in the country was telling him that his supposed "fraud" evidence was a pile of conspiracy-minded bullshit. A partial transcript, via Right Wing Watch:

We are talking about whether we are gonna, as a nation, completely repudiate every one of our founding principles, which is what the modern left wing which is in control of the Democrat Party believes – that we are the root of all evil in the world and we have to be eradicated. This is an existential threat to the very survivability, not just of our nation, but of the example that our nation, properly understood, provides to the world. That’s the stakes. And Trump seems to understand that in a way a lot of Republican establishment types in Washington don’t.

And that means a stolen election that thwarts the will of people trying to correct course and get back on a path that understands the significance and the nobility of America and the American experiment is really at stake and we oughta fight for it.
But Eastman also helpfully made it clear that he did not give a particular damn if the co-conspirators' plan to change or throw out state electoral results until Donald Trump was declared the victor resulted in widespread public violence. He suggested that it would be the U.S. military's role to shut down protests and restore order: "One hopes that our military still understands their obligation, and the chain of command that stops at the top, with the commander in chief."

(full article online)


See Trump vet Roger Stone pushing elector plot on tape: Beat Exclusive​

Trump's mind cannot get off his idea, belief, that he MUST be made President of the USA for life.
there is that "cultural and ethnic superiority: for ya, 60s. what is 22lcidw talking about? i learned exactly what "evil" looks like in 2015 when it came down an escalator from its demonic penthouse to inflict a portion of the earth with stupidity.
A Trump hater has a book full of hate. What else is new?
Trump's cult needs to stop allowing their emotional dependency upon the Cry Baby Loser to overcome their cerebral faculties.

By the numbers:

In the most recent election, 2022, The Republican Party, controlled by Trump, picked a number of real losers, losing elections it could have won. Consequently, Democrats won more than expected.

Joseph Biden has been a candidate for political office ten times. Joseph Biden won political office ten times.

Donald Trump has been a candidate for political office twice. Donald Trump had won political office once.

Every time that Joseph Biden has run against Donald Trump, he has beaten him.

Every time that Donald Trump has run against Joseph Biden, he has lost to him.

Joseph Biden is riding a winning streak of ten.

Donald Trump is riding a losing streak of one.

Joseph Biden has never been indicted or impeached.

Donald Trump has been impeached twice, and is now facing multiple criminal indictments.

Even a multiple casino bankrupt should be able to dispassionately read the odds.

Some lawyers just don't learn from history. Represent Trump and you're not gonna get paid, you might end up losing your license to practice law, you're gonna need to lawyer up yourself at some point, and there's a good chance you're gonna face jail time.
Some lawyers just don't learn from history. Represent Trump and you're not gonna get paid, you might end up losing your license to practice law, you're gonna need to lawyer up yourself at some point, and there's a good chance you're gonna face jail time.
Wow you sound like Stalin? Should Gore go to jail for lobbying state legislators? He lost and still claims he won.
Some lawyers just don't learn from history. Represent Trump and you're not gonna get paid, you might end up losing your license to practice law, you're gonna need to lawyer up yourself at some point, and there's a good chance you're gonna face jail time.
So you think lawyers should go to jail if they represent some one you don’t like? Do you live in Zimbabwe? If not in 24 we should definitely send you there lol
Wow you sound like Stalin? Should Gore go to jail for lobbying state legislators? He lost and still claims he won.

So you think lawyers should go to jail if they represent some one you don’t like? Do you live in Zimbabwe? If not in 24 we should definitely send you there lol

You're demented. I said nothing that would lead a normal person to ask me those questions.
A Mississippi man once accused of helping to kidnap his friend’s daughter was arrested on Monday and charged over his alleged role in the Capitol riots of Jan. 6, 2021. David Scott Stapp, 44, was hit with four misdemeanor charges, according to a criminal complaint that accuses him of breaching the Capitol. The filing states Stapp went by the “vanity name” Rambo Stappers SP on Facebook, and his profile lists him as a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve’s Hurricane Hunters, a squadron known for flying in stormy weather. It was on Facebook that, hours after the riots, Stapp messaged a friend, “May or may not have got a tour of the inside of the capital today.” In a post the next day, Stapp wrote, “It was one of the best things I have ever gotten to do. That was history. We took over the fucking capital. Shows them what a small percentage of unarmed Americans can do. Just think of all the patriots came and cane [sic] armed.”

[Put me back in office, keep me out of jail, please, and while you are debating I will be taking time away from the debate with an interview with Tucker. Great business man I am]


Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, conceded in a court filing that he made “false” statements about two Georgia 2020 election workers who are suing him over baseless claims of fraud he made against them. Michael Cohen, former personal attorney to Trump, tells MSNBC’s Katie Phang on “The Beat” that “Giuliani has been lying for Donald since the day that he became involved with him.”

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