Trump wants to eliminate income tax, but replace it with tariffs on imported goods.

Why? The consequences of a world war are FAR worse now then they were then.

We don't need to actively embrace the worst possible economic strategies that have a proven track record of being immediately followed by great depressions.

We can absolutely choose better options. Even targeted and limited tariffs to protect US industry make more sense.

But you'd make things much less sustainable than they already are with this scale of tariffs. And that doesn't seem to be your goal.

This is more like trying to breathe through a gunshot wound in your forehead. Its not a strategy for healing. Its a strategy for stagnation and economic decay.

Economic immolation won't provide you with the results you seem to be looking for.
We're just going to have to agree to disagree until an actual proposal is in introduced.
We're just going to have to agree to disagree until an actual proposal is in introduced.

Trump has offered his proposal. Eliminate the income tax. Replace it with import tariffs. That's a 2500 billion dollars in tariffs just to break even.

Even Forbes puts it at about 85% on every import. Oil. Food. Clothing. Cars. Every import.

"When tariffs are applied broadly, as Trump appears to be suggesting, the price increase affects a similarly broad set of goods—essentially, everything that is imported. Retailers and wholesalers will pass on those added expenses to consumers, leading directly to higher prices at checkout....

....Everyday necessities, like clothing, food, and household goods, as well as significant purchases like electronics, vehicles, and equipment, will immediately increase in price. Even goods entirely produced domestically, and thus not directly subject to tariffs, may see price hikes—as demand outstrips supply."

They get it. Forbes lays it the fuck out.

"An average tariff rate of nearly 85% on all imports would be required to replace income tax revenue with tariffs—leading to widespread economic disruption, trade retaliation, revenue instability and the aforementioned concerns regarding economic equity.

Export countries would unquestionably retaliate with their own tariffs, potentially leading a worldwide trade wars that further increase the costs of goods and further damaging the global economy. The fluctuation in import volumes based on economic conditions would make tariff revenue unreliable compared to the comparatively more stable income tax system—potentially leaving the federal government unable to fund basic services."

They're right of course. This is not difficult to predict. We've done it before. And the results were disastrous.
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It could potentially help US manufacturing by diminishing imports as they're too expensive with 100% tariffs. The problem is always the retaliation. As US manufacturing will have a much harder time selling their products to overseas markets when the nations we have levied tariffs against levy them against us.

The net result is a ball kicking contest. Where we kick them in gibblets. And they turn around and kick us right back.
Agreed, all the while prices skyrocket and the lower/moddle classes feels the most pain
Do you think the search button is broken?

Now go fuck yourself.
What do you think you’re showing with my quote?! Because i literally said im ok with short term tariffs but 75% was idiotic. Which it is. As is Trump new idiotic proposal.
We might need a world war now.

I understand where you're coming from...but the pain is coming either way.

All there is to decide is whether to tear off the band-aid now, or let the wound fester.
Might need a world war?
Tear off the band aid?!

You say these crazy things just to back up stupid ideas of a con man?? What’s wrong with you??

I dont want to hear you complain anymore about Bidens inflation because you obviously don’t give a shit about that.
Might need a world war?
Tear off the band aid?!

You say these crazy things just to back up stupid ideas of a con man?? What’s wrong with you??

I dont want to hear you complain anymore about Bidens inflation because you obviously don’t give a shit about that.

It sounds to me like he's just riffing. Missourian and I are looking for the same thing: a better outcome for working class Americans.
Might need a world war?
Tear off the band aid?!

You say these crazy things just to back up stupid ideas of a con man?? What’s wrong with you??

I dont want to hear you complain anymore about Bidens inflation because you obviously don’t give a shit about that.
Back on ignore.
sounds good to me,,

and its what the constitution says,,,

not to mention the jobs it would create with all the companies coming back to avoid tariffs,,
It appears there is literally NOTHING so incredibly stupid that Trump could say where you would not be agreeing with him.
God knows how many times I tried to warn these idiots that pied piper Trump would lead them into the far left cave.

Look at these dumb shits. Totally signing on to far left protectionist tariffs.

No one will ever convince me this is not a cult.

And if they do, then we don't collect the tariffs.

Using tariffs to replace income tax is spectacularly stupid. If they are effective and diminish the import market, protecting and strengthening US manufacturing.....then we collect fewer tariffs. And our tax base collapses.
I dont see any hope of replacing the income tax

If thats bothering you
We import more than we export. The strength of our markets is our consumption. Tariffs at this scale make import consumption ludicrously expensive. If they can't sell their products here......what do they need us for?
Thats illogical

The products we import from communist china must be paid for

Buying them on credit is insustainable
You are being very short-sighted and narrow-minded

Because this is not all about you
We’ve seen this before. We did more harm to ourselves being paranoid of communists before. You want to do it again.

The funny thing is you want to force us to go along with it.
We’ve seen this before. We did more harm to ourselves being paranoid of communists before. You want to do it again.

The funny thing is you want to force us to go along with it.
Better red than dead?

Thats a real blast from the past

Without the presence of the United States following WWII communism centered in Moscow would dominate the world today
Without the presence of the United States following WWII communism centered in Moscow would dominate the world today
I can’t imagine anyone actually believing this in this day and age.

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