Trump wants to be veep

Veeps have to be CFR and Tr-Lateral types to even be considered, the most obvious was Reagans' veep. Check out "Slow Joe" Biden and you'll see. It's an insurance policy against any President going rogue and not doing what the Bankers tell him to do.

Does "The Donald" even belong to any of that?
Yeah, sure. Trump strikes me as the kind of guy who really wants to be the #2 on a ticket and the go-to guy for foreign heads of state funerals for 4 years. Yep, sure sounds like the type of ambition that's gotten him where he is today.
Donald Trump Wants to Be Romney's VP - Gotcha Media

And, he's willing to pay for it.

Mitt Romney Will Not 'Repudiate' Donald Trump For Birther Views

Yeah, I know ... Trump is the new $arah but just like $arah, he's entertaining. And, as we already know, Mittens will get into bed with anything in order to get elected.

Mittens has proven to me that he is not half as smart as I once thought he was, but even he isn't that stupid. He would never pick Trump as his running mate. Doing so would completely kill any chance he has at winning. Romney has one choice and one choice only; he has to pick Rubio, because he has to win Florida. Rubio is the only person out of the potential running mates that I see who would most likely deliver a big swing state to Romney. Picking Santorum would not deliver Pennsylvania; it would almost assuredly cost him Pennsylvania. If for some reason he does not want Rubio, his second option would be Rob Portman. Portman might be able to help deliver Ohio which would be just as important. The difference is that Rubio's name recognition is much better nationally.
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It would be a very bad idea for Romney to pick trump. It would kill his campaign instantly.
No he doesn't.

I agree with you sallow.

what he really wants is more free airtime to promote his shitty TV shows.

the republican party has created a mess of their own party

He didn't want to be President either..for the reason you mentioned here.

Trump is a flim flam man only interested in a buck.

Romney's not much different..but he doesn't have a show.

Trump would not be VP for the same reason he dropped out of the Presidential race

He will never reveal his tax records
Trump would not be VP for the same reason he dropped out of the Presidential race

He will never reveal his tax records

That too.

Same reason Howard Stern dropped out of the New York governor's race.

It's all fun and games..until..

Trump would never want to be VP. He would find the job utterly boring. I like Donald Trump, he would make an excellent president but politics is not really his game. He's not a "public servant". There isn't the same kind of thrill that major business deals provide. It's not in his nature to go along to get along, he doesn't have a pandering bone in his body. When someone performs poorly in the Trump organization they are fired, they are dismissed, they go. This is not possible in politics where the opposition must be coddled.
No he doesn't.

I agree with you sallow.

what he really wants is more free airtime to promote his shitty TV shows.

the republican party has created a mess of their own party

He didn't want to be President either..for the reason you mentioned here.

Trump is a flim flam man only interested in a buck.

Romney's not much different..but he doesn't have a show.


I think Robmoney truely wants it.

He sees himself as the great Mormon hope.

Its something the morman church has wanted for a long time.

Power right from the top
Yes, TM. Romney wants to be President so Mormons can control the nation [/sarcasm]

Trump didnt want to be President, why on earth would he want to be Vice President? Seriously people. Think.
The Pope wanted Kennedy to be president so the Catholic Church could control the country.
Yeah, sure. Trump strikes me as the kind of guy who really wants to be the #2 on a ticket and the go-to guy for foreign heads of state funerals for 4 years. Yep, sure sounds like the type of ambition that's gotten him where he is today.

LMAO Totally agree.

Trump is nobodys "number 2" guy for anything.

Just ain't in his make up. LOL

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