Trump wants to suppress voters by not allowing mail in voting during the COVII 19 epidemic.

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Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
He knows that he will get his ass kicked if there are a high number of votes casted.
So, like the pussy Trump is, he will do anything to prevent a large vote in November. He has claimed voter fraud will happen with main in voting, but of course, he has zero evidence.
Of course Little Goose-Stepping Trumpsters will agree because if every legal voter would cast their vote, Trump would get his ass handed to him. The Constitution guarantees every citizen 18 years or older the right to vote.
But Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution if it threatens his presidency.
He knows that he will get his ass kicked if there are a high number of votes casted.
So, like the pussy Trump is, he will do anything to prevent a large vote in November. He has claimed voter fraud will happen with main in voting, but of course, he has zero evidence.
Of course Little Goose-Stepping Trumpsters will agree because if every legal voter would cast their vote, Trump would get his ass handed to him. The Constitution guarantees every citizen 18 years or older the right to vote.
But Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution if it threatens his presidency.

Whine on bitch.
He knows that he will get his ass kicked if there are a high number of votes casted.
So, like the pussy Trump is, he will do anything to prevent a large vote in November. He has claimed voter fraud will happen with main in voting, but of course, he has zero evidence.
Of course Little Goose-Stepping Trumpsters will agree because if every legal voter would cast their vote, Trump would get his ass handed to him. The Constitution guarantees every citizen 18 years or older the right to vote.
But Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution if it threatens his presidency.

The election isn't for 5 1/2 months. What makes you think that the liberals will be able to extend the Corona Panic for that long? The entire atrocity is already falling apart.
He knows that he will get his ass kicked if there are a high number of votes casted.
So, like the pussy Trump is, he will do anything to prevent a large vote in November. He has claimed voter fraud will happen with main in voting, but of course, he has zero evidence.
Of course Little Goose-Stepping Trumpsters will agree because if every legal voter would cast their vote, Trump would get his ass handed to him. The Constitution guarantees every citizen 18 years or older the right to vote.
But Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution if it threatens his presidency.

The article isn't very clear on how many dead voters were sent ballot applications.

Can you clear this up for the class?
Massive potential for Democrat voter fraud. Especially with the filthy Illegals and fradulant number of ballots. We have seen it many times before.

Good for Trump for not going along with the Democrat corruption.
Aww, you poor little oppressed bastard.
Sometimes, cuz.............Trump, the Idiot-in-Chief says the quiet things out loud.

Trump just comes out and says it: The GOP is hurt when it’s easier to vote

President Trump on Monday morning became the latest in a procession of Republicans to say making it easier for more people to vote would hurt his party politically.
In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump referenced proposals from Democrats in the coronavirus stimulus negotiations that would have vastly increased funding for absentee and vote-by-mail options. The final package included $400 million for the effort, which was far less than what Democrats had sought.
“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

The Obstructionist-in-Chief admits the truth. A rare occurrence. Trumpleheads, they just turn away and pretend it never happened.
He knows that he will get his ass kicked if there are a high number of votes casted.
So, like the pussy Trump is, he will do anything to prevent a large vote in November. He has claimed voter fraud will happen with main in voting, but of course, he has zero evidence.
Of course Little Goose-Stepping Trumpsters will agree because if every legal voter would cast their vote, Trump would get his ass handed to him. The Constitution guarantees every citizen 18 years or older the right to vote.
But Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution if it threatens his presidency.

We have a couple of threads on this already
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