Trump warns congress not to interfere with NAFTA deal or he will pull out completely

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House
/----/ If you can assume things about Trump that are not in evidence, I can do the same about you.
You're too stupid to figure out how to use Google. This make you dumber than Trump.
Yes, 'President Trump' really could kill NAFTA - but it wouldn't be pretty
Would he even have the power to scrap it on his own? Turns out presidents do have that power and don't need Congress. NAFTA's Article 2205, which Trump cited in his speech last week in Pittsburgh, is only 34 words and simply says that a party may withdraw from the agreement six months after it provides written notice.
I believe these NAFTA negotiations with Canada would have gone much smoother if the great negotiator hadn't been so quick to bequeath approval of that Keystone XL pipeline.

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval.

But not congressional input into negotiations.

Trump desires to completely block any potential influence Congress may have, Trump expects to have complete, unfettered control of all negotiations, unfettered control concerning policy ideas, yet Trump at the end of the day expects to receive Congressional approval? LOL. That's rich.

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House
/----/ If you can assume things about Trump that are not in evidence, I can do the same about you.
You're too stupid to figure out how to use Google. This make you dumber than Trump.
Yes, 'President Trump' really could kill NAFTA - but it wouldn't be pretty
Would he even have the power to scrap it on his own? Turns out presidents do have that power and don't need Congress. NAFTA's Article 2205, which Trump cited in his speech last week in Pittsburgh, is only 34 words and simply says that a party may withdraw from the agreement six months after it provides written notice.

My statement was: "So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval."

That is concerning the initiation of any trade deal.

That is NOT a comment concerning Trump, or anyone else killing, scrapping, or withdrawing from a trade deal.

I see you have already reached your maximum consumption of 24 cans of cheap ass Pabst Blue Ribbon today.
It's kinda early too so, you can stop with the stupid, already

Odium, USA trade agreements such as those with the WTO and the NATA are not treaties approved by a 2/3 vote of the U.S. Senate. Only a tenth of our government's international agreements and none of our trade agreements have the CONSTITUTIONAL status of “treaties”.

The White House has supreme USA negotiating jurisdiction regarding all international negotiations.

Within all international trade agreements that the USA participates within, If agreement participants cannot reach agreement regarding modifications, there’s implied, if not always explicit provisions for participants at any time granting six months’ notice of their intention to withdraw from the agreement.

[President Carter alone exercised a treaty’s withdrawal clause. Senator Goldwater attempted a federal court challenge to the president’s unilateral action. (The U.S. Senate itself did not formally request the President’s act be reviewed by the Supreme Court). The Supreme Court declared it to be a political matter and declined to hear the case. Similarly, President George W. Bush unilaterally withdrew USA’s participation from an ABM Treaty].

Regarding international agreements and foreign affairs, the president of the United States has extraordinary powers.

USA’s adoption of the proposed unilateral trade policy described within Wikipedia’s “Import Certificate” policy require congressional acceptance because it requires modification of federal law. Import Certificate policy is to the advantage of any nation that would otherwise suffer annual trade deficits of goods. For a nation such as the USA, it would be superior to a pure free trade or a tariff trade policy.

[It requires government’s issuance of transferable Import certificates to complying exporters and mandates importers to surrender such certificates for the assessed value of their goods entering the USA]. It does not require a constitutional amendment or a super majority].

Refer to Wikipedia's "Import certificates" article
the "Trade balance’s effects upon a nation's GDP" section within the "Balance of trade" article.

Respectfully, Supposn
I believe these NAFTA negotiations with Canada would have gone much smoother if the great negotiator hadn't been so quick to bequeath approval of that Keystone XL pipeline.

Trump sabotaged the negotiations with Canada in purpose with his "off the record" attack of them.

Trump is butthurt because they will not kiss his ass and as such he will harm Americans to get his payback.

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House
/----/ If you can assume things about Trump that are not in evidence, I can do the same about you.
You're too stupid to figure out how to use Google. This make you dumber than Trump.
Yes, 'President Trump' really could kill NAFTA - but it wouldn't be pretty
Would he even have the power to scrap it on his own? Turns out presidents do have that power and don't need Congress. NAFTA's Article 2205, which Trump cited in his speech last week in Pittsburgh, is only 34 words and simply says that a party may withdraw from the agreement six months after it provides written notice.

