Trump wants no part of Biden

You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
He sniffs peoples hair. Including girls.
That sounds like someone you would like.
Creepy faggot
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Are you kidding......he loves mixing it up with people, and bitch slapping whatever left wing asshat they pick is going to be great entertainment....

Trump talks shit on twitter. Face to face he's a punk.

So you and Trump have something in common!
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
He sniffs peoples hair. Including girls.
That sounds like someone you would like.
Creepy faggot

That stuff is more your style. Kinda like grabbing women by the pussy.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.

If the economy is like this come November 20', Trump will mop the floor with Biden. You are out of touch with reality as well as history.
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

What exactly is a disaster about this presidency? It sure as heck isn't the economy or trade. There is a border crisis, but we ALL know who is allowing that problem to fester and it isn't Trump. Democrats need to wake up and stop watching CNN and MSNBC. They are crack pots. Do your own research and you will come to discover that Trump's policies have been very successful.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
He sniffs peoples hair. Including girls.
That sounds like someone you would like.
Creepy faggot

That stuff is more your style. Kinda like grabbing women by the pussy.
Apparently, its yours.
He smells little kids hair. You are a horrible person.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.

Biden isn't going to make it through the primary......he said Anita Hill was lying........he's toast....

You got President grab them by the pussy who has called 19 women liars about his assaults, and 2 women he paid to shut up and you're talking about Anita Hill.

Take that weak ---- somewhere else.

Moron......the democrat, left wing, socialists don't want a white guy........they are the ones voting in the primary. Biden is a plagiarist, and lied about how his wife died, smearing a good man so he could have a sad story to tell at his rallies.....he is a vile, disgusting asshole....and that doesn't even include the actual criminal behavior with him, his son and China.

The moron sits in the white house. Everything else you post means nothing when you consider who you support. Biden is leading the polls at this point and so you keep on reading what the alt right tells you.

You’re so divisive. How can you possibly predict anything when there has yet to be one debate between the Democrat candidates? Howard Dean was ahead in the polls at one time too as were many others. Hell Ted Cruz won Iowa, not Trump. People like you lack intellect and common sense and use the race card nonstop. Your best weapons consist of internet ad Hominems. Meanwhile you don’t have a job and live off my tax dollars. What a waste of space you are.

Can you name one of Biden’s policies? LOL
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
He sniffs peoples hair. Including girls.
That sounds like someone you would like.
Creepy faggot

That stuff is more your style. Kinda like grabbing women by the pussy.

You’re so dumb. The quote was “They let you” meaning and yes I have to explain it to you because you’re dumb, because he is famous, women come on to him. You should learn to listen.
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You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Well for a disaster his presidency is doing pretty damned well.

The economy is great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs everywhere.

You might call his presidency a disaster but I call it great.

Oh and he doesn't lose his tempter. He has fun a debates and enjoys mixing it up with everyone. You sure are stupid.

Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain. Enjoy.

The economy was on an upswing and we were at full employment when Trump took office.

If you say so. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly. He will get the credit just as Barry would if he were still POTUS.

The economy is doing great and voters love a good economy.

Buckle up buttercup. You will have four more years to moan, bitch and complain about Trump.

I vote fool. I know what voters like.

Trump hasn't improved anything greatly. There was a trend he inherited and the trend continued.

Believe me when I say this, if we get 4 more years of Trump, I'm going to laugh at the suffering dumb asses like you imposed on yourself because of your choice.

If Trump doesn't get re-elected, watch the markets plummet. Remember how the idiot Democrats said the markets would go down if Trump won and but the opposite happened, literally the day aftermath election. Those with money in the market aren't stupid. If it looks like Biden has a chance of winning, my money is moving to safer ground. Democrats will ruin this country if they continue down the Obama and Socialist path.
Biden won't make it through the primaries...his best day was yesterday, and it won't get any better than that...

You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.

It's amazing democrats and the media still haven't figured out TRUMP.
Looks like Trump will have some serious competion. Looks like Pete is picking a running mate.

pete and Al_edited-1.jpg
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
You should want no part of Biden either. He is a lying elitist warmongering crook. Anyone who has spent 50 years in national politics, is nothing but a criminal. He is entirely owned by the transnational capitalist class.
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.
HA HA, what a stupid thing to say.

I agree. Trump loves debates and has no problem with them.

Anyone who thinks he's afraid of Biden or any of the other Dems is a few cards short of a full deck.

Trump lives for debates and he's damned good at them.
The social justice democrats want no part of old white guy Biden. He will never make it out of the primary.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
Na, not really
Senile Joe It’s nothing but a shit stain… In other words a career politician

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