Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump's team orchestrated a plot to overturn the 2020 election by organizing slates of alternate "fake electors" in seven pivotal states, according to testimony and documents presented Tuesday by the House Jan. 6 committee.

During its fourth public hearing, the committee revealed that the fake electors submitted false certifications of Trump victories to the National Archives in hopes of having then-Vice President Mike Pence substitute them for the actual electoral votes that made Joe Biden president.

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in pre-recorded testimony that Trump called her so that one of his lawyers, John Eastman, could outline how the party organization could play its part in trying to certify Trump slates from states that voted for Biden.

"Essentially he turned the call over to Mr. Eastman who then proceeded to talk about the importance of the RNC helping the campaign gather these contingent electors in case any of the legal challenges that were ongoing changed the result of any of the states," McDaniel said, revealing Trump's direct knowledge of the effort to undermine the election.

The effort to organize counterfeit electors was one part of a broader campaign by the just-defeated president to cling to power.

But, according to the committee, it demonstrated Trump's willingness to use any means — regardless of their legality — to reverse the will of voters. Trump's team turned to the "fake electors" plan when it became clear that state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other key battlegrounds would not overturn the results in their states and replace Biden electors with Trump electors.

(full article online)

The Democrat precinct chairmen and their minions overturned Trump's win first. they did it by receiving boxes with thousands of votes apiece for Joe Biden and other Democrats running for House and Senate. And they waited till 3 am telling the Reppublicans that they would lock up right away so they could go home before they did their planned omerta thingie.
The Democrat precinct chairmen and their minions overturned Trump's win first. they did it by receiving boxes with thousands of votes apiece for Joe Biden and other Democrats running for House and Senate. And they waited till 3 am telling the Reppublicans that they would lock up right away so they could go home before they did their planned omerta thingie.
And the evidence of any of that by the Trump Administration or any other Republican?

The Democrat precinct chairmen and their minions overturned Trump's win first. they did it by receiving boxes with thousands of votes apiece for Joe Biden and other Democrats running for House and Senate. And they waited till 3 am telling the Reppublicans that they would lock up right away so they could go home before they did their planned omerta thingie.

And the evidence of any of that by the Trump Administration or any other Republican?

You missed a few details in the media. I'm not buying the political lies you're repeating from the tunnel-visioned leftist lockstep press loons set their eyes on Soros' cash that they love so much. they're too lazy to look into any evidence except what gets them more money and power from the criminal organization the Democrats have made of their Party under the Extortion King Joe Biden, and don't tell me I don't have proof because Joe Biden bragged about his threatening the Ukraine with no foreign aid package with his Vice POTUS power to do so if they didn't fork over one billion dollars in less than six hours. They were afraid of losing their 3 billion dollar Foreign Aid from America, so they put out a billion in cash since something is better than nothing. Biden's been a plaguarist, a partner in the crimes committed by the Hillary Clinton War Room to get revenge on Donald Trump for winning the presidency in 2016, and she didn't get to fuck America with her Alinsky method change of making the Land of the Free the Land of Her Slaves, and do it fast. She figured out a way to do it anyway as she puppeteers the weak Joe Biden who forgets where he is, the names of the Foreign leaders he sits on, and whether he falls down the planes staircase is a dice roll since he won't let the cameras showing him receiving help from a steady person. We have proof of many, many crimes you never see as you watch your feel good liberal tv nutcases shilling one lie after another to damage President Trump who has proved himself innocent of every stench-filled lie these creeps tell you, and you worship them because you didn't know they were obvuscating the truth from all the American people.
You missed a few details in the media. I'm not buying the political lies you're repeating from the tunnel-visioned leftist lockstep press loons set their eyes on Soros' cash that they love so much. they're too lazy to look into any evidence except what gets them more money and power from the criminal organization the Democrats have made of their Party under the Extortion King Joe Biden, and don't tell me I don't have proof because Joe Biden bragged about his threatening the Ukraine with no foreign aid package with his Vice POTUS power to do so if they didn't fork over one billion dollars in less than six hours. They were afraid of losing their 3 billion dollar Foreign Aid from America, so they put out a billion in cash since something is better than nothing. Biden's been a plaguarist, a partner in the crimes committed by the Hillary Clinton War Room to get revenge on Donald Trump for winning the presidency in 2016, and she didn't get to fuck America with her Alinsky method change of making the Land of the Free the Land of Her Slaves, and do it fast. She figured out a way to do it anyway as she puppeteers the weak Joe Biden who forgets where he is, the names of the Foreign leaders he sits on, and whether he falls down the planes staircase is a dice roll since he won't let the cameras showing him receiving help from a steady person. We have proof of many, many crimes you never see as you watch your feel good liberal tv nutcases shilling one lie after another to damage President Trump who has proved himself innocent of every stench-filled lie these creeps tell you, and you worship them because you didn't know they were obvuscating the truth from all the American people.
More BS.