My statement was: "So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval."

That is concerning the initiation of any trade deal.

That is NOT a comment concerning Trump, or anyone else killing, scrapping, or withdrawing from a trade deal.

I see you have already reached your maximum consumption of 24 cans of cheap ass Pabst Blue Ribbon today.
It's kinda early too so, you can stop with the stupid, already
/----/ You implied Trump need Congressional approval to do anything. If you meant to create a new treaty, then yes you're correct but Trump can withdraw the US from NAFTA without approval. Please learn how to communicate clearly.

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House

Under the original 1993 terms and Chapter 22 of the Implementation Act, Lighthizer notifies congress that trade parties have modified the terms; this is the Section 2202notification of modification. Ninety days after the date of the notification the U.S. and Mexico can sign the new terms of agreement; congressional approval is not required. [Canada can still join the U.S-Mexico agreement but they need to act fast.]

If Canada refuses to join the agreement Lighthizer will follow-up the 2202 modification notification with a Section 2205 notice dissolving the U.S. from the 1993 agreement with Canada; the dissolution is official six months from the date of notification.

During the 6 month period, before official dissolution, the U.S. and Canada can enter into new negotiations for a separate bilateral trade agreement.

If no agreement is made in the six months, prior to the dissolution date, then the terms within an older 1973 trade agreement between the U.S. and Canada take effect. However, it is more likely a new U.S-Canada trade agreement will be made within the six month NAFTA dissolution period as Canada would not want to revert back to a trade agreement almost fifty years old.

President Trump has executed this plan brilliantly. The U.S. and Mexico have formed a manufacturing alliance based on common sense principles that are mutually beneficial to both countries. Incoming Mexican President Lopez-Obrador retains much of the current investment and gets a significant win for his labor policies (a promise kept). President Trump gains increased U.S. investment and the NAFTA loophole is closed (a promise kept).

Both the U.S. and Mexico have removed trade barriers, eliminated tariffs and subsidies and established mutually beneficial terms of commerce.

However, Canada cannot -and will not- remove protectionist trade barriers (telecommunications and banking); will not eliminate protectionist tariffs (dairy); will not remove subsidies on Lumber and Aeronautics; and will not accept rules of origin in manufacturing that would remove their ability to exploit cheap Asian and Chinese parts and assemble them in Canada.

In essence Canada does not want to open their government controlled markets to competition and pesky capitalism; and they also don’t want a restart of heavy industry.

So it is likely President Trump and Robert Lighthizer will attempt a separate bilateral deal; and if not possible, Trump will place a 25% tariff on all Canadian made automobiles thereby bringing the cross-border auto manufacturing industry back to the U.S.

Lighthizer Submits 90-day U.S-Mexico Trade Modification Notification to Congress…

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House
/----/ If you can assume things about Trump that are not in evidence, I can do the same about you.
You're too stupid to figure out how to use Google. This make you dumber than Trump.
Yes, 'President Trump' really could kill NAFTA - but it wouldn't be pretty
Would he even have the power to scrap it on his own? Turns out presidents do have that power and don't need Congress. NAFTA's Article 2205, which Trump cited in his speech last week in Pittsburgh, is only 34 words and simply says that a party may withdraw from the agreement six months after it provides written notice.

My statement was: "So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval."

That is concerning the initiation of any trade deal.

That is NOT a comment concerning Trump, or anyone else killing, scrapping, or withdrawing from a trade deal.

I see you have already reached your maximum consumption of 24 cans of cheap ass Pabst Blue Ribbon today.
It's kinda early too so, you can stop with the stupid, already
/----/ You implied Trump need Congressional approval to do anything. If you meant to create a new treaty, then yes you're correct but Trump can withdraw the US from NAFTA without approval. Please learn how to communicate clearly.

No; I did not "imply," "Trump need Congressional approval to do anything.
"My statement was, "any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval."
That is NOT an implication; that IS a statement of fact.
In regard to this item, you are wrong, AGAIN, just as you were wrong before.

In regard to your previous post:
You asked a question = "Would he even have the power to scrap it on his own?"
So, you asked a question concerning the potential for Trump to scrap a trade agreement, YET when you did this you quoted me when I replied about the FACT that Congressional approval would be required for the initiation of a trade agreement.

