Trump wants no part of Biden

It will be an interesting election season.
Trump will have his 4-year record to run on, a great economy, the wall, keeping promises made, defeating ISIS, talking to NK, negotiating fair trade deals, etc.
Biden is an old school union democrat. Is his old message resonating with young democrats enough to make it thru the primaries? How many of the dem policies and initiatives will Joe support?

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare JOE LIKES THIS
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and paid for the phony Steele Dossier
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Promote or excuse the murder of newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Are you kidding......he loves mixing it up with people, and bitch slapping whatever left wing asshat they pick is going to be great entertainment....
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Well for a disaster his presidency is doing pretty damned well.

The economy is great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs everywhere.

You might call his presidency a disaster but I call it great.

Oh and he doesn't lose his tempter. He has fun a debates and enjoys mixing it up with everyone. You sure are stupid.

Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain. Enjoy.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
Lol Biden has 600 people show up to his event last nite .. and slured his speech. Was out of breath...
The man is close to 80! He’s had a ton of Cosmetic surgery ... how he really looks is not good ...

And Trump can't say origins. Trump wants none of Biden.

LMAO You are so full of shit.

Trump isn't afraid of Biden. Why should he be. Foot in mouth Biden is his own worst enemy.

Trump would debate that rat bastard without a problem. I'd bet Biden doesn't want anything to do with Trump.

Biden won't be the next POTUS and Trump will win in 2020.

Buckle up buttercup you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain about Trump.

Enjoy. I know I will.

Trump fears Biden. And I won't be bothered if Trump wins. I will live in peace watching you cry as Trumps policies hit full speed. Now, since I really don't want to see this national tragedy, I will be hoping that we do everything it takes to miss that by getting rid of Trump. Biden apparently wants every inch of Trump or he would not be running.

But before that happens Trump must face Weld and maybe Hogan in his own party. Trump lost the popular vote last time. I think you might want to check yourself.
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Are you kidding......he loves mixing it up with people, and bitch slapping whatever left wing asshat they pick is going to be great entertainment....

Trump talks shit on twitter. Face to face he's a punk.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
Lol Biden has 600 people show up to his event last nite .. and slured his speech. Was out of breath...
The man is close to 80! He’s had a ton of Cosmetic surgery ... how he really looks is not good ...

And Trump can't say origins. Trump wants none of Biden.

LMAO You are so full of shit.

Trump isn't afraid of Biden. Why should he be. Foot in mouth Biden is his own worst enemy.

Trump would debate that rat bastard without a problem. I'd bet Biden doesn't want anything to do with Trump.

Biden won't be the next POTUS and Trump will win in 2020.

Buckle up buttercup you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain about Trump.

Enjoy. I know I will.

Trump fears Biden. And I won't be bothered if Trump wins. I will live in peace watching you cry as Trumps policies hit full speed. Now, since I really don't want to see this national tragedy, I will be hoping that we do everything it takes to miss that by getting rid of Trump. Biden apparently wants every inch of Trump or he would not be running.

But before that happens Trump must face Weld and maybe Hogan in his own party. Trump lost the popular vote last time. I think you might want to check yourself.

Trump fears Biden?? You are off your rocker pal.

Why would anyone fear foot in mouth Biden. He's got more baggage than Hitlery.

Oh and Trump will win in 2020. The country appreciates a great economy, UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs everywhere.

Its the economy stupid and it doing great.
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Well for a disaster his presidency is doing pretty damned well.

The economy is great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs everywhere.

You might call his presidency a disaster but I call it great.

Oh and he doesn't lose his tempter. He has fun a debates and enjoys mixing it up with everyone. You sure are stupid.

Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain. Enjoy.

The economy was on an upswing and we were at full employment when Trump took office.
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Well for a disaster his presidency is doing pretty damned well.

The economy is great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs everywhere.

You might call his presidency a disaster but I call it great.

Oh and he doesn't lose his tempter. He has fun a debates and enjoys mixing it up with everyone. You sure are stupid.

Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain. Enjoy.

The economy was on an upswing and we were at full employment when Trump took office.

If you say so. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly. He will get the credit just as Barry would if he were still POTUS.

The economy is doing great and voters love a good economy.

Buckle up buttercup. You will have four more years to moan, bitch and complain about Trump.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
Lol Biden has 600 people show up to his event last nite .. and slured his speech. Was out of breath...
The man is close to 80! He’s had a ton of Cosmetic surgery ... how he really looks is not good ...

And Trump can't say origins. Trump wants none of Biden.

LMAO You are so full of shit.

Trump isn't afraid of Biden. Why should he be. Foot in mouth Biden is his own worst enemy.

Trump would debate that rat bastard without a problem. I'd bet Biden doesn't want anything to do with Trump.

Biden won't be the next POTUS and Trump will win in 2020.

Buckle up buttercup you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain about Trump.

Enjoy. I know I will.

Trump fears Biden. And I won't be bothered if Trump wins. I will live in peace watching you cry as Trumps policies hit full speed. Now, since I really don't want to see this national tragedy, I will be hoping that we do everything it takes to miss that by getting rid of Trump. Biden apparently wants every inch of Trump or he would not be running.

But before that happens Trump must face Weld and maybe Hogan in his own party. Trump lost the popular vote last time. I think you might want to check yourself.

Trump fears Biden?? You are off your rocker pal.

Why would anyone fear foot in mouth Biden. He's got more baggage than Hitlery.

Oh and Trump will win in 2020. The country appreciates a great economy, UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs everywhere.

Its the economy stupid and it doing great.