And in the end, many Republicans who care too much about their children, about their health, etc are going to continue to vote for Democratic candidates who are pro the things those Republicans are for.

Republicans have lost elections in

Pay attention to what is going to happen in Nov 2024. People want their representatives to deal with their needs and not things which are not necessary.

Vote Republican, please. They need your vote.

What will it change for the results in November 2024?

You missed a few details in the media. I'm not buying the political lies you're repeating from the tunnel-visioned leftist lockstep press loons set their eyes on Soros' cash that they love so much. they're too lazy to look into any evidence except what gets them more money and power from the criminal organization the Democrats have made of their Party under the Extortion King Joe Biden, and don't tell me I don't have proof because Joe Biden bragged about his threatening the Ukraine with no foreign aid package with his Vice POTUS power to do so if they didn't fork over one billion dollars in less than six hours. They were afraid of losing their 3 billion dollar Foreign Aid from America, so they put out a billion in cash since something is better than nothing. Biden's been a plaguarist, a partner in the crimes committed by the Hillary Clinton War Room to get revenge on Donald Trump for winning the presidency in 2016, and she didn't get to fuck America with her Alinsky method change of making the Land of the Free the Land of Her Slaves, and do it fast. She figured out a way to do it anyway as she puppeteers the weak Joe Biden who forgets where he is, the names of the Foreign leaders he sits on, and whether he falls down the planes staircase is a dice roll since he won't let the cameras showing him receiving help from a steady person. We have proof of many, many crimes you never see as you watch your feel good liberal tv nutcases shilling one lie after another to damage President Trump who has proved himself innocent of every stench-filled lie these creeps tell you, and you worship them because you didn't know they were obvuscating the truth from all the American people.
[Soros, Soros, Soros. You poor Republicans. You do not have one Billionaire or Millionaire amongst you]

"They're counting on that 'small' investment in anti-tax Republicans to save them billions in taxes," said Americans for Tax Fairness, which conducted the analysis.

A few dozen billionaires are spending tens of millions of dollars on the 2022 midterm elections--mostly to support Republican candidates, including many who have parroted the dangerous lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen--in a bid to ensure that Congress is full of lawmakers willing "to make their wealthy benefactors even richer," according to a fresh analysis.

Titled Billionaires Buying Elections, the report from Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) details how "billionaires are increasingly using their personal fortunes and the profits of connected corporations to drown out regular voters' voices and elect hand-picked candidates who further rig the nation's economy--especially the tax system."

A pair of super PACs tasked with securing Republican majorities in the House and Senate--the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) and the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF)--raised a combined $188.3 million through the first 16 months of the 2022 campaign cycle, according to ATF. Nearly half--$89.4 million, or 48%--came from just 27 billionaires. A whopping 86% of the GOP's billionaire money came from "Wall Street tycoons" who are arguably the biggest beneficiaries of glaring loopholes in the tax code.

The Democratic counterparts of those two super PACs--the House Majority PAC and the Senate Majority PAC--raised a combined $154 million over the same time period. A smaller share--$25.8 million, or 17%--came from 19 billionaires. A majority of billionaire contributions to Democratic candidates also came from the finance and investment sector (35%), but other industries were also well-represented, including cryptocurrency (26%), and tech (18%).

"Unlike candidates and party committees, super PACs can raise unlimited donations from individuals and corporations," ATF explained. "In return they are not supposed to coordinate activities with the campaigns they support but instead act independently, though that rule is often flouted."

Top billionaire donors to congressional super PACs include hedge fund magnate Ken Griffin, who has given more than $28.5 million to CLF and SLF, and private equity mogul Stephen Schwarzman, who has pumped $20 million into the GOP's two super PACs.

"Anti-democratic vote-buying," ATF wrote, "has been facilitated by--and is facilitating--the accelerating wealth growth of the billionaire class and the record profits of the corporations they own."

The combined net worth of the nation's roughly 750 billionaires surgedby $2 trillion, or 70%, during the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic. The collective wealth of the 27 billionaires bankrolling the GOP's super PACs alone soared by $82.4 billion over that time period, meaning that the $89.4 million they have donated to CLF and SLF constitutes less than 0.1% of their overall pandemic-era gains.

Meanwhile, the return on that modest investment could amount to billions of dollars if Republicans take back Congress in November and preserve their 2017 tax cuts or further slash taxes on superrich people and the corporations they own.

Over a recent nine-year period, the 400 wealthiest people in the U.S. paid an average effective federal income tax rate of just 8.2% when the increased value of their stock holdings is included in their income. That is a lower rate than the nationwide average of 13.3% in 2019.

As ATF explained, focusing on contributions to congressional super PACs fails "to capture the full political influence of billionaires, who in addition to personal donations also steer money to favored candidates from related corporations and organizations."

Billionaires are among the ultrawealthy Americans who control corporations through their extensive stock holdings. Many corporate giants have been distorting the upcoming midterms, ATF pointed out, by spending tens of millions to help GOP candidates who have vowed to defend special tax breaks for the top 1% get elected, including 144 far-right members of Congress who voted to overturn President Joe Biden's electoral victory.