So, you obviously cannot keep track of what you are talking about YET you sit here saying things like, "You're too stupid to figure out how to use Google. This make you dumber than Trump" among other asinine things you throw at me.

If you are unable to keep track of the conversation, which you are NOT able to do so far, and if you want to make MORONIC accusations against me, which you have done, then I would suggest you look for something else to do; maybe go play Monopoly, or checkers with your 10 year old friends there in Mommy & Daddy's basement.
Last edited:

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval.

But not congressional input into negotiations.

Trump desires to completely block any potential influence Congress may have, Trump expects to have complete, unfettered control of all negotiations, unfettered control concerning policy ideas, yet Trump at the end of the day expects to receive Congressional approval? LOL. That's rich.

Trump desires to completely block any potential influence Congress may have,

You act like he's the first President to do that.
Maybe you're too young to remember Fast Track Authority or Trade Promotion Authority?
It was all the rage.

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval.

But not congressional input into negotiations.

You're right. It would be much better that they simply vote it down. Why bother working as a team when you can just slam the door closed and leave us back at square one?

So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval. I guess Trump is too stupid to know that tho.

Boy, we sure got US a smart one in The White House
/----/ If you can assume things about Trump that are not in evidence, I can do the same about you.
You're too stupid to figure out how to use Google. This make you dumber than Trump.
Yes, 'President Trump' really could kill NAFTA - but it wouldn't be pretty
Would he even have the power to scrap it on his own? Turns out presidents do have that power and don't need Congress. NAFTA's Article 2205, which Trump cited in his speech last week in Pittsburgh, is only 34 words and simply says that a party may withdraw from the agreement six months after it provides written notice.

My statement was: "So, any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval."

That is concerning the initiation of any trade deal.

That is NOT a comment concerning Trump, or anyone else killing, scrapping, or withdrawing from a trade deal.

I see you have already reached your maximum consumption of 24 cans of cheap ass Pabst Blue Ribbon today.
It's kinda early too so, you can stop with the stupid, already
/----/ You implied Trump need Congressional approval to do anything. If you meant to create a new treaty, then yes you're correct but Trump can withdraw the US from NAFTA without approval. Please learn how to communicate clearly.

No; I did not "imply," "Trump need Congressional approval to do anything.
"My statement was, "any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval."
That is NOT an implication; that IS a statement of fact.
In regard to this item, you are wrong, AGAIN, just as you were wrong before.

In regard to your previous post:
You asked a question = "Would he even have the power to scrap it on his own?"
So, you asked a question concerning the potential for Trump to scrap a trade agreement, YET when you did this you quoted me when I replied about the FACT that Congressional approval would be required for the initiation of a trade agreement.

So, you obviously cannot keep track of what you are talking about YET you sit here saying things like, "You're too stupid to figure out how to use Google. This make you dumber than Trump" among other asinine things you throw at me.

If you are unable to keep track of the conversation, which you are NOT able to do so far, and if you want to make MORONIC accusations against me, which you have done, then I would suggest you look for something else to do; maybe go play Monopoly, or checkers with your 10 year old friends there in Mommy & Daddy's basement.
/-----/ ""My statement was, "any trade 'deal' would require Congressional approval." Oh for crying out loud. Does ANY trade deal be Trump withdrawing the US from the deal?
... The White House has supreme USA negotiating jurisdiction regarding all international negotiations. ... Within all international trade agreements that the USA participates within, If agreement participants cannot reach agreement regarding modifications, there’s implied, if not always explicit provisions for participants at any time granting six months’ notice of their intention to withdraw from the agreement.

[President Carter alone exercised a treaty’s withdrawal clause. Senator Goldwater attempted a federal court challenge to the president’s unilateral action. (The U.S. Senate itself did not formally request the President’s act be reviewed by the Supreme Court). The Supreme Court declared it to be a political matter and declined to hear the case. Similarly, President George W. Bush unilaterally withdrew USA’s participation from an ABM Treaty]. ...

CellBlock2429, you're correct. President Trump can unilaterally withdraw the USA from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Until it's successively challenged in our federal courts, there's precedent for a U.S. president to unilaterally withdraw from an international treaty. None of USA's trade agreements have the federal legal status equal to a treaty which has legal status possibly equal to the U.S. Constitution.

Respectfully, Supposn

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