And yet Trump is at 37 percent job approval.

Trump inherited a strong economy and full employment.
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.
Democrats can't defend their records.
Trump will defend his record all day long.
This is why Democrats have gotten so personal in this election cycle.
Democrats are causing a crisis in our cities and at our Southern border.
They can't defend what they're their only option is make up a bunch of shit about Trump.


Democrat Officials in Massachusetts Sue to Block ICE Arrests | Breitbart
The Nuclear Option: Crybaby Correspondents' Night of Tuxedos and Tears | Breitbart
Poll: 3-in-4 Americans Oppose Allowing Felons to Vote from Prison
Democrats Demand End of Trump Tax Cuts -- or No Infrastructure Funding
Tom Steyer: Trump 'Literally' Obstructing Justice in 'Front of Our Very Eyes' | Breitbart
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You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
I'm sure the nation's predators will love voting from him.


Why do you supporters of a serial sexual predator talk this shit?
Lol, you tried to make a rapist first man last election. You have zero credibility.
Lol Biden has 600 people show up to his event last nite .. and slured his speech. Was out of breath...
The man is close to 80! He’s had a ton of Cosmetic surgery ... how he really looks is not good ...

And Trump can't say origins. Trump wants none of Biden.

LMAO You are so full of shit.

Trump isn't afraid of Biden. Why should he be. Foot in mouth Biden is his own worst enemy.

Trump would debate that rat bastard without a problem. I'd bet Biden doesn't want anything to do with Trump.

Biden won't be the next POTUS and Trump will win in 2020.

Buckle up buttercup you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain about Trump.

Enjoy. I know I will.

Trump fears Biden. And I won't be bothered if Trump wins. I will live in peace watching you cry as Trumps policies hit full speed. Now, since I really don't want to see this national tragedy, I will be hoping that we do everything it takes to miss that by getting rid of Trump. Biden apparently wants every inch of Trump or he would not be running.

But before that happens Trump must face Weld and maybe Hogan in his own party. Trump lost the popular vote last time. I think you might want to check yourself.

Trump fears Biden?? You are off your rocker pal.

Why would anyone fear foot in mouth Biden. He's got more baggage than Hitlery.

Oh and Trump will win in 2020. The country appreciates a great economy, UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs everywhere.

Its the economy stupid and it doing great.

And yet Trump is at 37 percent job approval.

Trump inherited a strong economy and full employment.

In your dreams buddy.
You loons can talk all you want but Trump wants no part of Biden. Biden will beat Trump. And while you loons barked about how Sanders was robbed, you fail to realize that the man who could really have won in 2016 chose not to run and to supported Hillary. Let Biden stand across from Trump in a debate. He will roast Trump. So run your mouths with Trumps nicknames, but his time is almost up.
Right on board with Male, pale and stale Biden.
The party sends another career elitist and you lap it.
So much for your party of diversity.
Joe's time is past.

Trump won't beat him.

We don't care the color of the person that gets this done.

As usual, you republicans try making this about race.

Trump's time is soon to be past.
Lol, the media is gonna put the queer guy on your ticket.
Trump will decide not to debate anyone, the thing he hates most of all is defending his record.

He debated 16 republicans and hilary.......did you not pay attention to the last election......

And who one the election?
I did, I saw the extreme irritation on his face when he had to defend himself rather than just pissing on everything. Now that he must defend this disaster of a presidency I predict he will endure a few practice debates, lose his temper and simply opt out. I hope I'm wrong I want to see your man try to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Well for a disaster his presidency is doing pretty damned well.

The economy is great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs everywhere.

You might call his presidency a disaster but I call it great.

Oh and he doesn't lose his tempter. He has fun a debates and enjoys mixing it up with everyone. You sure are stupid.

Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain. Enjoy.

The economy was on an upswing and we were at full employment when Trump took office.

If you say so. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly. He will get the credit just as Barry would if he were still POTUS.

The economy is doing great and voters love a good economy.

Buckle up buttercup. You will have four more years to moan, bitch and complain about Trump.

I vote fool. I know what voters like.

Trump hasn't improved anything greatly. There was a trend he inherited and the trend continued.

Believe me when I say this, if we get 4 more years of Trump, I'm going to laugh at the suffering dumb asses like you imposed on yourself because of your choice.
And Trump can't say origins. Trump wants none of Biden.

LMAO You are so full of shit.

Trump isn't afraid of Biden. Why should he be. Foot in mouth Biden is his own worst enemy.

Trump would debate that rat bastard without a problem. I'd bet Biden doesn't want anything to do with Trump.

Biden won't be the next POTUS and Trump will win in 2020.

Buckle up buttercup you will have four more years to bitch, moan and complain about Trump.

Enjoy. I know I will.

Trump fears Biden. And I won't be bothered if Trump wins. I will live in peace watching you cry as Trumps policies hit full speed. Now, since I really don't want to see this national tragedy, I will be hoping that we do everything it takes to miss that by getting rid of Trump. Biden apparently wants every inch of Trump or he would not be running.

But before that happens Trump must face Weld and maybe Hogan in his own party. Trump lost the popular vote last time. I think you might want to check yourself.

Trump fears Biden?? You are off your rocker pal.

Why would anyone fear foot in mouth Biden. He's got more baggage than Hitlery.

Oh and Trump will win in 2020. The country appreciates a great economy, UE the lowest its been since 69 and jobs everywhere.

Its the economy stupid and it doing great.

And yet Trump is at 37 percent job approval.

Trump inherited a strong economy and full employment.

In your dreams buddy.

It's a fact.

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