(full article online)

More BS.

And in the end, many Republicans who care too much about their children, about their health, etc are going to continue to vote for Democratic candidates who are pro the things those Republicans are for.

Republicans have lost elections in

Pay attention to what is going to happen in Nov 2024. People want their representatives to deal with their needs and not things which are not necessary.

Vote Republican, please. They need your vote.

What will it change for the results in November 2024?


You're mistaken. You have a screwed up vision of winning being all by the DNC leadership getting billionnaires to buy infotainment creeps (formerly news reporters) putting on a grieviously false narrative that will fool the American people into believing the lies. Trust me, those thespians of the left know all the tricks of controlling people's opinions with lies so egregious people think they're saving the world by hating on honest men who proved themselves winners in business and in Trump's case, he was successfully planning a world peace before the POS Deep State decided to cheat him out of the reputation he earned in a lifetime of excellence, honesty, and truth.

So practiced are your leaders in beating the good people they hate with grandiose if not satanic false witnesses, the truth will be known someday that shows them for that they are far worse than the people whose characters they assassinate. When this much baloney happened in France, the people rose up and put their asinine leaders to the guillotine. Our scholars will be writing histories on the puppeteer crimes currently being passed off as leadership that will make people think the truth at last.
You're mistaken. You have a screwed up vision of winning being all by the DNC leadership getting billionnaires to buy infotainment creeps (formerly news reporters) putting on a grieviously false narrative that will fool the American people into believing the lies. Trust me, those thespians of the left know all the tricks of controlling people's opinions with lies so egregious people think they're saving the world by hating on honest men who proved themselves winners in business and in Trump's case, he was successfully planning a world peace before the POS Deep State decided to cheat him out of the reputation he earned in a lifetime of excellence, honesty, and truth.

So practiced are your leaders in beating the good people they hate with grandiose if not satanic false witnesses, the truth will be known someday that shows them for that they are far worse than the people whose characters they assassinate. When this much baloney happened in France, the people rose up and put their asinine leaders to the guillotine. Our scholars will be writing histories on the puppeteer crimes currently being passed off as leadership that will make people think the truth at last.
You copied and pasted all of these and and the previous post from where exactly?

Live by conspiracy theories, be fooled by conspiracy theories. That is what you have chosen.

Yes, the people have risen here too and put Joe Biden as President in 2020.

And they so rose that in 2022 they voted for a lot of Democratic candidates instead of Republican ones.

And come 2024 election, there will be even more Republicans rising to vote FOR Democratic candidates rather than Republican ones.

Figure it out.
You copied and pasted all of these and and the previous post from where exactly?

Live by conspiracy theories, be fooled by conspiracy theories. That is what you have chosen.

Yes, the people have risen here too and put Joe Biden as President in 2020.

And they so rose that in 2022 they voted for a lot of Democratic candidates instead of Republican ones.

And come 2024 election, there will be even more Republicans rising to vote FOR Democratic candidates rather than Republican ones.

Figure it out.

I'd like to save you the shock of what's coming next, and I'd thank God if I prepared you with what I do know and is happening now. You'll figure it out. I pray for your and your political friends' soft landing. It's complicated, but it's here:

I'd like to save you the shock of what's coming next, and I'd thank God if I prepared you with what I do know and is happening now. You'll figure it out. I pray for your and your political friends' soft landing. It's complicated, but it's here:

[Dopes For Trump]

However, over the course of more than 300 pages, the Durham Report doesn’t just fail to live up to Trump supporters’ expectations of a spectacular vindication; it manages to fail on every other level as well. Durham fails to rebut the previous findings from special counsel Robert Mueller or the Department of Justice’s inspector general. He fails to provide suggested changes that the FBI could make moving forward. He fails to acknowledge how much of the winking innuendo the report includes wasn’t proved in court. And, ironically, he fails to realize that his central argument includes a standard for politically charged investigations that Trump would absolutely hate to see put into practice.

None of these failures is particularly surprising given the arc of Durham’s investigation. When he began to wrap up in September, it was clear that he would be unable to live up to the right-wing hype. The only two cases that he brought to trial resulted in acquittals; the one guilty plea he obtained was of an FBI attorney for altering an email used to obtain a surveillance warrant for a Trump campaign adviser. But Durham still includes many of the allegations that the juries rejected, a move more likely to muddy the waters than provide clarity.

Consider the argument that rapidly began circulating on Twitter that Durham conclusively stated that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved a plan for her 2016 campaign to “vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.” It’s a hell of a claim, but the relevant section of the report actually says the claim is based on Russian intelligence analysis that U.S. intelligence agencies obtained in 2016. At no point was the claim ever confirmed, something even Trump’s director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe admitted in a letter to the Senate after declassifying the existence of the intelligence. Nor does Durham ever state it as a gospel truth.

(full article online)


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